China to standardize training agencies for students

China will consider creating a negative list system and a joint supervisory mechanism to standardize the development of training agencies for students, the Ministry of Education has said in a statement.
教育部在一份声明中表示,中国将考虑建立一套 负面清单制度 和 联合监督机制 来使学生培训机构的发展符合标准。
★ training agencies:培训机构
★ the Ministry of Education:教育部
★ negative list system:负面清单制度
★ joint supervisory mechanism:联合监督机制
?? 所谓负面清单,相当于投资领域的“黑名单”,列明了企业不能投资的领域和产业。在学术上的说法是,凡是针对外资的与国民待遇、最惠国待遇不符的管理措施,或业绩要求、高管要求等方面的管理限制措施,均以清单方式列明。
China has seen a booming out-of-school training market over the past years as Chinese parents want their children to get high marks and pay for extra classes accordingly.
★ over the past years:在过去的几年里
★ out-of-school training market:校外培训市场
★ get high marks:取得高分
The revenue of the training market for primary and middle school students exceeded 800 billion yuan (126 billion U.S. dollars) in 2016, according to the Chinese Society of Education.
★ Chinese Society of Education:中国教育协会
★ primary and middle school students:中小学学生
However, the disorderly development of the market has not only exerted academic pressure on students, but also hindered normal school teaching, the statement said.
★ the disorderly development of the market:市场的无序发展
★ exert academic pressure on:给...施加学术上的压力
★ normal school teaching:学校正常的教学秩序
Chen Baosheng, minister of education, has said that China would roll out a regulation this year for the orderly and standardized development of out-of-school training institutions.
★ minister of education:教育部部长
★ roll out:铺开,辗平,推出
★ the orderly and standardized development:有序而标准化的发展
?? 2018年1月23日,教育部部长陈宝生在当天召开的2018年全国教育工作会议上强调,九年义务教育制度是《教育法》和《义务教育法》的明确规定,对于少数地方自行延长义务教育年限的冲动,要严肃排查、坚决制止。
?? " 这里,我要强调九年义务教育制度是《教育法》和《义务教育法》的明确规定,对于少数地方自行延长义务教育年限的冲动,要严肃排查、坚决制止",陈宝生说。
?? " 大力规范校外教育培训机构,这件事迟早要做,迟做不如早做,小修不如大修"。陈宝生说,2018年要出台促进校外教育培训机构规范有序发展的意见,探索建立负面清单制度和联合监管机制,使其成为学校教育的有益补充者而不是教育秩序的干扰者。