* 实现过程:着先通过 HuffmanTree() 函数构造哈夫曼树,然后在主函数 main()中 * 自底向上开始(也就是从数组序号为零的结点开始)向上层层判断,若在 * 父结点左侧,则置码为 0,若在右侧,则置码为 1。最后输出生成的编码。 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<cstring> const int MAXBIT = 100; const int MAXVALUE = 10000; const int MAXLEAF = 30; const int MAXNODE = MAXLEAF*2 -1; typedef struct { int bit[MAXBIT]; int start; }HCodeType; // 编码结构体 typedef struct { int weight; int parent; int lchild; int rchild; int value; }HNodeType; // 结点结构体 // 输入并初始化 void node_input(HNodeType HuffNode[], const int &n) { int i; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { printf ("Please input weight of leaf node %d: \n", i); scanf ("%d", &HuffNode[i].weight);//权值 HuffNode[i].parent =-1; HuffNode[i].lchild =-1; HuffNode[i].rchild =-1;// 初始值为-1 HuffNode[i].value=i; //现在用的是下标值,实际值,可根据情况替换为字母 } } void out_put(HCodeType HuffCode[], const int &n) { int i, j; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf ("%d 's Huffman code is: ", i); for (j=HuffCode[i].start+1; j < n; j++) { printf ("%d", HuffCode[i].bit[j]); } printf(" start:%d",HuffCode[i].start); printf ("\n"); } } void min_two(HNodeType HuffNode[], const int &n,const int &i, int &x1, int &x2) { int j, m1, m2; m1=m2=MAXVALUE; //m1、m2中存放两个无父结点且结点权值最小的两个结点 //找出所有结点中权值最小、无父结点的两个结点,并合并之为一颗二叉树 for (j=0; j<n+i; j++) { if (HuffNode[j].weight < m1 && HuffNode[j].parent==-1) { m2=m1; x2=x1; m1=HuffNode[j].weight; x1=j; } else if (HuffNode[j].weight < m2 && HuffNode[j].parent==-1) { m2=HuffNode[j].weight; x2=j; } } } // 构造一颗哈夫曼树 void HuffmanTree(HNodeType HuffNode[], const int &n) { //i: 循环变量,m1、m2:构造哈夫曼树不同过程中两个最小权值结点的权值, //x1、x2:构造哈夫曼树不同过程中两个最小权值结点在数组中的序号。 int i, x1, x2; //循环构造 Huffman 树 for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) { x1=x2=0; min_two(HuffNode, n, i, x1, x2); /* 设置找到的两个子结点 x1、x2 的父结点信息 */ HuffNode[x1].parent = n+i; HuffNode[x2].parent = n+i; HuffNode[n+i].weight = HuffNode[x1].weight + HuffNode[x2].weight; HuffNode[n+i].lchild = x1; HuffNode[n+i].rchild = x2; HuffNode[n+i].parent = -1;// 新节点的父亲是-1 printf ("x1.weight and x2.weight in round %d: %d, %d\n", i+1, HuffNode[x1].weight, HuffNode[x2].weight); /* 用于测试 */ printf ("\n"); } /*for(i=0;i<n+2;i++) { printf(" Parents:%d,lchild:%d,rchild:%d,value:%d,weight:%d\n",HuffNode[i].parent,HuffNode[i].lchild,HuffNode[i].rchild,HuffNode[i].value,HuffNode[i].weight); }*///测试 } // end HuffmanTree // 编码 void encodeing(HNodeType HuffNode[], HCodeType HuffCode[], const int &n) { int i, j, c, p; HCodeType cd; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { cd.start = n-1; c = i; p = HuffNode[c].parent; while (p != -1) //父结点存在 { if (HuffNode[p].lchild == c) cd.bit[cd.start] = 0; else cd.bit[cd.start] = 1; cd.start--; //求编码的低一位 c=p; p=HuffNode[c].parent; // 设置下一循环条件 } // end while // 保存求出的每个叶结点的哈夫曼编码和编码的起始位 for (j=cd.start+1; j<n; j++) { HuffCode[i].bit[j] = cd.bit[j]; } HuffCode[i].start = cd.start; } } //解码 void decodeing(char string[],HNodeType Buf[],int Num) { int i,tmp=0,code[1024]; int m=2*Num-1; char *nump; char num[1024]; for(i=0;i<strlen(string);i++) { if(string[i]=='0') num[i]=0; else if(string[i] == '1') num[i]=1; else return; }// 转化为数字 i=0; nump=&num[0]; while(nump<(&num[strlen(string)])) { tmp=m-1; while((Buf[tmp].lchild!=-1)&&(Buf[tmp].rchild!=-1)) { if(*nump==0) { tmp=Buf[tmp].lchild ; } else tmp=Buf[tmp].rchild; nump++; } printf("%d",Buf[tmp].value); } } int main(void) { HNodeType HuffNode[MAXNODE]; //定义一个结点结构体数组 HCodeType HuffCode[MAXLEAF], cd; // 定义一个编码结构体数组, 同时定义一个临时变量来存放求解编码时的信息 int i, j, n; char pp[100]; printf ("Please input n:\n"); scanf ("%d", &n); // 输入n个节点 node_input(HuffNode, n); // 构造哈夫曼树 HuffmanTree(HuffNode, n); //编码 encodeing(HuffNode,HuffCode,n); // 输出已保存好的所有存在编码的哈夫曼编码 out_put(HuffCode,n); // 解码过程 printf("Decoding?Please Enter code:\n"); scanf("%s",&pp); decodeing(pp,HuffNode,n); return 0; }