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/* Endian swapping module.

Simple example with Avalon streaming interfaces and a CSR bus

Avalon-ST has readyLatency of 0
Avalon-MM has fixed readLatency of 1

Exposes 2 32-bit registers via the Avalon-MM interface

   Address 0:  bit     0  [R/W] byteswap enable
               bits 31-1: [N/A] reserved
   Adress  1:  bits 31-0: [RO]  packet count


module endian_swapper #(
    parameter                              DATA_BYTES = 8
) (    
    input                                  clk,
    input                                  reset_n,

    input [DATA_BYTES*8-1:0]               stream_in_data,
    input [$clog2(DATA_BYTES)-1:0]         stream_in_empty,
    input                                  stream_in_valid,
    input                                  stream_in_startofpacket,
    input                                  stream_in_endofpacket,
    output reg                             stream_in_ready,

    output reg [DATA_BYTES*8-1:0]          stream_out_data,
    output reg [$clog2(DATA_BYTES)-1:0]    stream_out_empty,
    output reg                             stream_out_valid,
    output reg                             stream_out_startofpacket,
    output reg                             stream_out_endofpacket,
    input                                  stream_out_ready,

    input  [1:0]                           csr_address,
    output reg [31:0]                      csr_readdata,
    output reg                             csr_readdatavalid,
    input                                  csr_read,
    input                                  csr_write,
    output reg                             csr_waitrequest,
    input [31:0]                           csr_writedata

function [DATA_BYTES*8-1:0] byteswap(input [DATA_BYTES*8-1:0] data);
    // Hardwire for now
    byteswap = { data[7:0],

reg flush_pipe;
reg in_packet;
reg byteswapping;
reg [31:0] packet_count;

always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
    if (!reset_n) begin
        flush_pipe       <= 1b0;
        in_packet        <= 1b0;
        packet_count     <= 32d0;
    end else begin

        if (flush_pipe & stream_out_ready)
            flush_pipe <= stream_in_endofpacket & stream_in_valid & stream_out_ready;
        else if (!flush_pipe)
            flush_pipe <= stream_in_endofpacket & stream_in_valid
                          & stream_out_ready;

        if (stream_out_ready & stream_in_valid) begin
            stream_out_empty         <= stream_in_empty;
            stream_out_startofpacket <= stream_in_startofpacket;
            stream_out_endofpacket   <= stream_in_endofpacket;

            if (!byteswapping)
                stream_out_data      <= stream_in_data;
                stream_out_data      <= byteswap(stream_in_data);

            if (stream_in_startofpacket && stream_in_valid) begin
                packet_count <= packet_count + 1;
                in_packet    <= 1b1;

            if (stream_in_endofpacket && stream_in_valid)
                in_packet    <= 1b0;


always @(*)
    stream_out_valid = (stream_in_valid & ~stream_out_endofpacket) | flush_pipe;

// Hold off CSR accesses during packet transfers to prevent changing of
// endian configuration mid-packet
always @(*)
    csr_waitrequest = !reset_n || in_packet
                      || (stream_in_startofpacket & stream_in_valid)
                      || flush_pipe;

// Workaround Icarus bug where a simple assign doesnt work
always @(stream_out_ready)
    stream_in_ready = stream_out_ready;

always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
    if (!reset_n) begin
        byteswapping      <= 1b0;
        csr_readdatavalid <= 1b0;
    end else begin
        if (csr_read) begin
            csr_readdatavalid <= !csr_waitrequest;
            case (csr_address)
                0:    csr_readdata <= {31b0, byteswapping};
                1:    csr_readdata <= packet_count;
        end else if (csr_write & !csr_waitrequest) begin
            case (csr_address)
                0:    byteswapping <= csr_writedata[0];

initial begin
    // Dump waves
    $dumpvars(1, endian_swapper);




