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1  //求a和b的最大公约数
2     int GCD(int a, int b)
3     {
4         if (a % b == 0)
5             return b;
6         else 
7            return GCD(b, a % b);
8     }


1 string reverseString(string str)
2     {
3         if (str.length() == 0) 
4             return "";
5         else
6             return reverseString(str.substr(1)) + str[0];
7     }


 //折半求幂, 效率提高
    int Raise(int base, int exp)
        if (exp == 0)
            return 1;
        else {
            int half = Raise(base, exp / 2);
            if (exp % 2 == 0)   //奇偶情况不同
                return half * half;
                return base * half * half;


1 //递归判断是否为回文,比较相等且剩余的字串为回文则是回文
2     bool isPalindrome(string s) 
3     {
4         if (s.lenth() <= 1)
5             return true;
6         else 
7             return s[0] == s[s.length() - 1] && 
8                     isPalindrome(s.substr(1, s.length() - 2));
9     }      


    int BSearch(Vector<string> &v, int start, int end, string key)
        if (start > end)
            return false;
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (v[mid] == key)
            return mid;
        else if (v[mid] < key)
            return BSearch(v, mid + 1, end, key);
            return BSearch(v, start, mid - 1, key);

#Give N things, how many different ways can you choose K of them?

    int CNK(int n, int k)
        if (k == 0 || k == n)
            retrun 1;
            return CNK(n - 1, k) + CNK(n - 1, k - 1); 
    //包含k需要在n - 1中找出k - 1个数,有CNK(n - 1,k - 1)种情况;
    //不包含k需要在n - 1中找出k个数 

#A familiar fractal

 1 void DrawFractal(double x, double y, double width, double height)
 2     {
 3         DrawTraingle(x, y, width, height);
 4         if (width < 0.2 || height < 0.2) {
 5             return;
 6         }
 7         double halfWidth = width / 2;
 8         double halfHeight = height / 2;
 9         DrawFractal(x, y, halfWidth, halfHeight);
10         DrawFractal(x + halfWidth, y, halfWidth, halfHeight);
11         DrawFractal(x + halfWidth / 2, y + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight);
12     }

#Random pseudo-Mondrian

 1 void DrawMondrian(double x, doouble y, double w, double h)
 2     {
 3         if (w < 1 || y < 1)
 4             return;
 5         Fillrectangle(x, y, w, h, RandomColor());
 6         switch(RandomInteger(0, 2)) {
 7             case 0:
 8                 break;
 9             case 1:
10                 double midX = RandomReal(0, w);
11                 DrawBlackLine(x + midX, y, h);
12                 DrawMondrian(x, y, midX, h);
13                 DrawMondrian(midX, y, w - midX, h);
14                 break;
15             case 2:
16                 double midY = Random(0, h);
17                 DrawBlackLine(x, y + midY, w);
18                 DrawMondrian(x, y, w, midY);
19                 DrawMondrian(x, y + midY, w, h - midY);
20                 break;
21         }
22     }


1 //汉诺塔,将n个塔从src移动到dst上,tmp为临时借用
2     MoveTower(int n, char src, char dst, char tmp)
3     {
4         if (n > 0) {
5             MoveTower(n - 1, src, tmp, dst);  //只需要将n-1个从src移动到tmp上,借助dst
6             MoveStringDisk(src, dst);   //将第n个从src移动到dst上,只需要一步;
7             MoveTower(n - 1, tmp, dst, src);    //再将n-1个从tmp上移动到dst上,借助src;
8         }
9     }

#全排列Permute strategy

 1  //全排列,如:将字符串“ABCD”中出现的字符不同的组合全部输出
 2     //soFar表示已经排列好的字符串,rest表示还需要继续排列的字符串
 3     void RecPermute(string soFar, string rest) 
 4     {
 5         //如果rest为空,即所有字符排列完毕,输出soFar
 6         if (rest == "") {       
 7             cout << soFar << endl;
 8         } else {
 9             //循环将rest中的每个字符轮流当成已排列好的字符
10             for (int i = 0; i < rest.lenth(); i++) {
11                 string next = soFar + rest[i];   //next表示下次递归的soFar字符串
12                 string remain = rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(i + 1); //remain表示除去i本身后剩余的字符串,表示下次递归没有排列的字符串
13                 RecPermute(next, remain);
14             }
15         }
16     }
17     //调用函数,空字符串“”为已排列好的字符串,s为待排列的字符串
18     void ListPermutations(String s)
19     {
20         RecPermute("", s);
21     }
22     //如果输入内容重复的字符串,会出现重复,有两种方法可以解决:1.输出到set中排除相同字母的组合;2.在生成remain时跳过重复的元素


