标签:with rip The 控制 网站开发 htm AC orm ring
代写R实验、代写R编程数据、Health Data
Final Report – World Bank Health Data
Small Group Effort - 200 points
The final report is a professional team report on country-level fertility rates and factors that
influence fertility rates.
? The report should be written in Word, with key figures and tables placed in the document
to illustrate your narrative. Print/save in pdf format for submission. You are the data
analysis team, submitting a report to a policy expert. Pay close attention to formatting,
utilizing highlight boxes, bullets, headings, etc. appropriately.
? Though the report will include analyses similar to homework assignments, the emphasis
in this report is on presentation and interpretation.
? The report should only contain your conclusions, discussion and the supporting figures.
Don’t put any code or script output into the report, as it will be looked at by non-tech
people. You will submit all that as supplemental files instead (see below).
? This will be a group report, with individual contributions evaluated via anonymous peer
feedback. Team members can receive from 0-100% of the graded group report points
depending upon the extent of their contributions.
1. Familiarize yourself with the World Bank Health data “wbh.csv”, using the provided
descriptions of variables. Then:
(a) Subset the data for year 2010 only.
(b) Clean the data from NA values. First drop the columns whose NA rate is above 15%,
then remove rows with any NA values.
2. Address the possibility that bias was introduced through the refinement steps needed to
create the dataset for 2010.
(a) Is the subset of countries included in this dataset representative?
(b) Is 2010 a representative year?
3. Reduce the number of predictors in this dataset based upon an understanding of the structure
of this data.
(a) Use exploratory data analysis and unsupervised learning techniques to study the structure
of this dataset. Discuss in some depth.
(b) Select a subset of predictors (~10-15) that capture most of the information relevant for
the study of country-level fertility rates. Justify your decisions.
CPT_S/Stat 115 Oles/Ye Spring, 2018
(c) Construct a new dataset with the variables from b. (numeric, integer, categorical as
appropriate), and rename the variables with easily interpreted descriptors.
4. Construct, evaluate and interpret supervised learning models on the data subset from 3c.
(a) Ordinary least squares regression
(b) Decision trees
(c) Random forest
(d) Compare these three approaches for accuracy.
5. What did you learn?
(a) Based upon your analyses, what are the primary and secondary factors controlling
country-level fertility rates? Comment on the magnitude/direction of relationships.
(b) Mention any countries that are outliers, and discuss the possible reasons.
Submission details
Beside the report in PDF format, submit two supplementary files Appendix A and Appendix B
(see below), and the .Rmd file used to produce Appendix A. There are 4 files to submit in total.
Appendix A - Html file showing all of your analyses from a knitted .Rmd file.
Limit output so the report is readable (e.g. no long glimpse outputs).
Make sure there is no extraneous material left over from the lectures or your prior homework
Appendix B – Detailed contributions. For each member of your team, provide a detailed
description of their contributions, specifying questions and subquestions as needed.
Final Report - Grading Rubric
CPT_S/Stat 115 Oles/Ye Spring, 2018
Component Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement
Question 1 36-40 31-35 0-30
Question 2 26-30 21-25 0-20
Question 3 36-40 31-35 0-30
Question 4 36-40 31-35 0-30
Question 5 23-25 20-22 0-19
Quality of writing and report organization 23-25 20-22 0-19
Being a good team member:
? Give everyone a chance to participate.
? Don’t rush ahead and do everything yourself.
? Respond to your team’s emails and meeting requests.
? Do your share of the work, including discussion, analysis and writing.
Be respectful at all times! I don’t expect all contributions to be the same. Everyone has strengths
and weaknesses. But don’t let one person do all the writing, one do all the analysis and a third do
all the coding. Everyone should contribute to all aspects of the report!
我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写代做编程语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:
Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写
Machine Learning 作业 代写
Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导
Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代
Computer Computational method代做
因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com
标签:with rip The 控制 网站开发 htm AC orm ring