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时间:2017-12-25 00:44:41      阅读:182      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:index   path   false   listdir   plug-in   中文   overwrite   open   test   



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import os
import xlwt
import xlrd

excel_Path = (r"D:\python\The company plug-in\10.13.xlsx")

data = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_Path)

table = data.sheets()[0]
table = data.sheet_by_index(0)
# table = data.sheet_by_name(u"03")

a = table.row_values(2)   #整行数据
a = table.col_values(4)   #整列数据
# for i in a:
#     print i.encode("gb2312") #表格读取中文是要加这个进行转码

# nrows = table.nrows
# ncols = table.nclos
def set_style(name, height, bold=False):
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()  #初始化样式
    font = xlwt.Font()  #为样式创建字体
    font.name = name    #"Times New Roman"
    font.bold = bold
    font.color_index = 4
    font.height = height

    style.font = font
    return style

def write_excel():
    f = xlwt.Workbook() #创建工作薄
    sheet1 = f.add_sheet(u"sheet1", cell_overwrite_ok=True)   #创建sheet
    row0 = [u"业务", u"状态", u"北京", u"上海", u"广州", u"深圳",u"状态小计", u"合计"]   #列   输入内容列表
    column0 = [u"机票", u"船票", u"火车票", u"汽车票", u"其它"]
    status = [u"预定", u"出票", u"退票", u"业务小计"]
    for i in range(0, len(row0)):
        sheet1.write(0, i, row0[i], set_style("Times New Roman", 300, True))#1:竖着坐标  2:横着坐标 3:写入内容 4:设置字体和字体大小
        # sheet1.write_merge(1, 1, 6, 6)#5
        # sheet1.write_merge(1, 3, 6, 6)#6 # ()括号里的数值 分别为 1:  2:竖着数几行  3:
        # sheet1.write_merge(1, 5, 5, 6)# 7 # ()括号里的数值 分别为 1:  2:竖着数几行  3和4:从那列到那列进行合并
        # sheet1.write_merge(0, 5, 5, 6)# 8 # ()括号里的数值 分别为 1:竖着从第几行开始  2:竖着数几行格式化  3和4:从那列到那列进行合并

    i, j = 1, 0
    while i < 4 * len(status) and j < len(column0):
        # print "yes"
        sheet1.write_merge(i, i + 3, 0, 0, column0[j], set_style("Times New Roman", 250, True))
        #分别为 1:竖着从第几行开始  2:竖着数几行格式化  3和4:从那列到那列进行合并 5:写入内容  6:设置字体和大小
        sheet1.write_merge(i, i + 3, 7, 7,)  # 最后一列"合计"
        i += 4
        j += 1
    i = 0
    while i < len(status) * len(status):
        for a in status:
            # print status[i]
            sheet1.write(i + 1, 1, a, set_style("Times New Roman", 200, True))
            i += 1
    print i
    sheet1.write_merge(23, 23, 0, 1, row0[7], set_style("Times New Roman", 300, True))


#     #生成第一行
#     for i in range(0, len(row0)):
#         # print (0, i, row0[i], set_style("Times New Roman", 220, True))
#         sheet1.write(0, i, row0[i], set_style("Times New Roman", 220, True))
#     #生成第一列和最后一列(合并4行)
#     i, j = 1, 0
#     while i < 4 * len(column0) and j < len(column0):
#         sheet1.write_merge(i, i+3, 0, 0, column0[j], set_style("Arial", 220, True))    #第一列
#         sheet1.write_merge(i, i + 3, 7, 7,) #最后一列"合计"
#         i += 4
#         j += 1
#     sheet1.write_merge(21, 21, 0, 1, u"合计", set_style("Times New Roman", 220, True))
#     #生成第二列
#     i = 0
#     while i < 4 * len(column0):
#         for j in range(0, len(status)):
#             sheet1.write(j + i + 1, 1, status[j])
#         i += 4
#     f.save("demo1.xlsx") #保存文件
if __name__ == "__main__":   # 测试,判断是不是被人导入,被人当模块使用的时候 就等于文件名

# for i in os.listdir(excel_Path):
#     if "20170602_A" in i:
#         j = os.path.join(excel_Path, i)
#         # k = xlrd.open_workbook(j)
#         print j



标签:index   path   false   listdir   plug-in   中文   overwrite   open   test   


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