标签:and execution commons tween ide effect 移除 think jar包
jmxNameBase:jmx默认的base name,默认为null,意味着池提供一个名称。
public class Student { private String name; private int age; public Student(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return "Student{" + "name=‘" + name + ‘\‘‘ + ", age=" + age + ‘}‘; } } public class StudentFactory extends BasePooledObjectFactory<Student> { private Random random = new Random(); public Student create() throws Exception { int age = random.nextInt(100); Student student = new Student("commons", age); System.out.println("创建对象:" + student); return student; } public PooledObject<Student> wrap(Student obj) { return new DefaultPooledObject<Student>(obj); } @Override public void destroyObject(PooledObject<Student> p) throws Exception { System.out.println("销毁对象:" + p.getObject()); super.destroyObject(p); } @Override public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<Student> p) { System.out.println("校验对象是否可用:" + p.getObject()); return super.validateObject(p); } @Override public void activateObject(PooledObject<Student> p) throws Exception { System.out.println("激活钝化的对象系列操作:" + p.getObject()); super.activateObject(p); } @Override public void passivateObject(PooledObject<Student> p) throws Exception { System.out.println("钝化未使用的对象:" + p.getObject()); super.passivateObject(p); } } public class CommonObjectPool extends GenericObjectPool<Student> { public CommonObjectPool(PooledObjectFactory<Student> factory, GenericObjectPoolConfig config, AbandonedConfig abandonedConfig) { super(factory, config, abandonedConfig); } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { StudentFactory studentFactory = new StudentFactory(); GenericObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericObjectPoolConfig(); AbandonedConfig abandonedConfig = new AbandonedConfig(); CommonObjectPool pool = new CommonObjectPool(studentFactory, config, abandonedConfig); Student student = null; try { student = pool.borrowObject(); System.out.println(student); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(student != null) pool.returnObject(student); } } }
public GenericObjectPool(final PooledObjectFactory<T> factory, final GenericObjectPoolConfig config) { super(config, ONAME_BASE, config.getJmxNamePrefix()); if (factory == null) { jmxUnregister(); // tidy up throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory may not be null"); } this.factory = factory; idleObjects = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(config.getFairness()); setConfig(config); startEvictor(getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis()); }
final void startEvictor(final long delay) { synchronized (evictionLock) { if (null != evictor) { EvictionTimer.cancel(evictor, evictorShutdownTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); evictor = null; evictionIterator = null; } if (delay > 0) { evictor = new Evictor(); EvictionTimer.schedule(evictor, delay, delay); } } }
public void run() { final ClassLoader savedClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { if (factoryClassLoader != null) { // Set the class loader for the factory final ClassLoader cl = factoryClassLoader.get(); if (cl == null) { // The pool has been dereferenced and the class loader // GC‘d. Cancel this timer so the pool can be GC‘d as // well. cancel(); return; } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cl); } // Evict from the pool try { evict(); } catch(final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } catch(final OutOfMemoryError oome) { // Log problem but give evictor thread a chance to continue // in case error is recoverable oome.printStackTrace(System.err); } // Re-create idle instances. try { ensureMinIdle(); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } } finally { // Restore the previous CCL Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(savedClassLoader); } }
private void ensureIdle(final int idleCount, final boolean always) throws Exception { if (idleCount < 1 || isClosed() || (!always && !idleObjects.hasTakeWaiters())) { return; } while (idleObjects.size() < idleCount) { final PooledObject<T> p = create(); if (p == null) { // Can‘t create objects, no reason to think another call to // create will work. Give up. break; } if (getLifo()) { idleObjects.addFirst(p); } else { idleObjects.addLast(p); } } if (isClosed()) { // Pool closed while object was being added to idle objects. // Make sure the returned object is destroyed rather than left // in the idle object pool (which would effectively be a leak) clear(); } }
public void evict() throws Exception { assertOpen(); if (idleObjects.size() > 0) { PooledObject<T> underTest = null; final EvictionPolicy<T> evictionPolicy = getEvictionPolicy(); synchronized (evictionLock) { final EvictionConfig evictionConfig = new EvictionConfig( getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(), getSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(), getMinIdle()); final boolean testWhileIdle = getTestWhileIdle(); for (int i = 0, m = getNumTests(); i < m; i++) { if (evictionIterator == null || !evictionIterator.hasNext()) { evictionIterator = new EvictionIterator(idleObjects); } if (!evictionIterator.hasNext()) { // Pool exhausted, nothing to do here return; } try { underTest = evictionIterator.next(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException nsee) { // Object was borrowed in another thread // Don‘t count this as an eviction test so