标签:c++ system arrays 提交 rmi ora 选择排序 nbsp integer
In this problem you will be given a series of lists containing both words and numbers. The goal is to sort these lists in such a way that all words are in alphabetical order and all numbers are in numerical order. Furthermore, if the nth element in the list is a number it must remain a number, and if it is a word it must remain a word.
The input will contain multiple lists, one per line. Each element of the list will be separated by a comma followed a space, and the list will be terminated by a period. The input will be terminated by a line containing only a single period.
For each list in the input, output the scramble sorted list, separating each element of the list with a comma followed by a space, and ending the list with a period.
0. banana, strawberry, OrAnGe. Banana, StRaWbErRy, orange. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0. x, 30, -20, z, 1000, 1, Y. 50, 7, kitten, puppy, 2, orangutan, 52, -100, bird, worm, 7, beetle. .
0. banana, OrAnGe, strawberry. Banana, orange, StRaWbErRy. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. x, -20, 1, Y, 30, 1000, z. -100, 2, beetle, bird, 7, kitten, 7, 50, orangutan, puppy, 52, worm.
1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 public class Main { 3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4 Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in); 5 String str1=scan.nextLine();//读入字符串 6 while(!str1.equals(".")){ 7 String str2=str1.substring(0, str1.length()-1); 8 String []str3=str2.split(", "); 9 int len=str3.length; 10 boolean []isdight=new boolean[len];//判断该位置上是数字的话为真值,其余默认假值 11 int []num=new int[len];//至少申请这么长的长度 12 String []word=new String[len];//用两个数组来分别保存单词和数字 13 int indexOfword1=0,indexOfnum1=0; 14 for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ 15 if(Character.isLetter(str3[i].charAt(0))){ 16 isdight[i]=false; 17 word[indexOfword1++]=str3[i];//如果第一个是字母的话就直接赋值给word数组 18 } 19 else{ 20 isdight[i]=true; 21 num[indexOfnum1++]=Integer.parseInt(str3[i]);//否则转换成数值给num数组 22 } 23 } 24 //字符串单词排序代码 25 for(int i=0;i<indexOfword1-1;++i){ 26 int k=i; 27 for(int j=i+1;j<indexOfword1;++j){ 28 if(word[k].compareToIgnoreCase(word[j])>0)//升序排列 29 k=j; 30 } 31 if(k!=i){ 32 String tmp=word[i]; 33 word[i]=word[k]; 34 word[k]=tmp; 35 } 36 } 37 //数值排序 38 for(int i=0;i<indexOfnum1-1;++i){ 39 int k=i; 40 for(int j=i+1;j<indexOfnum1;++j) 41 if(num[k]>num[j])k=j; 42 if(k!=i){ 43 int tmp=num[i]; 44 num[i]=num[k]; 45 num[k]=tmp; 46 } 47 } 48 //输出 49 int indexOfword2=0,indexOfnum2=0; 50 for(int i=0;i<len-1;++i){ 51 if(isdight[i])System.out.print(num[indexOfnum2++]+", "); 52 else System.out.print(word[indexOfword2++]+", "); 53 } 54 if(isdight[len-1])System.out.println(num[indexOfnum2]+"."); 55 else System.out.println(word[indexOfword2]+"."); 56 str1=scan.nextLine();//读入下一个字符串 57 } 58 } 59 }
标签:c++ system arrays 提交 rmi ora 选择排序 nbsp integer