标签:-- sse span new system == tca 获取 下载
每天学习一点点 编程PDF电子书、视频教程免费下载:
第4月第1周----------2018-4-2===2018-4-8 第4月第2周----------2018-4-9===2018-4-15 第4月第3周----------2018-4-16===2018-4-22 第4月第4周----------2018-4-23===2018-4-29 第4月第5周----------2018-4-30===2018-5-6 第5月第1周----------2018-5-7===2018-5-13 第5月第2周----------2018-5-14===2018-5-20
@Service public class ToolsService { /** * get Calendar of given year * @param year * @return */ private Calendar getCalendarFormYear(int year){ Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); return cal; } /** * get start date of given week no of a year * @param year * @param weekNo * @return */ public String getStartDayOfWeekNo(int year,int weekNo){ Calendar cal = getCalendarFormYear(year); cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weekNo); return cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); } /** * get the end day of given week no of a year. * @param year * @param weekNo * @return */ public String getEndDayOfWeekNo(int year,int weekNo){ Calendar cal = getCalendarFormYear(year); cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weekNo); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 6); return cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); } }
// 获取当前时间在今年的周数 Date todayDate = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); calendar.setTime(todayDate); int currentWeekIndex = calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); int currentMonthIndex = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1; int currentYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int monthWeekCount = 1; int tempMonth = 0; for(int i=currentWeekIndex-10; i<currentWeekIndex; i++) { if(i<1) { continue; } String weekStartTime = toolsService.getStartDayOfWeekNo(currentYear, i); int startMonth = Integer.parseInt(weekStartTime.split("-")[1]); if(startMonth < currentMonthIndex - 1) { continue; } if(tempMonth != startMonth) { tempMonth = startMonth; monthWeekCount = 1; } String weekEndTime = toolsService.getEndDayOfWeekNo(currentYear, i); System.out.println("第" + startMonth + "月第" + monthWeekCount +"周----------" +weekStartTime + "===" + weekEndTime); monthWeekCount ++; }
每天学习一点点 编程PDF电子书、视频教程免费下载:
标签:-- sse span new system == tca 获取 下载