 1   //求子集,思路为找出字符串包含第一个字符的所有子集,和不包含第一个字符的所有子集,递归
 2     //至rest为空即为所有子集。类似于在N个数中找出K个数。
 3     void recSubsets(string soFar, string rest)
 4     {
 5         if (rest == "")     //rest为空为结束条件
 6             cout << soFar << endl;
 7         else {              //包含第一个字符的所有子集
 8             recSubsets(soFar + rest[0], rest.substr(1));
 9             recSubsets(soFar, rest.substr(1));      //不包含第一个元素的所有子集
10         }
11     }
12     void ListSubsets(string str)   //封装
13     {
14         recSubsets("", str)
15     }

#递归回溯Recursive backtracking
#Backtracking pseudocode

bool Solve(configuration conf)
        if (no more choices)  //BASE CASE
            return (conf is goal state);
        for (all available choices) {
            try one choice c;   //solve from here, if works out, you are done
            if (Solve(conf with choice c made)) return true;
            umake choice c;
        return false;   //tried all choices, no soln found

#Permute->anagram finder

 1   //在字典lex中找出是否存在字符串rest任一种排列的存在
 2     bool isAnagram(string sofar, string rest, Lextion &lex)
 3     {
 4         if (rest == "") {
 5             return lex.containsWord(soFar);     //rest为空,返回字典是否包含soFar
 6         } else {            //在字典中进行rest的全排列查找
 7             for (int i = 0; i < rest.length(); i++) {
 8                 if (isAnagram(soFar + rest.[i], 
 9                     rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(1), lex) {
10                         return true;    //如果找到,则递归调用全部返回true
11                     }
12             }
13         }
14         return false;  //所有可能性都找不到,则返回failse
15     } 

#8 Queens

 1   //Place N queens on the board without no theatened
 2     //N * N的网格中放入N个皇后,且互相没有威胁。(皇后行、列、斜线可以任意行动)
 3     //以列为基础,尝试所有行的可能性
 4     bool Solve(Grid<bool> &board, int col)
 5     {
 6         if (col >= board.numCols()) //递归至列大于网格的列数,则表明所有皇后都完成
 7             return true;
 8         else {      //在每一列的所有行尝试放下皇后
 9             for (int rowToTry; rowToTry < board.numRows(); rowToTry++) {
10                 placeQueen(board, rowToTry, col);   //假设没威胁则放下皇后
11                 if (Slove(board, col + 1))  //继续下一列继续递归
12                     return true;
13                 removeQueens(board, rowToTry, col);  //如果下一列无法放置,则回溯
14             }
15         }
16         return failse;  //进行至此说明所有可能性都不满足,返回false
17     }


 //Arrange 1 to 9 with no repeat in row, col, or block
    bool solveSudoku(Grid<int> &grid)
    {   //按顺序查找空位,如果找不到空位,说明已经全部填满,返回true
        if (!findUnassignedLocation(grid, row, col))
            return true;
        else {  //在找到的空位中尝试放入1——9
            for (int num = 1; num <= 9; num++) {
                if (noConflicts(grid, row, col, num)) {
                    grid(row, col) = num;
                    if (solveSudoku(grid))  //如果可以放置,则继续递归
                        return true;
                    grid(row, col) = UNASSIGNED;    //如果不能放置,则回溯
        return failse;  //进行至此则说明失败


 1  //Dumb solve
 2     bool dumbSolve(Pazzle pazzle, string lettersToAssign)
 3     {
 4         if (lettersToAssigned == "")
 5             rerurn pazzleSolved(pazzle);
 6         else {
 7             for (int num = 0; num <= 9; num++) {
 8                 if (assigned(lettersToAssign, num)) {
 9                     if (dumbSolve(pazzle, lettersToAssign.substr(1)))
10                         return true;
11                     unAssigenLetter(lettersToAssign, num);
12                 }
13             }
14        }
15        return failse;
16     }


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