# Verilog HDL Test Bench Generation Module
#    by Jeremy Webb
#    Rev 1.7, April 1, 2007
#    This utility is intended to make instantiation in verilog easier using
#    a good editor, such as VI.
#    As long as you set the top line to correctly point to your perl binary,
#    and place this script in a directory in your path, you can invoke it from VI.
#    Simply use the !! command and call this script with the filename you wish
#    to instantiate.  This script will create a new text file called 
#    "new_module_name_tb.v" when you type the following command:
#        !! ver_tb.pl new_module_name.v
#    The script will generate the empty Verilog HDL test bench for you. 
#    Note:  "new_module_name.v" is the name of the existing Verilog HDL 
#    file and "tb_new_module_name.v" is the name of the new Verilog HDL 
#    test bench file.
#    The keyword "module" must be left justified in the verilog file you are 
#    instantiating to work.
#    Revision History:
#        1.0    11/14/2004    Initial release
#        1.1     11/22/2004      Added usage display
#               1.2     12/02/2004      Changed the username grab to use getlogin();
#               1.3     02/04/2005      Changed header.
#               1.4     06/01/2005      Changed Confidential in header.
#               1.5     04/01/2006      Updated Input, Inout, Output declaration 
#                                       in new Test Bench file. The script now
#                                       removes the input, inout, and output 
#                                       identifiers and switches a wire to a reg
#                                       and vice-versa. It also determines the 
#                                       clock signals and generates the always
#                                       block for the clocks.
#               1.6     06/30/2006      Changed copyright date to update automatically.
#               1.7     04/01/2007      Changed company header.
#    Please report bugs, errors, etc.

# Retrieve command line argument

use strict;

my $file = $ARGV[0];

# check to see if the user entered a file name.
die "syntax: ver_tb.pl existing_file.v\n" if ($file eq "");

# Read in the target file into an array of lines
open(inF, $file) or dienice ("file open failed");
my @data = <inF>;

my $orig_file = $file;
# strip .v from filename
$file =~ s/\x2e.*//;

# Strip newlines
my $i;
foreach $i (@data) {
    $i =~ s/\x2f\x2f.*//;        #strip any trailing //comments

my $inout = -1;
foreach $i (@data) {            #strip long comments
    if ($inout==1 || $i=~m/\/\*/) {
    if ($inout == -1) {
        if ($i =~ m/\*\//) {
            $i =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///;
            $inout = -1;
        } else {
            $i =~ s/\/\*.*$//;
            $inout = 1;
    } else {
        if ($i =~ m/\*\//) {
            $i =~ s/^.*\*\///;
            $inout = -1;
        } else {
            $i = " ";
            $inout = 1;

# initialize counters
my $lines = scalar(@data);        #number of lines in file
my $line = 0;
my $modfound = -1;

my @data2 = @data;

# find ‘module‘ left justified in file
for ($line = 0; $line < $lines; $line++) {
    if ($data[$line] =~ m/^module/) {
        $modfound = $line;
        $line = $lines;    #break out of loop

# if we didn‘t find ‘module‘ then quit
if ($modfound == -1) {
    print("Unable to instantiate-no occurance of ‘module‘ left justified in file.\n");

#find opening paren for port list
my $pfound = -1;
for ($line = $modfound; $line < $lines; $line++) { #start looking from where we found module
#     $data[$line] =~ s/\x2f\x2f.*//;       #strip any trailing //comment
#     $data[$line] =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///;       #strip embedded comments
    $data[$line] =~ s/#\s*\x28//;           #remove 2001 param parens
    if ($data[$line] =~ m/\x28/) {           #0x28 is ‘(‘
        $pfound = $line;
                $data[$line] =~ s/.*\x28//;       #consume up to first paren
        $line = $lines;                                    #break out of loop

# if couldn‘t find ‘(‘, exit
if ($pfound == -1) {
    print("Unable to instantiate-no occurance of ‘(‘ after module keyword.\n");

my @inports;
my @outports;
my @ports;

