#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <IRremote.h> // IRremote库声明 #include <pt.h>//ProtoThreads必须包含的头文件 #include <Servo.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <LCD.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #define PT_USE_TIMER #define PT_USE_SEM Servo myservo; LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20,2,1,0,4,5,6,7); int input1 = 9; // 定义uno的pin 5 向 input1 输出 int input2 = 10; // 定义uno的pin 6 向 input2 输出 int input3 = 5; // 定义uno的pin 9 向 input3 输出 int input4 = 6; // 定义uno的pin 10 向 input4 输出 int input7 = 7; // 定义uno的pin 7 向 input7 输出 int pos = 20; int LED = 4; int RECV_PIN = 3; IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; static struct pt thread1;//thread one long control[7][3] = {//遥控器矫正数字 {16580863, 16613503, 16597183}, {16589023, 16621663, 16605343}, {16584943, 16617583, 16601263}, {16593103, 16625743, 16609423}, {16582903, 16615543, 16599223}, {16591063, 16623703, 16607383}, {16586983, 16619623, 16603303} }; void initRun() { // init pinMode(input1, OUTPUT); pinMode(input2, OUTPUT); pinMode(input3, OUTPUT); pinMode(input4, OUTPUT); initLeftAndRight(); } void initLight() { //init light pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); } void getLeftAndRight_left() { for (pos = 30; pos < 90; pos += 1) { myservo.write(pos); delay(15); } } void getLeftAndRight_center() { Serial.println(110); Serial.println(pos); if (pos == 90) { for (pos = 90; pos > 30; pos -= 1) { myservo.write(pos); delay(15); } }else if(pos == -30){ for (pos = -30; pos < 30; pos += 1) { myservo.write(pos); delay(15); } } } void getLeftAndRight_right() { for (pos = 30; pos > -30; pos -= 1) { myservo.write(pos); delay(15); } } void initLeftAndRightPoint() { myservo.write(pos); } void initLeftAndRight() { myservo.attach(input7); initLeftAndRightPoint(); } void wjf_initLcd(){ lcd.begin (16,2); // for 16 x 2 LCD module lcd.setBacklightPin(3,POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); } void wjf_setLcd(char *str){ lcd.home (); // set cursor to 0,0 lcd.print(str); lcd.setCursor (0,1); // go to start of 2nd line //lcd.print(millis()); //delay(1000); lcd.setBacklight(LOW); // Backlight off delay(250); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // Backlight on delay(1000); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // 启动接收器 initRun(); initLight(); wjf_initLcd(); wjf_setLcd("welcome human"); } void left() { digitalWrite(input1, HIGH); //给高电平 digitalWrite(input2, LOW); //给低电平 //delay(1000); //延时1秒 } void right() { digitalWrite(input1, LOW); digitalWrite(input2, HIGH); //delay(1000); } void goRun() { digitalWrite(input3, HIGH); //给高电平 digitalWrite(input4, LOW); //给低电平 //delay(1000); //延时1秒 } void goBack() { digitalWrite(input3, LOW); digitalWrite(input4, HIGH); //delay(1000); } void goStop() { //stop 停止 digitalWrite(input1, LOW); digitalWrite(input2, LOW); digitalWrite(input3, LOW); digitalWrite(input4, LOW); //delay(1000); //延时0.5秒 } void openLight() { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); } static int goThread1(struct pt *pt) //线程 { //PT_BEGIN(pt); //线程开始 while (1) //每个线程都不会死 { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); //delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); //delay(1000); } //PT_END(pt); //线程结束 } void closeLight() { digitalWrite(LED, LOW); } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println(results.value, HEX);//以16进制换行输出接收代码 if (results.value == 4294967295) { //long click } else { if (results.value == control[0][0]) { } else if (results.value == control[0][1]) {//上 //openLight(); //goRun(); openLight(); left(); wjf_setLcd("go forward"); } else if (results.value == control[0][2]) { } else if (results.value == control[1][0]) {//左 openLight(); getLeftAndRight_left(); wjf_setLcd("go left"); } else if (results.value == control[1][1]) {//中 initLeftAndRightPoint(); closeLight(); goStop(); // openLight(); getLeftAndRight_center(); wjf_setLcd("stoping..."); } else if (results.value == control[1][2]) {//右 openLight(); getLeftAndRight_right(); wjf_setLcd("go right"); } else if (results.value == control[2][0]) { } else if (results.value == control[2][1]) {//下 //openLight(); //goBack(); openLight(); right(); wjf_setLcd("go back"); } else if (results.value == control[2][2]) { } else if (results.value == control[3][0]) {//0 } else if (results.value == control[3][1]) { } else if (results.value == control[3][2]) {//st } else if (results.value == control[4][0]) { } else if (results.value == control[4][1]) { } else if (results.value == control[4][2]) { } else if (results.value == control[5][0]) { } else if (results.value == control[5][1]) { } else if (results.value == control[5][2]) { } else if (results.value == control[6][0]) { } else if (results.value == control[6][1]) { } else if (results.value == control[6][2]) { } } irrecv.resume(); // 接收下一个值 } delay(100); }