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[心平气和读经典]The TCP/IP Guide(005)

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The TCP/IP Guide
[Page 47, 48, 49]

I created The TCP/IP Guide to provide you with an unparalleled breadth and depth of infor mation on TCP/IP. This meant including a lot of content in this Guide -- it has over 600 sections, subsections and individual topics, and is over 1,600 pages long. However, I recognized as I was writing this tome that the real goal is not just to provide a lot of detailed information, but also to present it in such a way that it can be easily understood by you, the reader. This requires more than just writing large amounts of text and putting it all into a large file.

For this reason, I have incorporated a number of special features into this Guide to help make it easier for you to "digest". :-) These include tools that will help you navigate through the information, others that let you quickly jump to related topics, and graphical elements that explain difficult topics or simply highlight important text elements. Most of these features are also designed to exploit the many advantages of electronic documents, such as hyperlinking and the ability to embed full-color graphics.

Special Features | 特殊功能

Here is a description of some of these special features, in no particular order:

  • Hierarchical Table of Contents: The TCP/IP Guide uses a hierarchical structure, which I described in detail in the previous topic discussing the Guide‘s organization. A complete Table of Contents has of course been included, which reflects this hierarchical structure. It is fully hyperlinked, so you can quickly jump to any topic of interest just by clicking your mouse on the topic‘s title.
    For your convenience, there is also a link to the Table of Contents in the footer of each page. Just click on the word "Contents" that appears after the name and version number of the Guide.
  • Hierarchical Bookmark List: The Table of Contents mentioned just above is also implemented as a set of hierarchical bookmarks, which should automatically appear in a window pane on the left side of your screen when you open the Guide in Adobe Acrobat. These bookmarks are convenient, since they remain open while you read the Guide. You can use them to check your current location in the document, and to jump to any section or topic. See the next topic for details on how to find these bookmarks if they do not appear automatically when you open the Guide.



[心平气和读经典]The TCP/IP Guide(005)

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