reduce i; i--; evictionIterator = null; continue; } if (!underTest.startEvictionTest()) { // Object was borrowed in another thread // Don‘t count this as an eviction test so reduce i; i--; continue; } // User provided eviction policy could throw all sorts of // crazy exceptions. Protect against such an exception // killing the eviction thread. boolean evict; try { evict = evictionPolicy.evict(evictionConfig, underTest, idleObjects.size()); } catch (final Throwable t) { // Slightly convoluted as SwallowedExceptionListener // uses Exception rather than Throwable PoolUtils.checkRethrow(t); swallowException(new Exception(t)); // Don‘t evict on error conditions evict = false; } if (evict) { destroy(underTest); destroyedByEvictorCount.incrementAndGet(); } else { if (testWhileIdle) { boolean active = false; try { factory.activateObject(underTest); active = true; } catch (final Exception e) { destroy(underTest); destroyedByEvictorCount.incrementAndGet(); } if (active) { if (!factory.validateObject(underTest)) { destroy(underTest); destroyedByEvictorCount.incrementAndGet(); } else { try { factory.passivateObject(underTest); } catch (final Exception e) { destroy(underTest); destroyedByEvictorCount.incrementAndGet(); } } } } if (!underTest.endEvictionTest(idleObjects)) { // TODO - May need to add code here once additional // states are used } } } } } final AbandonedConfig ac = this.abandonedConfig; if (ac != null && ac.getRemoveAbandonedOnMaintenance()) { removeAbandoned(ac); } }
public T borrowObject(final long borrowMaxWaitMillis) throws Exception { assertOpen(); final AbandonedConfig ac = this.abandonedConfig; if (ac != null && ac.getRemoveAbandonedOnBorrow() && (getNumIdle() < 2) && (getNumActive() > getMaxTotal() - 3) ) { removeAbandoned(ac); } PooledObject<T> p = null; // Get local copy of current config so it is consistent for entire // method execution final boolean blockWhenExhausted = getBlockWhenExhausted(); boolean create; final long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (p == null) { create = false; p = idleObjects.pollFirst(); if (p == null) { p = create(); if (p != null) { create = true; } } if (blockWhenExhausted) { if (p == null) { if (borrowMaxWaitMillis < 0) { p = idleObjects.takeFirst(); } else { p = idleObjects.pollFirst(borrowMaxWaitMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } if (p == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException( "Timeout waiting for idle object"); } } else { if (p == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool exhausted"); } } if (!p.allocate()) { p = null; } if (p != null) { try { factory.activateObject(p); } catch (final Exception e) { try { destroy(p); } catch (final Exception e1) { // Ignore - activation failure is more important } p = null; if (create) { final NoSuchElementException nsee = new NoSuchElementException( "Unable to activate object"); nsee.initCause(e); throw nsee; } } if (p != null && (getTestOnBorrow() || create && getTestOnCreate())) { boolean validate = false; Throwable validationThrowable = null; try { validate = factory.validateObject(p); } catch (final Throwable t) { PoolUtils.checkRethrow(t); validationThrowable = t; } if (!validate) { try { destroy(p); destroyedByBorrowValidationCount.incrementAndGet(); } catch (final Exception e) { // Ignore - validation failure is more important } p = null; if (create) { final NoSuchElementException nsee = new NoSuchElementException( "Unable to validate object"); nsee.initCause(validationThrowable); throw nsee; } } } } } updateStatsBorrow(p, System.currentTimeMillis() - waitTime); return p.getObject(); }
public void returnObject(final T obj) { final PooledObject<T> p = allObjects.get(new IdentityWrapper<>(obj)); if (p == null) { if (!isAbandonedConfig()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Returned object not currently part of this pool"); } return; // Object was abandoned and removed } synchronized(p) { final PooledObjectState state = p.getState(); if (state != PooledObjectState.ALLOCATED) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object has already been returned to this pool or is invalid"); } p.markReturning(); // Keep from being marked abandoned } final long activeTime = p.getActiveTimeMillis(); if (getTestOnReturn()) { if (!factory.validateObject(p)) { try { destroy(p); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } try { ensureIdle(1, false); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); return; } } try { factory.passivateObject(p); } catch (final Exception e1) { swallowException(e1); try { destroy(p); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } try { ensureIdle(1, false); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); return; } if (!p.deallocate()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object has already been returned to this pool or is invalid"); } final int maxIdleSave = getMaxIdle(); if (isClosed() || maxIdleSave > -1 && maxIdleSave <= idleObjects.size()) { try { destroy(p); } catch (final Exception e) { swallowException(e); } } else { if (getLifo()) { idleObjects.addFirst(p); } else { idleObjects.addLast(p); } if (isClosed()) { // Pool closed while object was being added to idle objects. // Make sure the returned object is destroyed rather than left // in the idle object pool (which would effectively be a leak) clear(); } } updateStatsReturn(activeTime); }
标签:and execution commons tween ide effect 移除 think jar包