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Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.5 is chock-full of material that will help you with your Django projects.
We‘ll introduce you to various tips, tricks, patterns, code snippets, and techniques that we‘ve picked up over the years.
This book is great for:
Beginners who have just finished the Django tutorial.
Developers with intermediate knowledge of Django who want to improve their Django projects.
Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy are best known for their open-source community leadership work on the following initiatives:
DjangoPackages.com and the OpenComparison framework. We ran the largest sprint at PyCon 2011.
PyLadies, a women‘s outreach/mentorship group. Nurturing the group was basically a 2nd fulltime job for us in 2011.
The first ever PyCon Philippines, a 300-person conference about the Python programming language held in the Philippines.
The LA Open Source Hackathon event series, which brings together open-source developers from different programming backgrounds.
They do Python and Django development and run a small Python/Django consulting shop called Cartwheel Web.
Two Scoops Press Two Scoops of Django 1.11.pdf
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