标签:blog http io ar for sp cti on c
• MyMagicBox (https://github.com/yaoyansi/mymagicbox)
Role: Owner
Miscellaneous projects for exercises.
• Maya2renderer(https://github.com/maya2renderer/maya2renderer)
Role: Owner
Based on LiquidMaya, this project aims to provide a framework to translate Maya data to a renderer. It supports 3Delight, Elvishray and Appleseed now.
• MayaExporter(http://code.google.com/p/mayaexporter/)
Role: Owner
Refactored an exporter based on ColladaMaya.
• GPExporter(http://code.google.com/p/gpexport/)
Role: Contributor
Some bug fixes and optimization.
• Simple Cloth Simulation (http://blog.csdn.net/yaoyansi/archive/2007/09/05/1774002.aspx)
Role: Owner
Implemented the Mass-Spring module for cloth simulation. Developed an algorithm for computing the volume of general polyhedron. This algorithm is mentioned in Game Development Gems 6.
• OpenCollada(http://code.google.com/p/opencollada/)
Role: Contributor
Optimized the 3ds export with lib3ds, and some bug fixes.
• GPUSphsim (http://code.google.com/p/gpusphsim/).
Role: Contributor
Implemented the fluid surface construction using Meta-ball algorithm.
标签:blog http io ar for sp cti on c