#collect port names
for ($line = $pfound; $line < $lines; $line++) {
    $data[$line] =~ s/\x2f\x2f.*//;        #strip any trailing //comment
    $data[$line] =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///;        #strip embedded comments
    # the following added for 2001...
    $data[$line] =~ s/\s*(input|output|inout|parameter)\s*//;
    $data[$line] =~ s/\s*signed\s*//;
    $data[$line] =~ s/\s*(reg|wire)\s*//;
    $data[$line] =~ s/\s*\x5b.*\x5d\s*//;

    while ($data[$line] =~ m/\s*(\w[\w\d]*)/) {    #find a port name
        push (@ports, $1);            #add portname to an array
        $data[$line] =~ s/\s*\w[\w\d]*\s*,?//;    #consume the port we just recovered
        if ($data[$line] =~ m/\s*\x29/) {        #watch for end paren
        $line = $lines;                #break out of loop

#Try to create the input, inout, and output signal declarations from original module

#collect port names
for ($line = $pfound; $line < $lines; $line++) {
    $data2[$line] =~ s/\x2f\x2f.*//;   #strip any trailing //comment
    $data2[$line] =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///;   #strip embedded comments
        $data2[$line] =~ s/\x2c(\x20|\t).*//;       # strip commas
        $data2[$line] =~ s/,//;

        if ($data2[$line] =~  m/\s*(input|inout).*/) {
                push @inports, $data2[$line];
        } elsif ($data2[$line] =~  m/\s*(output).*/) {
                push @outports, $data2[$line];
        if ($data2[$line] =~ m/\s*\x29/) {        #watch for end paren
        $line = $lines;                #break out of loop

foreach my $i (@inports) {
        $i =~ s/\s*(input|inout)\s*//;  # Remove Input or Inout text.
        $i =~ s/\s*(wire)\s*/reg\t/;      # Replace each wire with a reg identifier.

foreach my $i (@outports) {
        $i =~ s/\s*(output)\s*//;  # Remove Input or Inout text.
        $i =~ s/\s*(reg)\s*/wire\t/;      # Replace each wire with a reg identifier.

my $out2= join ";\n", @outports;
my $in2 = join ";\n", @inports;

my @tmp = @inports;
my @inportsonly; # No range or semicolons.
my $lines = scalar(@inports);        #number of lines in file
my $line = 0;

for ($line = 0; $line < $lines; $line++) {
    $tmp[$line] =~ s/\x2f\x2f.*//;        #strip any trailing //comment
    $tmp[$line] =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///;        #strip embedded comments
    # the following added for 2001...
    $tmp[$line] =~ s/\s*(reg|wire)\s*//;
    $tmp[$line] =~ s/\s*\x5b.*\x5d\s*//;

    while ($tmp[$line] =~ m/\s*(\w[\w\d]*)/) {    #find a port name
        push (@inportsonly, $1);            #add portname to an array
        $tmp[$line] =~ s/\s*\w[\w\d]*\s*,?//;    #consume the port we just recovered

my @clks;

foreach my $i (@ports) {

        if ($i =~ m/\s*(clk|clock)/) {
                push (@clks, $i);       # Grab any clocks;


# Make Date int MM/DD/YYYY
my $year      = 0;
my $month     = 0;
my $day       = 0;
($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];

# Grab username from PC:
my $author= "$^O user";
if ($^O =~ /mswin/i)
  $author= $ENV{USERNAME} if defined $ENV{USERNAME};
  $author = getlogin();

# check to make sure that the file doesn‘t exist.
my $new_file = join "_", "tb", $file;
my $new_file_v = join ".",$new_file,"v";
my $old_file_v = join ".",$file,"v";
my $new_file_results = join "_",$new_file,"results.txt";
die "Oops! A file called ‘$new_file_v‘ already exists.\n" if -e $new_file_v;
open(my $inF, ">", $new_file_v);

