function Phi = MatrixEnsemble(n,m,ensemble) % MatrixEnsemble: Generates a random matrix of size n by m. % % Usage: % Phi = MatrixEnsemble(n,m,ensemble) % Inputs: % n number of rows % m number of columns % ensemble string containing name of matrix ensemble: % ‘USE‘, ‘RSE‘, ‘Fourier‘, ‘RST‘, ‘Hadamard‘, ‘URP‘, ‘IR‘. % Default is ‘USE‘. % Outputs: % Phi n by m matrix from the specified ensemble % Description: % This function creates a matrix from the specified random matrix % ensemble. The following random ensembles are implemented: % % ‘USE‘ - Uniform spherical ensemble. Columns are n-vectors, % uniformly distributed on the sphere S^{n-1} (default). % % ‘RSE‘ - Random signs ensemble. Entries in the matrix are % chosen from a bernoulli +/-1 distribution, and columns are % normalized to have unit euclidean length. % % ‘Fourier‘ - Partial Fourier ensemble. Matrices in this ensemble % are generated by taking the m by m Fourier matrix, sampling % n rows at random, and scaling columns to have unit euclidean length. % % ‘RST‘ - Partial RST (Real Fourier) ensemble. See ‘Fourier‘ above. % % ‘Hadamard‘ - Partial Hadamard ensemble. Matrices in this ensemble % are generated by taking the m by m Hadamard matrix, sampling % n rows at random, and scaling columns to have unit euclidean length. % % ‘URP‘ - Uniform Random Projection ensemble. Matrices in this % ensemble are generated by sampling n rows of an m by m % random orthogonal matrix. % % ‘IR‘ - Identity and Random otho-basis. An n by 2n matrix is % constructed, as the concatenation of the n by n identity and % an n x n random ortho-basis. % % See Also % SparseVector if nargin < 3, ensemble = ‘USE‘; end switch upper(ensemble) case ‘USE‘ Phi = randn(n,m); % Normalize the columns of Phi for j = 1:m Phi(:,j) = Phi(:,j) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,j)); end case ‘RSE‘ Phi = sign(rand([n m]) - 0.5); zz = find(Phi == 0); Phi(zz) = ones(size(zz)); % Normalize the columns of Phi for ii = 1:size(Phi,2) Phi(:,ii) = Phi(:,ii) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,ii)); end case ‘HADAMARD‘ H = hadamard(m); p = randperm(m); Phi = H(p(1:n), :); % Normalize the columns of Phi for ii = 1:size(Phi,2) Phi(:,ii) = Phi(:,ii) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,ii)); end case ‘FOURIER‘ H = FourierMat(m); p = randperm(m); Phi = H(p(1:n), :); % Normalize the columns of Phi for ii = 1:size(Phi,2) Phi(:,ii) = Phi(:,ii) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,ii)); end case ‘RST‘ H = RSTMat(m); p = randperm(m); Phi = H(p(1:n), :); % Normalize the columns of Phi for ii = 1:size(Phi,2) Phi(:,ii) = Phi(:,ii) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,ii)); end case ‘URP‘ [U,S,V] = svd(rand(n,m),‘econ‘); Phi = V‘; % Normalize the columns of Phi for ii = 1:size(Phi,2) Phi(:,ii) = Phi(:,ii) ./ twonorm(Phi(:,ii)); end case ‘IR‘ [Q,R] = qr(rand(n)); Phi = [eye(n) Q]; end% % Part of SparseLab Version:100 % Created Tuesday March 28, 2006 % This is Copyrighted Material % For Copying permissions see COPYING.m % Comments? e-mail sparselab@stanford.edu %