1. github repo
2. PSP表格
PSP2.1 | PSP阶段 | 预估耗时 (分钟) | 实际耗时 (分钟) |
Planning | 计划 | 60 | 60 |
· Estimate | · 估计这个任务需要多少时间 | 1000 | 1100 |
Development | 开发 | 200 | 200 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括学习新技术) | 70 | 70 |
· Design Spec | · 生成设计文档 | 60 | 60 |
· Design Review | · 设计复审 (和同事审核设计文档) | 20 | 20 |
· Coding Standard | · 代码规范 (为目前的开发制定合适的规范) | 10 | 10 |
· Design | · 具体设计 | 30 | 20 |
· Coding | · 具体编码 | 120 | 120 |
· Code Review | · 代码复审 | 30 | 30 |
· Test | · 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) | 500 | 500 |
Reporting | 报告 | 20 | 20 |
· Test Report | · 测试报告 | 20 | 20 |
· Size Measurement | · 计算工作量 | 800 | 830 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 事后总结, 并提出过程改进计划 | 60 | 65 |
合计 | 1000 | 1100 |
3. 对自己的接口的实现
在本项目中,我负责的接口是 (2)核心处理:对输入进行处理,如单词词频统计,排序等,完成对应业务需求。
public static Map<String, Integer> countWord(String content)
* The core method converting content to Map whose values are sorted(if two items has the
* same value, then sort the key using lexicographic order)
public static Map<String, Integer> countWord(String content)
// Initialize the variables to be used, rawMap refers to the map
// unsorted, while sortedMap refers to the sorted map
Map<String, Integer> rawMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
MapUtil mu = new MapUtil(rawMap);
Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(mu);
content = content.toLowerCase(); // Convert the content to lower case
Pattern ptn = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z]|(?<=[a-zA-Z])-(?=[a-zA-Z]))+");
Matcher mch = ptn.matcher(content);
while(mch.find()) // Find the word satisfied with the requirement
String word = content.substring(mch.start(), mch.end());
Integer freq = rawMap.get(word);
rawMap.put(word, (freq == null) ? 1 : freq + 1);
// Sort the rawMap
return sortedMap;
* This class is a map utility used for sorting a map
class MapUtil implements Comparator<String> {
Map<String, Integer> base;
public MapUtil(Map<String, Integer> base) {
this.base = base;
// Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with
// equals.
public int compare(String a, String b)
int valueA = base.get(a);
int valueB = base.get(b);
if (valueA > valueB || valueA == valueB && a.compareTo(b) < 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
4. 测试用例的设计
// cnt is the array containing input string, and ept contains excepted output
// Case 0: When the input is empty
cnt[0] = "";
// Case 1: When the input is not empty but doesn‘t contain any valid word
cnt[1] = "- -- ;*_123 1-2 :<>{ }\r \n \t";
// Case 2: When the input contains only one valid word
cnt[2] = "hello";
ept[2].put("hello", 1);
// Case 3: When the input contains the same word but some letters are in upper case
cnt[3] = "hello Hello hELLO HELLO HellO";
ept[3].put("hello", 5);
// Case 4: When the input contains words having a preceding or following hyphen
cnt[4] = "hello -hello hello- -hello----hello--";
ept[4].put("hello", 5);
// Case 5: When the input contains some quotation marks
cnt[5] = "hello hello‘hello hello\"hello‘\"hello";
ept[5].put("hello", 6);
// Case 6: When input contains words surrounded by numbers
cnt[6] = "hello233hello233-233hello-233hello233hello-233";
ept[6].put("hello", 5);
// Case 7: When the input contains words surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters
cnt[7] = "hello*hello)(-hello.&%hello\\hello ,[]hello;hello";
ept[7].put("hello", 7);
// Case 8: When the input contains words surrounded by control characters
cnt[8] = "hello\rhello hello\nhello\r\nhello\t\thello";
ept[8].put("hello", 6);
// Case 9: When the input contains all kinds of characters
cnt[9] = "hello-233hello.-:hello%$hello233+\n\thello‘hello--hello-233";
ept[9].put("hello", 7);
// Case 10: When the input contains words having different frequencies
cnt[10] = "hello hello hi";
ept[10].put("hi", 1);
// Case 11: When the input contains words having the same frequency
cnt[11] = "hello hi hello hi ";
ept[11].put("hello", 2);
ept[11].put("hi", 2);
// Case 12: When the input contains words both having different frequencies and the same frequency
cnt[12] = "hello aloha hi hi hello";
