标签:eth style creat self 打开文件 example nbsp ecif join
require ‘zip‘ # This is a simple example which uses rubyzip to # recursively generate a zip file from the contents of # a specified directory. The directory itself is not # included in the archive, rather just its contents. # # Usage: # directory_to_zip = "/tmp/input" # output_file = "/tmp/out.zip" # zf = ZipFileGenerator.new(directory_to_zip, output_file) # zf.write() class ZipFileGenerator # Initialize with the directory to zip and the location of the output archive. def initialize(input_dir, output_file) @input_dir = input_dir @output_file = output_file end # Zip the input directory. def write entries = Dir.entries(@input_dir) - %w(. ..) ::Zip::File.open(@output_file, ::Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| write_entries entries, ‘‘, zipfile end end private # A helper method to make the recursion work. def write_entries(entries, path, zipfile) entries.each do |e| zipfile_path = path == ‘‘ ? e : File.join(path, e) disk_file_path = File.join(@input_dir, zipfile_path) puts "Deflating #{disk_file_path}" if File.directory? disk_file_path recursively_deflate_directory(disk_file_path, zipfile, zipfile_path) else put_into_archive(disk_file_path, zipfile, zipfile_path) end end end def recursively_deflate_directory(disk_file_path, zipfile, zipfile_path) zipfile.mkdir zipfile_path subdir = Dir.entries(disk_file_path) - %w(. ..) write_entries subdir, zipfile_path, zipfile end def put_into_archive(disk_file_path, zipfile, zipfile_path) zipfile.get_output_stream(zipfile_path) do |f| f.write(File.open(disk_file_path, ‘rb‘).read) end end end
report_path = "path/folder" # 某个path下的folder output_file = Rails.root.join(download_path, "report.zip") File.delete(output_file) if File.exists?(output_file) zf = ZipFileGenerator.new(report_path, output_file) zf.write()
这时出现了Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ rb_sysopen的错误。
# Usage: # directory_to_zip = "/tmp/input" # output_file = "/tmp/out.zip" # zf = ZipFileGenerator.new(directory_to_zip, output_file) # zf.write()
而我传入的Rails.root.join(download_path, "report.zip"),是一个Pathname对象,这导致了错误的出现。
rubyzip 压缩文件夹时遇到Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ rb_sysopen -
标签:eth style creat self 打开文件 example nbsp ecif join