标签:http roo comm exit .com 调用 neu import exiting
1 代码的下载和编译按照下面的来:https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-debug-bridge
A 要最好使用python3.
B python的语法要理解清楚,怎么在不同目录间引用,这个以后要写一篇文章总结。
C python调用import的测试流程要清晰。
2 编译ok后无法识别的问题。
A 针对这种硬件相关的东西,一定要使用root权限测试。
B 不同的log要搞清楚,学习并利用好代码。
C 可以work的目录:doc/neuronbasic/jlink_driver/pulp/new/pulp-debug-bridge
D 需要改动的地方:vim src/cables/ftdi/ftdi.cpp 把描述符加进去。
3 初步上的log信息,请看:
Found aftdi device i:0x1457:0x5118:1
Found ftdi device i:0x1457:0x5118:0
Found aftdi device i:0x15BA:0x2B:0
Found aftdi device i:0x1457:0x5118:1
Found ftdi device i:0x1457:0x5118:0
Connecting to ftdi device i:0x1457:0x5118:0
JTAG sanity check failed
Did not find an adv debug unit in the chain, exiting
FATAL ERROR: the command ‘read‘ has failed with an exception: Failed to initialize cable with error: Did not find an adv debug unit in the chain, exiting
标签:http roo comm exit .com 调用 neu import exiting