标签:des style blog http color io os ar for
传送门:Jzzhu and Cities
判断的依据是,在DIJK算法里面加一个pre[v] = u ,记录v是从u这个城市过来的。
转移的时候,如果u是首都1,并且存在一个u‘,跟从首都1直接坐火车到v的距离相等,那么我们就抛弃从首都坐火车这条,改为从首都到 u‘再走路过来v这条路,那么就又少一条铁路了。
1 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 2 #define __DEBUG__ 0 3 #endif 4 /* 5 * ======================================= 6 * FileName: code.cpp 7 * Desc: 8 * Author: vinceliang 9 * Email: liangguoqiu@gmail.com 10 * HomePage: 11 * Version: 0.0.1 12 * LastChange: 2014-07-15 12:16:49 13 * History: 14 *======================================== 15 */ 16 #ifdef __DEBUG__ 17 #define Log(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) 18 #else 19 #define Log(...) // 20 #endif 21 #include <algorithm> 22 #include <string> 23 #include <complex> 24 #include <cassert> 25 #include <memory> 26 #include <set> 27 #include <stack> 28 #include <map> 29 #include <list> 30 #include <deque> 31 #include <numeric> 32 #include <cctype> 33 #include <cstddef> 34 #include <vector> 35 #include <queue> 36 #include <iostream> 37 #include <iomanip> 38 #include <iterator> 39 #include <cmath> 40 #include <cstdio> 41 #include <cstdlib> 42 #include <sstream> 43 #include <fstream> 44 #include <ctime> 45 #include <cstring> 46 #include <functional> 47 #include <bitset> 48 using namespace std; 49 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) 50 typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; 51 typedef unsigned __int64 ULL; 52 typedef signed __int64 int64; 53 typedef signed __int64 LL; 54 #else 55 typedef unsigned long long uint64; 56 typedef unsigned long long ULL; 57 typedef signed long long int64; 58 typedef signed long long LL; 59 #endif 60 typedef vector<int> VI; 61 typedef vector<string> VS; 62 typedef pair<int, int> PII; 63 typedef pair<int64, int64> PLL; 64 typedef vector<int64> VL; 65 #define pb push_back 66 #define pob pop_back 67 #define mp make_pair 68 #define fi first 69 #define se second 70 #define PII pair< int,int > 71 #define PSS pair< string,string > 72 #define PDD pair< double,double > 73 #define PLL pair< LL, LL > 74 #define FOR( i, a, b ) for ( int i=(a), _n=(b); i < _n; ++i ) 75 #define FORE( i, a, b ) for ( int i=(a), _n=(b); i <= _n; ++i ) 76 #define FORD( i, a, b ) for ( int i=(a), _n=(b); i >= _n; --i ) 77 #define REP( i, n ) FOR( i, 0, (n) ) 78 #define REPE( i, n ) FORE( i, 1, (n) ) 79 #define ALL( c ) (c).begin(), (c).end() 80 #define SORT( c ) sort( ALL( c ) ) 81 #define LEN( s ) (int)( (s).size() ) 82 #define CLS( a ) memset( (a),0,sizeof(a) ) 83 #define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio( false ) 84 const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971; 85 const double EPS = 1E-9; 86 const int64 INF64 = (int64)1E18; 87 const int INF = 1 << 30; 88 const int maxn = 1000005; 89 90 91 int eh[maxn], tot; 92 LL dist[maxn]; 93 LL dist2[maxn]; 94 bool vist[maxn]; 95 int n, m, k; 96 97 98 struct Edge { 99 int u, v; 100 LL cost; 101 int next; 102 Edge() {}; 103 Edge( int a, LL b ) { v = a, cost = b; } 104 Edge( int a, int b, LL c, int d ) : u(a), v(b), cost(c), next(d) {} 105 bool operator < ( const Edge &x ) const { 106 return cost > x.cost; 107 } 108 }; 109 110 111 Edge edge[maxn]; 112 int pre[maxn]; 113 114 115 int Dijk( int s ) 116 { 117 for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) 118 { 119 