ept[12].put("hello", 2);
ept[12].put("hi", 2);
ept[12].put("aloha", 1);
// Case 13: When the input contains words concatenated using hyphens
cnt[13] = "hello-hello hello hello--hello- -hello-hello--";
ept[13].put("hello", 3);
ept[13].put("hello-hello", 2);
// Case 14: When the input contains words that are in upper case
cnt[14] = "hello Hi HeLLo hI hi HELLO hellO";
ept[14].put("hello", 4);
ept[14].put("hi", 3);
// Case 15: When the input contains 1 different words
ArrayList lst1 = ctrTestCase(1); // ctrTestCase() is used to construct test case of different size
cnt[15] = (String)lst1.get(0);
ept[15] = (LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>)lst1.get(1);
// Case 16: When the input contains 99 different words
ArrayList lst99 = ctrTestCase(99);
cnt[16] = (String)lst99.get(0);
ept[16] = (LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>)lst99.get(1);
// Case 17: When the input contains 100 different words
ArrayList lst100 = ctrTestCase(100);
cnt[17] = (String)lst100.get(0);
ept[17] = (LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>)lst100.get(1);
// Case 18: When the input contains 101 different words
ArrayList lst101 = ctrTestCase(101);
cnt[18] = (String)lst101.get(0);
ept[18] = (LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>)lst101.get(1);
// Case 19: When the input contains 200 different words
ArrayList lst200 = ctrTestCase(200);
cnt[19] = (String)lst200.get(0);
ept[19] = (LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>)lst200.get(1);
5. 单元测试评价
6. 对开发规范的理解
if (condition) {
return obj;
// 接着写else的业务逻辑代码;
说明:如果非得使用if()...else if()...else...方式表达逻辑,【强制】避免后续代码维护困难,请勿超过3层。
正例:超过3层的 if-else 的逻辑判断代码可以使用卫语句、策略模式、状态模式等来实现,其中卫语句示例如下:
public void today() {
if (isBusy()) {
System.out.println(“change time.”);
if (isFree()) {
System.out.println(“go to travel.”);
System.out.println(“stay at home to learn Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines.”);
7. 对组员代码的评价
String err = null;
if( args[0]== null )
err = "No input";
System.err.println("No input");
}//Lack of input
else if (args[0] == "-x")//when first input is -x
if(args.length > 1)// more than one input
err = "You must use -x alone";
System.err.println("You must use -x alone");
Window guiWnd = new Window();
else if(!args[0].endsWith(".txt"))//file name doesn‘t end with .txt
err = "The file doesn‘t end with .txt ";
System.err.println( "The file doesn‘t end with .txt ");
else if(args.length > 1)//more than one input
err = "More than one input";
System.err.println("More than one input");
else//one file path input
String content = getContent(args[0]);
err = "can‘t open file";
System.err.println("can‘t open file");
Map<String, Integer> map = countWord(content);
err = "can‘t record map";
System.err.println("can‘t record map");
err = "can‘t open file";
System.err.println("can‘t open file");
err = "write file finished";
return err;
public static String argsInfo(String[] args)
String argsinfo = null;
if( args[0]== null )//Lack of input
argsinfo = "No input";
return argsinfo;
if(args.length > 1)//more than one input
argsinfo = "More than one input";
return argsinfo;
if (args[0] == "-x")//when first input is -x
argsinfo = args[0];
return argsinfo;
else if(!args[0].endsWith(".txt"))//file name doesn‘t end with .txt
argsinfo = "The file doesn‘t end with .txt ";
return argsinfo;
return args[0];//normal situation return path
public static String exec(String argsinfo)
String err = null;
if( argsinfo == null )//Lack of input
err = "args err";
return err;
if(argsinfo == "No input" || argsinfo == "More than one input" || argsinfo == "The file doesn‘t end with .txt ")
return argsinfo;
}//when args err
else if(argsinfo == "-x" )//when first input is -x
Window guiWnd = new Window();
else // when normal situation return path
String content = getContent(argsinfo);
err = "file does not exist";
return err;
Map<String, Integer> map = countWord(content);
err = "can‘t write file";
return err;
return "write file finished";
return "Window";
8. 静态代码检查
在本次实验中,我们小组用的静态代码检查工具为FindBugs,其下载与使用教程见FindBugs ,对代码进行静态检查的运行截图如下:
9. 测试数据集的设计思路
10. 同行评审
11. 压力测试
12. 感想与其他