- Love makes the world go round.
- 爱让世界转动
- But let‘s say you meet someone and from the first moment you set eyes on them, they seem to have a strong power over you.
- 你看到她的那一刻,她似乎就对你有一种魔力
- That is not simply hitting it off. That is what we call love at first sight.
- 这不是简单的一见如故,这就是我们所说的一见钟情
- Getting closer to the object of you affections.
- 接近你的爱慕对象
- When you are smitten with someone, you think of that person all the time, you hang on every word they say. They are your one and only.
- 当你为某人着迷,你时刻想起她,你认真听她说的每句话。
- If you meet someone and fall head over heels in love, you fall in love hard. True love can sweep you off your feet. Love can take your breath away.
- 如果你遇见某个人,并且爱的死心塌地,也就是说你深深的陷入爱情。真爱会让你神魂颠倒,爱会让你无法呼吸
- A match made in heaven simply means two people have much in common or that each person makes the other better. Another experssion that means the same thing is soul mate.
- 天作之合只是意味着两人有很多共同点,两人能够互相成就彼此。另一种意思相同的表达是灵魂伴侣
- If you love someone completely, you can say you love them with all your heart and soul.
- 如果你彻底爱上某个人,你可以说你全身心地爱着她
- If your relationship hits a difficult period, you can say it is on the rocks.
- 如果你们的关系陷入艰难时期,你可以说关系触礁。(这种说法来源于划船运动)
- It‘s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
- 爱过后失去,也胜于从未爱过