windows上安装,下载windows-command line(cc)版本的,格式为zip,解压之后,里面有两个主程序,MEGACC和MEGA-PROTO,安装完后之后,将megacc的环境变量添加到系统的环境变量中(自行百度)
sudo dpkg -i megaccamd64.ded ##但是Linux版本的没有mega-proto,所以还需要下载一个windows版本的megacc,借用其mega-proto生成所需要的mao文件(本人就傻的一直找Linux版本的mega-proto,发现没有,坑了一下午。。。)
megacc -h ##会显示megacc的具体参数意义及使用方法
megacc -a setting.mao -d inputfile.fasta(inputfile.meg) ##可以不指定输出选项,
Usage: MEGA-CC.exe -a /pathTo/analysisFile.mao -d /pathTo/dataFile.meg [-t /pathTo/treeFile.nwk][OPTIONS] -a --analysisOptions MEGA Analysis Options File *required* 由mega-proto软件产生,具体使用见下载包中附带的说明书 mao文件即参数设置文件 Specify the full path to the Mega Analysis Options (.mao) file. This file tells MEGA-CC which analysis to perform as well as which options to use -c --calibration Calibration file *optional* Specify the full path to a calibration file that you wish to use. The calibration file is used to provide calibration data for tree timing methods. -d --data Data File *required* Specify the full or relative path to the data file you wish to analyze. MEGA (.meg), and Fasta files are supported for all analyses. For distance matrices the MEGA (.meg) format is required. -f --format *applies to sequence alignment only* Export format for sequence alignment Sequence alignments can be exported in either the native .meg or FASTA format. Format values: MEGA Fasta -g --groups Groups file *optional* Specify the full path to the groups file that you wish to use. This file organizes taxa into groups where each line in the file is a key value pair of the form taxonName=groupName Group information is used for certain analyses, for instance, specifying which taxon/taxa comprise the outgroup for the timetree analysis -h --help Help Prints this help file document -n --noSummary: Do not write out the analysis summary file By default a file that gives an analysis summary is written. This option suppresses the export of that file. However, if any important messages are generated by the application, they will be written to this file regardless. -o --outfile *optional* Output Path / Output Dir Specify the full path and base filename (e.g. /myResultsDirectory/myResultName) or simply the full path and directory of where to save the file (e.g. /myResultsDirectory) in which case, a unique filename will be chosen automatically for you. -pfc --partition-frequency-cutoff Partition Frequency Cutoff (a value between 0.0 and 1.0 - default is 0.5) *optional* When bootstrapping is used for tree construction a list of partitions and frequencies is written to a text file. The partition frequency cutoff causes any partitions whose frequency is less than the cutoff value to be ommited from this text file. Set this value to 0.0 to include all partitions. -r --recursive Recursive directory search *optional* If a directory is specified for analysis by default MEGA only searches the contents of that folder and not any of it‘s children. To include the contents of all folders under the one specified, use this option. -s --silent: Do not write out the progress updates This option prevents progress updates from being written to stdout. -t --tree *required for some analyses* Tree File Specify the full path to the tree file you wish to use. (Some analyses requires a user provided tree, or allow you to provide your own) If no output path is specified, results will be saved in the same directory as the input data file, with a unique name.
megacc -a settings.mao -d inputfile.fasta
megacc -a settings.mao -d mut.txt
/home/lmt/Desktop/megacc/bb.meg ##记得输入绝对路径,这样可以保证不会出错