标签:fun targe ase set div 缓存 全局 navigate style
1. url传值
list.wxml: <view class="playIcon"> <image src="../../iconfont/play_init.png" bindtap="playAudio" data-songid="{{song.song_id}}"></image> </view> list.js: playAudio: function (event) { let songid = event.currentTarget.dataset.songid; var that = this; wx.navigateTo({ url: ‘/pages/listDetail/listDetail?title=‘ + songid, }) } listDetail: onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; console.log(‘options‘,options) }
2.app.globalData 设置全局变量
app.js: 设置全局变量 App({ globalData: { userInfo: null, host:‘http://localhost:8000‘ } }) index.js: const app = getApp() app.globalData = ‘这里也可以设置值‘, console.log(app.globalData.host)
3.setStorage() /getStorage() 将值写在本地缓存里,最大支持10M,可以存些文本之类的,音频视频就算啦
list.js: 存值到本地缓存 wx.setStorage(‘title‘,data) listDetail.js: 从本地缓存取值 let info = wx.getStorage(‘title‘) console.log(‘info‘,info)
标签:fun targe ase set div 缓存 全局 navigate style