vist[i] = false, dist[i] = INF64; 120 pre[i] = 1; 121 } 122 dist[s] = 0; 123 priority_queue< Edge > que; 124 que.push( Edge( s, 0 ) ); 125 int ans = 0; 126 while ( !que.empty() ) 127 { 128 Edge tmp = que.top(); 129 que.pop(); 130 int u = tmp.v, cost = tmp.cost; 131 if ( vist[u] ) continue; 132 ans += cost, vist[u] = true; 133 for ( int i = eh[u]; i != -1; i = edge[i].next ) 134 { 135 int v = edge[i].v; 136 if ( !vist[v] && ( dist[v] > dist[u] + edge[i].cost || (pre[v] == s && dist[v] == dist[u] + edge[i].cost) ) ) 137 { 138 dist[v] = dist[u] + edge[i].cost; 139 pre[v] = u; 140 que.push( Edge( v, dist[v] ) ); 141 } 142 } 143 144 145 } 146 return ans; 147 } 148 149 150 void addedge( int a, int b, LL c ) 151 { 152 Edge e = Edge( a, b, c, eh[a] ); 153 edge[tot] = e; 154 eh[a] = tot++; 155 } 156 157 158 void init() 159 { 160 tot = 0; 161 memset( eh, -1, sizeof( eh ) ); 162 } 163 164 165 int point[maxn]; 166 LL value[maxn]; 167 int pcnt; 168 169 170 int Point1[maxn]; 171 int Point2[maxn]; 172 LL Value[maxn]; 173 LL MinVal[maxn]; 174 bool hascheck[maxn]; 175 176 177 void run() 178 { 179 //IOS; 180 while( cin >> n >> m >> k ) 181 { 182 pcnt = 1; 183 init(); 184 for ( int i = 1; i <= m; ++i ) 185 { 186 int u, v; 187 LL w; 188 cin >> u >> v >> w; 189 addedge( u, v, w ); 190 addedge( v, u, w ); 191 Point1[i] = u; 192 Point2[i] = v; 193 Value[i] = w; 194 } 195 196 197 Dijk( 1 ); 198 199 200 for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) 201 { 202 MinVal[i] = -1; 203 hascheck[i] = 0; 204 dist2[i] = dist[i]; 205 } 206 207 208 init(); 209 210 211 for ( int i = 1; i <= m; ++i ) 212 { 213 if ( Point1[0] == 89457 ) 214 { 215 if ( Point1[i] == 1 || Point2[i] == 1 || Value[i] == 0 ) 216 { 217 cout << Point1[i] << " " << Point2[i] << " " << Value[i] << endl; 218 } 219 } 220 addedge( Point1[i], Point2[i], Value[i] ); 221 addedge( Point2[i], Point1[i], Value[i] ); 222 } 223 224 225 for ( int i = 1; i <= k; ++i ) 226 { 227 int s; 228 LL x; 229 cin >> s >> x; 230 if ( MinVal[s] == -1 ) 231 MinVal[s] = x; 232 else if ( MinVal[s] > x ) 233 MinVal[s] = x; 234 235 236 //if ( n == 100000 ) 237 // cout << s << " " << x << endl; 238 point[pcnt] = s; 239 value[pcnt] = x; 240 pcnt++; 241 242 243 addedge( 1, s, x ); 244 addedge( s, 1, x ); 245 246 247 if ( x == 0 ) 248 cout << s << " " << x << endl; 249 250 251 } 252 253 254 Dijk( 1 ); 255 256 257 int cnt = 0; 258 259 260 for ( int i = 1; i <= k; ++i ) 261 { 262 int s; 263 LL x; 264 s = point[i]; 265 x = value[i]; 266 267 268 if ( MinVal[s] != x || hascheck[s] == 1 ) 269 { 270 cnt++; 271 continue; 272 } 273 274 275 if ( dist2[s] <= x ) 276 cnt++; 277 else if ( dist[s] != x ) 278 cnt++; 279 else if ( pre[s] != 1 ) 280 cnt++; 281 282 283 284 285 hascheck[s] = 1; 286 } 287 288 289 cout << cnt << endl; 290 } 291 } 292 293 294 int main( int argc, char **argv ) 295 { 296 297 298 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 299 freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); 300 // freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout); 301 #endif 302 time_t st = clock(); 303 run(); 304 Log("\n=============\n"); 305 Log("Time: %.2lf sec\n", (clock() - st) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); 306 return 0; 307 }
CodeForces 449B - Jzzhu and Cities
标签:des style blog http color io os ar for