标签:with tps from nts .project file off port python3
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 ############################ 4 #File Name: polar.py 5 #Author: frank 6 #Mail: frank0903@aliyun.com 7 #Created Time:2018-05-22 22:08:01 8 ############################ 9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 10 import numpy as np 11 import matplotlib as mpl 12 13 zhfont = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname=‘/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-microhei.ttc‘)#载入中文字符库,否则会显示乱码 14 15 plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3)#控制两个subplot的间距,否则会有部分标签重叠 16 ax1 = plt.subplot(121, polar=True) 17 ax2 = plt.subplot(122, polar=True) 18 19 #ax2.set_theta_zero_location("N") #将起点位置设为 北部 20 ax2.set_theta_zero_location("N", 30.0)#将起点位置设为 北部 偏移30度的位置,偏移的方向总是逆时针方向,无论theta direction的顺时针或逆时针。 21 22 plt.figtext(0.52, 0.95, ‘设置极坐标(ρ, 0)的位置‘, ha=‘center‘, size=20,fontproperties=zhfont)#设置figure的标题 23 plt.savefig(‘0_degrees.jpg‘) 24 plt.show()
set_theta_zero_location(loc, offset=0.0)
Sets the location of theta’s zero. (Calls set_theta_offset with the correct value in radians under the hood.)
loc : str
May be one of “N”, “NW”, “W”, “SW”, “S”, “SE”, “E”, or “NE”.
offset : float, optional
An offset in degrees to apply from the specified loc. Note: this offset is always applied counter-clockwise regardless of the direction setting.
标签:with tps from nts .project file off port python3