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group by range

时间:2018-02-09 15:38:51      阅读:146      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:name   value   team   sele   round   into   mem   insert   create   

  • 建立测试表
  • testdb=# CREATE TEMP TABLE team (
    id serial,
    name text,
    birth_year integer,
    salary integer

    1. 插入记录

    testdb=# INSERT INTO team (name, birth_year, salary)
    VALUES (‘Gabriel‘, 1970, 44000),
    (‘Tom‘, 1972, 36000),
    (‘Bill‘, 1978, 39500),
    (‘Bob‘, 1980, 29000),
    (‘Roger‘, 1976, 26800),
    (‘Lucas‘, 1965, 56900),
    (‘Jerome‘, 1984, 33500),
    (‘Andrew‘, 1992, 41600),
    (‘John‘, 1991, 40000),
    (‘Paul‘, 1964, 39400),
    (‘Richard‘, 1986, 23000),
    (‘Joseph‘, 1988, 87000),
    (‘Jason‘, 1990, 55000);

    1. 查询结果

    testdb=# WITH series AS (
    SELECT generate_series(1950, 2000, 10) AS time_start -- 1950 = min, 2010 = max, 10 = 10 year interval
    ), range AS (
    SELECT time_start, (time_start + 9) AS time_end FROM series -- 9 = interval (10 years) minus 1
    SELECT time_start, time_end,
    (SELECT count(*) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as team_members,
    round((SELECT AVG(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end), 2) as salary_avg,
    (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as salary_min,
    (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM team WHERE birth_year BETWEEN time_start AND time_end) as salary_max
    FROM range;


    time_start | time_end | team_members | salary_avg | salary_min | salary_max
    1950 | 1959 | 0 | | |
    1960 | 1969 | 2 | 48150.00 | 39400 | 56900
    1970 | 1979 | 4 | 36575.00 | 26800 | 44000
    1980 | 1989 | 4 | 43125.00 | 23000 | 87000
    1990 | 1999 | 3 | 45533.33 | 40000 | 55000
    2000 | 2009 | 0 | | |
    (6 rows)


    group by range

    标签:name   value   team   sele   round   into   mem   insert   create   


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