标签:erp create 商品 ble info desc price int eof
create procedure GetGoodsInfoByPageNumber ( @provideID int, @pageNumber int, @GoodsCountOfOnePage float, @howManyGoods int output, @howManyPage int output ) as declare @Goods table ( RowNumber int, GoodsId int, GoodsName varchar(50), GoodsDescribe varchar(200), PhotoName varchar(200), SkuId int, Price money, MarketPrice money, SkuStirng varchar(200) ) insert into @Goods select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Goods.GoodsId), GoodsId,GoodsName,GoodsDescribe,PhotoName,SkuId,Price,MarketPrice,SkuStirng from Goods,Photos,Sku where Goods.GoodsId in (select GoodsId from Goods where Goods.ProvideCateId = @provideID) and Photos.ProvideGoodsId = Goods.GoodsId and Photos.FatherPhotoId is null and Photos.PhotoIdentity = 1 and Sku.ProvideGoodsId = Goods.GoodsId and Sku.SkuIdentity = 1 ----给输出参数赋值 select @howManyGoods = COUNT(GoodsId) from @Goods select @howManyPage = Ceiling(@howManyGoods / @GoodsCountOfOnePage) select GoodsId,GoodsName,GoodsDescribe,PhotoName,SkuId,Price,MarketPrice,SkuStirng from @Goods where RowNumber > (@pageNumber - 1) * @GoodsCountOfOnePage and RowNumber <= @pageNumber * @GoodsCountOfOnePage go use Daisha declare @howManyGoods int declare @howManyPage int exec GetGoodsInfoByPageNumber 10,4,5,@howManyGoods out,@howManyPage out select @howManyGoods as 商品总数 select @howManyPage as 共几页 -----select * from Goods where GoodsId = 177 -----select * from Photos where Photos.ProvideGoodsId = 177
标签:erp create 商品 ble info desc price int eof