标签:des style blog http color io os 使用 ar
1 public abstract class HttpGetMethodBase<T> 2 { 3 public virtual IObservable<T> Get(string Url)//设置虚拟方法是为了多态 但是这里不用设置应该也可以 4 { 5 //多态既是为了用子类的方法 6 //其实我这里不需要用子类的方法 7 //写了应该也可以 8 //只要注意子类的Override 9 var func = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<HttpWebRequest, T>(Webrequest, WebResponse); 10 HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(Url); 11 return func(request); 12 } 13 private IAsyncResult Webrequest(HttpWebRequest request, AsyncCallback callbcak, object ob) 14 { 15 return request.BeginGetResponse(callbcak, request); 16 } 17 18 //发的请求用的是父类的get,WebResponse用的是子类的 19 protected abstract T WebResponse(IAsyncResult result); 20 }
1 public class HttpGetStream : HttpGetMethodBase<Stream> 2 { 3 protected override Stream WebResponse(IAsyncResult result) 4 { 5 try 6 { 7 var request = result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest; 8 HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result); 9 #region ignore 10 if (response.Cookies != null) 11 { 12 foreach (Cookie cookie in response.Cookies) 13 { 14 Debug.WriteLine(cookie.Value); 15 } 16 } 17 Debug.WriteLine(response.ContentType); 18 Debug.WriteLine(response.StatusDescription); 19 if (response.Headers["Set-Cookie"] != null) 20 { 21 //setting may write 22 Debug.WriteLine(response.Headers["Set-Cookie"]); 23 } 24 #endregion 25 return response.GetResponseStream(); 26 } 27 catch 28 { 29 Debug.WriteLine("WEBERROR"); 30 return null; 31 } 32 } 33 }
1 public class HttpGetString : HttpGetMethodBase<string> 2 { 3 protected override string WebResponse(IAsyncResult result) 4 { 5 try 6 { 7 var request = result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest; 8 HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result); 9 #region ignore 10 if (response.Cookies != null) 11 { 12 foreach (Cookie cookie in response.Cookies) 13 { 14 Debug.WriteLine(cookie.Value); 15 } 16 } 17 Debug.WriteLine(response.ContentType); 18 Debug.WriteLine(response.StatusDescription); 19 if (response.Headers["Set-Cookie"] != null) 20 { 21 //setting may write 22 Debug.WriteLine(response.Headers["Set-Cookie"]); 23 } 24 #endregion 25 Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); 26 using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream)) 27 { 28 return sr.ReadToEnd(); 29 } 30 } 31 catch 32 { 33 Debug.WriteLine("WEBERROR"); 34 return null; 35 } 36 } 37 }
1 public class HttpGetBitmapImage : HttpGetMethodBase<BitmapImage> 2 { 3 protected override BitmapImage WebResponse(IAsyncResult result) 4 { 5 try 6 { 7 var request = result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest; 8 HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result); 9 #region ignore 10 if (response.Cookies != null) 11 { 12 foreach (Cookie cookie in response.Cookies) 13 { 14 Debug.WriteLine(cookie.Value); 15 } 16 } 17 Debug.WriteLine(response.ContentType); 18 Debug.WriteLine(response.StatusDescription); 19 if (response.Headers["Set-Cookie"] != null) 20 { 21 //setting may write 22 Debug.WriteLine(response.Headers["Set-Cookie"]); 23 } 24 #endregion 25 Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); 26 BitmapImage bitmapimage = new BitmapImage(); 27 bitmapimage.SetSource(stream); 28 return bitmapimage; 29 } 30 catch 31 { 32 Debug.WriteLine("WEBERROR"); 33 return null; 34 } 35 } 36 }
interface IHttpGet<T> { HttpGetMethodBase<T> CreateHttpRequest(); }
1 public class StringHttpFactory:IHttpGet<string> 2 { 3 public HttpGetMethodBase<string> CreateHttpRequest() 4 { 5 return new HttpGetString(); 6 } 7 }
1 public class StreamHttpFactory : IHttpGet<Stream> 2 { 3 4 public HttpGetMethodBase<Stream> CreateHttpRequest() 5 { 6 return new HttpGetStream(); 7 } 8 }
1 public class BitmapImageHttpFactory : IHttpGet<BitmapImage> 2 { 3 public HttpGetMethodBase<BitmapImage> CreateHttpRequest() 4 { 5 return new HttpGetBitmapImage(); 6 } 7 }
1 IHttpGet<string> factory = new StringHttpFactory();//string 工厂 2 factory.CreateHttpRequest().Get("http://douban.fm/j/mine/playlist?from=mainsite&channel=0&kbps=128&type=n").Subscribe( 3 (result) => 4 { 5 7 });
//to be continued................
1 public abstract class RequestorBase<T> 2 { 3 protected RequestorBase<T> Successor; 4 internal void SetSucessor(RequestorBase<T> suc) 5 { 6 Successor = suc; 7 } 8 public abstract T ProcessRequest(string json);//抽象不依赖于具体,抽象依赖于抽象 9 }
10 public class Requestor1<T> : RequestorBase<T> 11 { 12 public override T ProcessRequest(string json) 13 { 14 try 15 { 16 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(JToken.Parse(json)["song"].ToString()); 17 } 18 catch 19 { 20 Debug.WriteLine("这个是在职责链中的该有的异常"); 21 return Successor.ProcessRequest(json); 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 public class Requestor2<T> : RequestorBase<T> 26 { 27 public override T ProcessRequest(string json) 28 { 29 try 30 { 31 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(JToken.Parse(json)["song"][0].ToString()); 32 } 33 catch 34 { 35 Debug.WriteLine("这个是在职责链中的该有的异常"); 36 return Successor.ProcessRequest(json); 37 } 38 } 39 } 40 public class Requestor3<T> : RequestorBase<T> 41 { 42 public override T ProcessRequest(string json) 43 { 44 Debug.WriteLine("在职责链中没有能找到处理请求的方法,返回Default"); 45 return default(T); 46 //NO Chain 继续下去了 47 } 48 }
1 public class ManagerResponsibilityChain<T> 2 { 3 static private RequestorBase<T> _startrequestor; 4 static public RequestorBase<T> Instance_Startrequestor 5 { 6 get 7 { 8 if (_startrequestor == null) 9 { 10 Inital(); 11 } 12 return _startrequestor; 13 } 14 } 15 private ManagerResponsibilityChain() 16 { 17 18 } 19 static private void Inital() 20 { 21 _startrequestor = new Requestor1<T>(); 22 var secondrequestor = new Requestor2<T>(); 23 var thridrequestor = new Requestor3<T>(); 24 _startrequestor.SetSucessor(secondrequestor); 25 secondrequestor.SetSucessor(thridrequestor);//requestor3 is the end 26 } 27 }
标签:des style blog http color io os 使用 ar