标签:return name algorithm stream 输入 mes 示例 include cst
1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <algorithm> 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include <queue> 5 #include <vector> 6 using namespace std; 7 8 const int maxn=100; 9 10 class node 11 { 12 public: 13 int id,w,p; 14 double average; 15 bool operator < (const node &a)const 16 { 17 return average>a.average; 18 }; 19 }ths[maxn]; 20 21 class bbnode 22 { 23 public: 24 bbnode *parent; 25 bool lchild; 26 bbnode(bbnode *b,bool f) 27 { 28 parent=b; 29 lchild=f; 30 }; 31 }; 32 33 class headnode 34 { 35 public: 36 double up; 37 int cp,cw; 38 int level; 39 bbnode *bb; 40 headnode(double u,int p,int w,int l,bbnode b) 41 { 42 up=u; 43 cp=p; 44 cw=w; 45 level=l; 46 bbnode *yy=new bbnode(b.parent,b.lchild); 47 bb=yy; 48 } 49 bool operator < (const headnode &a)const 50 { 51 return up<a.up; 52 }; 53 }; 54 55 int n; 56 int c; 57 int cw; 58 int cp; 59 int bestp; 60 int best[maxn]; 61 62 bool cmpp(node a,node b) 63 { 64 return a.id<b.id; 65 } 66 double bound(int num) 67 { 68 int cleft=c-cw; 69 double p=cp; 70 while(num<=n && ths[num].w <= cleft) 71 { 72 cleft-=ths[num].w; 73 p+=ths[num].p; 74 num++; 75 } 76 if(num<=n) 77 { 78 p+=1.0*cleft/ths[num].w * ths[num].p; 79 } 80 return p; 81 } 82 83 84 void init() 85 { 86 cw=0; 87 cp=0; 88 bestp=0; 89 } 90 91 int bfs() 92 { 93 priority_queue<headnode> que; 94 bbnode *E; 95 E=0; 96 int i=1; 97 int t=bound(1); 98 while(i<=n) 99 { 100 if(cw+ths[i].w<=c) 101 { 102 if(cp+ths[i].p>bestp) 103 bestp=cp+ths[i].p; 104 que.push(headnode(t,cp+ths[i].p,cw+ths[i].w,i+1,bbnode(E,true))); 105 } 106 t=bound(i+1); 107 if(t>=bestp) 108 que.push(headnode(t,cp,cw,i+1,bbnode(E,false))); 109 headnode now=que.top(); 110 que.pop(); 111 cp=now.cp; 112 cw=now.cw; 113 i=now.level; 114 t=now.up; 115 E=now.bb; 116 } 117 for(int j=n;j>0;j--) 118 { 119 best[j]=E->lchild; 120 E=E->parent; 121 } 122 return cp; 123 } 124 125 int main() 126 { 127 cin>>n>>c; 128 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 129 { 130 cin>>ths[i].p; 131 ths[i].id=i; 132 } 133 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 134 { 135 cin>>ths[i].w; 136 ths[i].id=i; 137 ths[i].average=1.0*ths[i].p/ths[i].w; 138 } 139 sort(ths+1,ths+n+1); 140 init(); 141 cout<<bfs()<<endl; 142 vector<node> v; 143 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 144 if(best[i]) 145 v.push_back(ths[i]); 146 sort(v.begin(),v.end(),cmpp); 147 for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) 148 cout<<"The "<<v[i].id<<"th : "<<"p="<<v[i].p<<" w="<<v[i].w<<endl; 149 return 0; 150 } 151 /* 152 4 7 153 9 10 7 4 154 3 5 2 1 155 156 6 12 157 8 10 6 3 7 2 158 4 6 2 2 5 1 159 */
4 7
9 10 7 4
3 5 2 1
The 1th : p=9 w=3
The 3th : p=7 w=2
The 4th : p=4 w=1
6 12
8 10 6 3 7 2
4 6 2 2 5 1
The 1th : p=8 w=4
The 2th : p=10 w=6
The 3th : p=6 w=2
标签:return name algorithm stream 输入 mes 示例 include cst