标签:检查 end erro 启动 strip() cep 选择 无效 帐号登录
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ # # Author: Payne Zheng <zzuai520@live.com> # Date: 2018-04-12 16:41:15 # Location: DongGuang # Desc: shopping car # """ 1、启动程序后,输入用户名密码后,让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表 2、允许用户根据商品编号购买商品 3、用户选择商品后,检测余额是否够,够就直接扣款,不够就提醒 4、可随时退出,退出时,打印已购买商品和余额 5、在用户使用过程中, 关键输出,如余额,商品已加入购物车等消息,需高亮显示 扩展需求: 1、用户下一次登录后,输入用户名密码,直接回到上次的状态,即上次消费的余额什么的还是那些,再次登录可继续购买 2、允许查询之前的消费记录 3、余额不足时充许充值 4、余额不足时充许修改购物车里的商品 """ import os import json import time # 商品列表 products = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] # 常量 SHOP_LOG_FILE = "shop_log.txt" SHOP_CAR_FILE = "shop_car.json" BALANCE_FILE = "balance.json" # 变量 user_name = "jack" pay_pass = "123456" login_pass = "abc123" shop_price = 0 balance = 0 shop_car = [] flag = True class Colored(object): """打印高亮颜色字体""" # 显示格式: \033[显示方式(1:高亮/0:正常);前景色;背景色m # 只写一个字段表示前景色,背景色默认,以下全为高亮显示 HIGHLIGHT_RED = ‘\033[1;31m‘ # 红色 HIGHLIGHT_GREEN = ‘\033[1;32m‘ # 绿色 HIGHLIGHT_YELLOW = ‘\033[1;33m‘ # 黄色 HIGHLIGHT_BLUE = ‘\033[1;34m‘ # 蓝色 #: color reset RESET = ‘\033[0m‘ # 终端默认颜色 def color_str(self, colors, s): return ‘{}{}{}‘.format( getattr(self, colors), s, self.RESET ) def red(self, s): return self.color_str(‘HIGHLIGHT_RED‘, s) def green(self, s): return self.color_str(‘HIGHLIGHT_GREEN‘, s) def yellow(self, s): return self.color_str(‘HIGHLIGHT_YELLOW‘, s) def blue(self, s): return self.color_str(‘HIGHLIGHT_BLUE‘, s) def Login(): """帐号登录""" input_user = input(color.blue("请输入你的帐号:")) if input_user == user_name and AuthPasswod(‘登录‘, login_pass): print(color.green("\n登录成功,欢迎<%s>\n" % input_user)) else: exit(color.red("帐号错误,请重新登录")) def RechargeBalance(): """充值""" global balance re_balance = input(color.blue("\n请输入你的充值金额(小写数字): ")) if re_balance.isdigit(): re_balance = int(re_balance) balance += re_balance return balance else: print(color.red(‘您输入的金额格式不对,充值失败!‘)) def GetProductList(plist, title="======购物车======"): """格式化打印商品列表""" print(color.blue(title)) for i, n in enumerate(plist): print(color.yellow("%s. %s %s" % (i, n[‘name‘], n[‘price‘]))) def GetTotalPrice(_price): """计算选购商品总价""" for i, n in enumerate(shop_car): _price += n[‘price‘] return int(_price) def CheckBalance(_balance, total_shop_price): """检查余额""" tag = True if _balance >= total_shop_price else False return tag def AuthPasswod(tag, auth_pass): """验证密码""" count = 0 while count < 3: input_pass = input(color.blue("请输入您的%s密码:" % tag)) count += 1 if input_pass == auth_pass: return True else: print(color.red("%s密码错误,请重试:" % tag)) else: return False def DataDump(file, data): """ 序列化存储已加入购物车商品列表与价格与消费记录 file: 购物车、价格、消费记录存入不同文件 data: 要在序列化的数据 """ with open(file, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: json.dump(data, f) def DataLoad(file): """读取已加入购物车商品与价格""" with open(file, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: data = json.load(f) return data def WriteShopLog(_shop_car, _balance): """记录购买消费记录""" log_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) with open(SHOP_LOG_FILE, ‘a‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.writelines("%s : \n您购买了如下商品:\n" % log_time) for i, n in enumerate(_shop_car): f.writelines(‘%s. %s %s\n‘ % (i, n[‘name‘], n[‘price‘])) f.writelines(‘消费金额:%s\n--------------------\n\n‘ % _balance) def ReadShopLog(): """读取购买消费记录""" try: with open(SHOP_LOG_FILE, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: print(color.yellow("您的消费记录如下:\n%s" % (f.read()))) go_back = input(color.green(‘\n【返回商品列表:b】:‘)).strip() if go_back == ‘b‘: pass except FileNotFoundError: print(color.red(‘您还没有消费记录‘)) def ChangShopCar(_shop_car): while True: GetProductList(_shop_car) num = input(color.blue(‘【请选择要从购物车删除的商品编号:(0-%s) ; 返回:b】:‘ % (len(_shop_car)-1))).strip() if num.isdigit() and int(num) < len(_shop_car): num = int(num) print(color.yellow(‘已将商品<%s>从购物车删除!‘ % _shop_car[num][‘name‘])) del _shop_car[num] elif num == "b": break else: print(color.red(‘您购物车中没有所选商品,请重试!‘)) # 购物车为空返回选购列 if len(_shop_car) < 1: print(color.red(‘\n购物车为空!!!\n‘)) break def CheckOut(_shop_car, _shop_price): global flag, balance GetProductList(_shop_car) total_shop_price = GetTotalPrice(_shop_price) print(color.yellow("商品总价:%s" % total_shop_price)) print(‘\n您帐号余额为:%s‘ % balance) ## 检查余额 if CheckBalance(balance, total_shop_price): # 支付 pay = input(color.blue(‘\n【按任意键返回商品列表;支付请按:p】:‘)).strip() if pay == ‘p‘: if AuthPasswod(‘支付‘, pay_pass): balance -= total_shop_price WriteShopLog(_shop_car, total_shop_price) _shop_car.clear() print(color.green("\n支付成功, 您的余额为:%s" % balance)) go_on = input(color.blue("\n【按任意键继续选购; 退出:q】>>")).strip() if go_on == ‘q‘: flag = False else: print(color.red(‘\n重试次数过多!支付失败!‘)) ## 余额不足=>提供充值与删除购物车商品选项 else: rod = input(color.red("\n【对不起你的余额不足! 充值:r ; 删除已选商品:d】")).strip() # 充值 if rod == ‘r‘: RechargeBalance() print(color.green(‘\n充值成功,余额:%s‘ % balance)) # 修改购物车商品 elif rod == ‘d‘: ChangShopCar(_shop_car) def GetExitStatus(): """获取上次退出时购物车与余额状态""" global flag, shop_car if os.path.isfile(SHOP_CAR_FILE): shop_car = DataLoad(SHOP_CAR_FILE) GetProductList(shop_car) print(color.yellow(‘商品总价>>: %s‘ % (GetTotalPrice(shop_price)))) print(color.yellow(‘\n帐户余额:%s‘ % balance)) yes = input(color.blue(‘\n【按任意键继续,按q退出】:‘)).strip() if yes == ‘q‘: flag = False def GetBalance(): """获取帐户余额""" global balance # 读不到余额文件就表示第一次登录,让用户存入金额 balance = DataLoad(BALANCE_FILE) if os.path.isfile(BALANCE_FILE) else RechargeBalance() def GoShopping(): """"购物""" global flag, balance ### 打印商品列表 GetProductList(products, "======商品列表======") choice = input("\n【请选择你购买的商品编号:(0-%s); 查看消费记录:h ; 查看余额:l ; 查看购物车:s ; 退出:q】:" % (len(products)-1)).strip() ### 判断输入为数字则选择商品并加入购物车 if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice < len(products): shop_car.append(products[choice]) print(color.yellow("\n已添加商品<%s>到购物车\n" % products[choice][‘name‘])) else: print(color.red("\n您输入的商品编号不存在,请重新输入:")) ### 查看余额 elif choice == "l": print(color.green(‘\n您的余额为:%s\n‘ % balance)) ### 结算 elif choice == "s": print(balance) CheckOut(shop_car, shop_price) ### 查看消费记录 elif choice == ‘h‘: ReadShopLog() ### 退出 elif choice == ‘q‘: flag = False ### 其它无效选项 else: print(color.red(‘\n没有这个选项,请重新选择\n‘)) def main(): """程序主入口""" global balance Login() GetBalance() GetExitStatus() while flag: GoShopping() else: DataDump(‘shop_car.json‘, shop_car) DataDump(‘balance.json‘, balance) exit(color.yellow("\n欢迎下次光临")) color = Colored() main()
标签:检查 end erro 启动 strip() cep 选择 无效 帐号登录