# Generate new test bench file:
printf($inF "/*****************************************************************\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF " $new_file_v module\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "******************************************************************\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF " UC Davis Confidential Copyright ?%04d \n", $year+1900);
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "******************************************************************\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF " created on:\t%02d/%02d/%04d \n", $month+1, $day, $year+1900);
printf($inF " created by:    $author\n");
printf($inF " last edit on:\t%02d/%02d/%04d \n", $month+1, $day, $year+1900);
printf($inF " last edit by:    $author\n");
printf($inF " revision:    001\n");
printf($inF " comments:\t\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "******************************************************************\n");
printf($inF " //Project// (//Number//)\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF " This module implements the test bench for the $old_file_v module.\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\t// enter detailed description here;\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "******************************************************************/\n");
printf($inF "`include \"../$old_file_v\"\n");
printf($inF "`timescale\t1ns/1ps\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "module $new_file (); \n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// *** Input, Inouts to UUT ***\n");
printf($inF "$in2;\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// *** Outputs from UUT ***\n");
printf($inF "$out2;\n");

printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// *** Local Variable Declarations ***\n");
printf($inF "// Local Parameter Declarations:\n");
printf($inF "// N/A\n");
printf($inF "// Local Wire Declarations:\n");
printf($inF "// N/A\n");
printf($inF "// Local Register Declarations:\n");
printf($inF "// N/A\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// *** Local Integer Declarations ***\n");
printf($inF "integer            j,i;\n");
printf($inF "integer            results_file;\t// for writing signal values\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// Instantiate the UUT module:\n");

printf($inF "$file\tuut\t(");    #print first line
my $lastport = $ports[scalar(@ports)-1];
foreach $i (@ports) {
    printf($inF "\n\t\t\t.$i ($i)");    #print the ports
    if ($i ne $lastport) {    #print commas on all but last port
        printf($inF ",");

printf($inF "\n\t\t\t);\n\n");
printf($inF "// Generate clock:\n");
foreach my $i (@clks) {
        printf($inF "always #10 $i = ~$i\n\n");

printf($inF "// initial block\n");
printf($inF "initial\n");
printf($inF "begin\n");
printf($inF "\t// initialize signals\n");
foreach $i (@inportsonly) {
    printf($inF "\n\t$i <= 0;");    #print the ports
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\t// wait 1 clk cycle, de-assert n_rst\n");
printf($inF "\tCpuReset;\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\t// open results file, write header\n");
printf($inF "\tresults_file=\$fopen(\"$new_file_results\");\n");
printf($inF "\t\$fdisplay(results_file, \" $new_file testbench results\");\n");
printf($inF "\t\$fdisplay(results_file);\n");
printf($inF "\t\$fwrite(results_file, \"\\n\");\n");
printf($inF "\t\$fdisplay(results_file, \"\\t%s\\t\\t%s\", \"address\", \"data\");\n");
printf($inF "\t//\$fdisplay(results_file, \"\\t%h\\t\\t%h\", addr_for, data_out);\n");
printf($inF "\t\n");
printf($inF "\t// Add more test bench stuff here\n");
printf($inF "\t\n");
printf($inF "\t\n");
printf($inF "\t\n");
printf($inF "\t\$fclose(results_file);\n");
printf($inF "\t\$stop;\n");
printf($inF "end\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// Add more test bench stuff here as well\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "// Test Bench Tasks\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "task CpuReset;\n");
printf($inF "begin\n");
printf($inF "\t@ (posedge clk);\n");
printf($inF "\trst_n = 0;\n");
printf($inF "\t@ (posedge clk);\n");
printf($inF "\trst_n = 1;\n");
printf($inF "\t@ (posedge clk);\n");
printf($inF "end\n");
printf($inF "endtask\n");
printf($inF "\n");
printf($inF "endmodule\n");

print("The script has finished successfully! You can now use $new_file_v.");


# Generic Error and Exit routine 

sub dienice {
    my($errmsg) = @_;




标签:des   style   blog   class   code   java   


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