标签:str for invalid public push ret write inpu func
/** * Consider this string representation for binary trees. Each node is of the form (lr), where l represents the left child and r represents the right child. If l is the character 0, then there is no left child. Similarly, if r is the character 0, then there is no right child. Otherwise, the child can be a node of the form (lr), and the representation continues recursively. For example: (00) is a tree that consists of one node. ((00)0) is a two-node tree in which the root has a left child, and the left child is a leaf. And ((00)(00)) is a three-node tree, with a root, a left and a right child. Write a function that takes as input such a string, and returns -1 if the string is malformed, and the depth of the tree if the string is well-formed. For instance: find_depth(‘(00)‘) -> 0 find_depth(‘((00)0)‘) -> 1 find_depth(‘((00)(00))‘) -> 1 find_depth(‘((00)(0(00)))‘) -> 2 find_depth(‘((00)(0(0(00))))‘) -> 3 find_depth(‘x‘) -> -1 find_depth(‘0‘) -> -1 find_depth(‘()‘) -> -1 find_depth(‘(0)‘) -> -1 find_depth(‘(00)x‘) -> -1 find_depth(‘(0p)‘) -> -1 * @author pjayachandran * */
public class StringBinaryTreeDepth { public static int getTreeDepth(String inp) { if(inp == null) { return -1; } if(inp.length() < 4) { return -1; } if(inp.charAt(0) != ‘(‘ || inp.charAt(inp.length() -1) != ‘)‘) { return -1; } int depth = -1; int zeroCount = 0; Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>(); for(int i=0; i<inp.length(); i++) { char c = inp.charAt(i); if(c == ‘(‘) { stack.push(c); if(stack.size() > depth) { depth = stack.size(); } zeroCount = 0; } else if(c == ‘)‘) { stack.pop(); zeroCount = 0; } else { if( c != ‘0‘) { return -1; } else { zeroCount += 1; if(zeroCount > 2) { return -1; } } } } // invalid pattern if(stack.size() > 0) { return -1; } return depth-1; } }
string representation for binary trees
标签:str for invalid public push ret write inpu func