标签:ESS pie for one fill pen nothing pre 打开文件
rep_word = ‘The piece is gone, left the puzzle undone‘ # \ 换行,跟shell一样 with open(‘nothing‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f, open(‘nothing1‘, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f_new: for line in f: if rep_word in line: line = line.replace(rep_word, ‘碎片散去,留下已解的迷‘) f_new.write(line) # 运行前 nothing # Trying hard to fill the emptiness # The piece is gone, left the puzzle undone # Ain‘t that the way it is # 运行后 nothing1 # Trying hard to fill the emptiness # 碎片散去,留下已解的迷 # Ain‘t that the way it is
标签:ESS pie for one fill pen nothing pre 打开文件