标签:自己 idle initial category prot title 监听 rest epo
public void run() { if (isPeriodic()) runPeriodic(); else ScheduledFutureTask. super .run(); } |
如果不是周期性任务就直接执行任务(也就是else部分),这个主要是用于实现ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#schedule(Callable callable, long delay, TimeUnit unit)和ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#schedule(Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit),后面会讲到它们的实现,这里先关注周期任务的执行方式。周期性任务执行的是runPeriodic(),看下它的实现:
private void runPeriodic() { boolean ok = ScheduledFutureTask. super .runAndReset(); boolean down = isShutdown(); // Reschedule if not cancelled and not shutdown or policy allows if (ok && (!down || (getContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy() && !isTerminating()))) { long p = period; if (p > 0 ) time += p; else time = triggerTime(-p); ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. super .getQueue().add( this ); } // This might have been the final executed delayed // task. Wake up threads to check. else if (down) interruptIdleWorkers(); } |
protected boolean runAndReset() { return sync.innerRunAndReset(); } |
boolean innerRunAndReset() { if (!compareAndSetState( 0 , RUNNING)) return false ; try { runner = Thread.currentThread(); callable.call(); // don‘t set result runner = null ; return compareAndSetState(RUNNING, 0 ); } catch (Throwable ex) { innerSetException(ex); return false ; } } |
继续看runPeriodic()方法,if里面,如果刚才任务执行的返回值是true且线程池还在运行就在if块中的操作,如果线程池被关闭了就做else if里的操作。也就是说,如果之前的任务执行出现的异常返回了false,那么if里以及else if里的代码都不会执行了,那有什么影响?接下来看看if里做了什么。
接下来看看ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#schedule(Callable callable, long delay, TimeUnit unit)和ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#schedule(Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit)这两个非周期性任务的实现方式,先看看它们的源码:
public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit) { if (command == null || unit == null ) throw new NullPointerException(); ScheduledFutureTask<?> t = new ScheduledFutureTask<Boolean>(command, null , triggerTime(delay, unit)); delayedExecute(t); return t; } |
public <V> ScheduledFuture<V> schedule(Callable<V> callable, long delay, TimeUnit unit) { if (callable == null || unit == null ) throw new NullPointerException(); ScheduledFutureTask<V> t = new ScheduledFutureTask<V>(callable, triggerTime(delay, unit)); delayedExecute(t); return t; } |
private void delayedExecute(Runnable command) { if (isShutdown()) { reject(command); return ; } // Prestart a thread if necessary. We cannot prestart it // running the task because the task (probably) shouldn‘t be // run yet, so thread will just idle until delay elapses. if (getPoolSize() < getCorePoolSize()) prestartCoreThread(); super .getQueue().add(command); } |
周期性任务的入口(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit)和ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor#scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long delay, TimeUnit unit))与非周期性任务是类似的,它们处理方式不同的地方在于前文说到的ScheduledFutureTask#run()中。
标签:自己 idle initial category prot title 监听 rest epo