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贝塞尔曲线又称贝兹曲线或贝济埃曲线,是由法国数学家Pierre Bézier所发现,由此为计算机矢量图形学奠定了基础。它的主要意义在于无论是直线或曲线都能在数学上予以描述。
上一节讲的是高次方程曲线,其实贝塞尔曲线就是高次函数曲线.研究贝塞尔曲线的人最初是按照已知曲线参数方程来确定四个点的思路设计出这种矢量曲线绘制法。涕淌为了向大家 介绍贝塞尔曲线的公式,也故意把问题的已知和所求颠倒了一下位置:如果已知一条曲线的参数方程,系数都已知,并且两个方程里都含有一个参数t,它的值介于 0、1之间,表现形式如下所示:
x(t) = ax * t ^ 3 + bx * t ^ 2 + cx * t + x0
y(t) = ay * t ^ 3 + by * t ^ 2 + cy * t + y0
相关软件参见:数学图形可视化工具,使用自己定义语法的脚本代码生成数学图形.该软件免费开源.QQ交流群: 367752815
vertices = 360 t = from 0 to 1 ax = rand2(-10, 10) ay = rand2(-10, 10) bx = rand2(-10, 10) by = rand2(-10, 10) cx = rand2(-10, 10) cy = rand2(-10, 10) a1 = (1-t)*(1-t) a2 = 3*t*(1-t) a3 = t*t x = a1*ax+a2*bx+a3*cx y = a1*ay+a2*by+a3*cy
vertices = 360 t = from 0 to 1 ax = rand2(-10, 10) ay = rand2(-10, 10) bx = rand2(-10, 10) by = rand2(-10, 10) cx = rand2(-10, 10) cy = rand2(-10, 10) dx = rand2(-10, 10) dy = rand2(-10, 10) a1 = pow((1-t),3) a2 = pow((1-t),2)*3*t a3 = 3*t*t*(1-t) a4 = t*t*t x = a1*ax+a2*bx+a3*cx+a4*dx; y = a1*ay+a2*by+a3*cy+a4*dy;
vertices = 360 t = from 0 to 1 ax = rand2(-10, 10) ay = rand2(-10, 10) bx = rand2(-10, 10) by = rand2(-10, 10) cx = rand2(-10, 10) cy = rand2(-10, 10) dx = rand2(-10, 10) dy = rand2(-10, 10) ex = rand2(-10, 10) ey = rand2(-10, 10) t2 = pow(t,2) t3 = pow(t,3) t4 = pow(t,4) w = 1-t w2 = pow(w,2) w3 = pow(w,3) w4 = pow(w,4) a1 = w4 a2 = 4*w3*t a3 = 6*w2*t2 a4 = 4*w*t3 a5 = t4 x = a1*ax+a2*bx+a3*cx+a4*dx+a5*ex; y = a1*ay+a2*by+a3*cy+a4*dy+a5*ex;
vertices = 360 t = from 0 to 1 ax = rand2(-10, 10) ay = rand2(-10, 10) bx = rand2(-10, 10) by = rand2(-10, 10) cx = rand2(-10, 10) cy = rand2(-10, 10) dx = rand2(-10, 10) dy = rand2(-10, 10) ex = rand2(-10, 10) ey = rand2(-10, 10) fx = rand2(-10, 10) fy = rand2(-10, 10) t2 = pow(t,2) t3 = pow(t,3) t4 = pow(t,4) t5 = pow(t,5) w = 1-t w2 = pow(w,2) w3 = pow(w,3) w4 = pow(w,4) w5 = pow(w,5) a1 = w5 a2 = 5*w4*t a3 = 10*w3*t2 a4 = 10*w2*t3 a5 = 5*w*t4 a6 = t5 x = a1*ax+a2*bx+a3*cx+a4*dx+a5*ex+a6*fx; y = a1*ay+a2*by+a3*cy+a4*dy+a5*ex+a6*fx;
标签:style blog http color io os 使用 ar strong