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Git Workflow

时间:2018-05-14 19:54:00      阅读:142      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:hat   ranch   into   for   apply   comm   his   released   after   


[1] http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

A golden git workflow:


feature/*: feature branches that are worked on by developers

develop: like trunk based git workflow, this develop branch contains all commits under development

master: golden version of the project, must be working in production

release/*: these release branches are cut off from develop branch. Must eventually be merged to both develop and master branches.

hotfix/*: these hotfix branches are taken from master branch and are for bug fixes. Must eventually be merged to both develop and master branches.


1. Start a feature/* branch on a certain jira ticket, like feature/jira-120322

2. Complete your work in the fretaure branch and merge it to develop branch afer code review

3. When planning on a release, cut off a release branch like release/1.0.1 from the develop branch and push any further bugfix commits into this branch

4. After successfully released the project from release branch, merge release/* back to both develop and master branch. master branch now has the golden version

5. Once we need to bug fix the version in master, we cut off a hotfix branch from master like hotfix/1.0.2. We apply the hotfix commits and finally release it to production

6. Merge the hotfix branch back to develop and master branches

Git Workflow

标签:hat   ranch   into   for   apply   comm   his   released   after   


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