标签:put ini dock and shadow 工具 bsp 集群 clone
Ceph-dash是一款图形化展现Ceph状态的工具,并且部署起来非常简单(在monitor节点上进行部署),操作如下:# mkdir -p /ceph-dash # cd /ceph-dash/ # ls app config.influxdb.json Dockerfile screenshots ceph-dash.py config.json LICENSE test-requirements.txt ChangeLog contrib README.md tests config.grahite.json debian requirements.txt tox.ini # git clone https://github.com/Crapworks/ceph-dash.git # nohup python ceph-dash.py & [1] 10814 nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’
标签:put ini dock and shadow 工具 bsp 集群 clone