标签:The 通过 实现 子函数 分享图片 rand 代码 ctr 引用
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; // 函数声明 void output1(vector<string> &); void output2(vector<string> &); int main() { vector<string>like, dislike; // 创建vector<string>对象likes和dislikes like.push_back("favorite book") ; like.push_back("music"); like.push_back("film"); // 为vector<string>数组对象likes添加元素值 ( favorite book, music, film, paintings,anime,sport,sportsman,etc) like.push_back("paintings");// 补足代码 like.push_back("anime"); like.push_back("sport"); // 。。。 like.push_back("sportsman"); cout << "-----I like these-----" << endl; output1(like);// 调用子函数输出vector<string>数组对象likes的元素值 cout<<"what do you dislike?"<<endl;// 为vector<string>数组对象dislikes添加元素值 string s1;// 补足代码 while(true) { getline(cin,s1); if(s1!="etc") dislike.push_back(s1); else break; } cout << "-----I dislike these-----" << endl; output2(dislike);// 调用子函数输出vector<string>数组对象dislikes的元素值 like.swap(dislike);// 交换vector<string>对象likes和dislikes的元素值 cout << "-----I likes these-----" << endl; output1(like);// 调用子函数输出vector<string>数组对象likes的元素值 cout << "-----I dislikes these-----" << endl; output2(dislike);// 调用子函数输出vector<string>数组对象dislikes的元素值 return 0; } // 函数实现 // 以下标方式输出vector<string>数组对象v的元素值 void output1(vector<string> &v) { for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) cout<<v[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } // 函数实现 // 以迭代器方式输出vector<string>数组对象v的元素值 void output2(vector<string> &v) { vector<string> ::iterator it; for(it=v.begin();it!=v.end();it++) cout<<*it<<" "; cout<<endl; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int *p; *p=9;// 编译器可以编译通过,但这种用法不对 cout<<"the value of a is :"<<*p; return 0; } //定义指针后必须先赋值 在引用
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,*p=&a; *p=9; cout<<"the value of a is :"<<*p; return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int fn1() { int *p=new int (5); return *p; } int main() { int a=fn1(); cout<<"the value of a is:"<<a<<endl; return 0; }//编译依旧可以正确运行 但用new分配的内存必须用delete 加以释放
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int fn1() { int *p=new int (5); return *p; delete p; } int main() { int a=fn1(); cout<<"the value of a is:"<<a<<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace std; class Dice { public: Dice(int s0=0); int cast(); private: int sides; }; Dice::Dice(int s0):sides(s0){ } int Dice::cast() { int r=rand()%sides+1; return r; } int main() { Dice mydice(40); srand(time(NULL)); double m=0,p; for(int t=0;t<500;t++) {
if(mydice.cast()==39) m++; } p=m/500; cout<<p<<endl; return 0; }
#ifndef USER_H #define USER_H #include<string> using namespace std; class user { public: user(string namex, string passwordx="111111"); void print(); void changenumber(); void showcurrentID(); private: int id; string name,password; static int CurrentID; }; #endif
#include<iostream> #include"user.h" #include<string> using namespace std; user::user(string namex, string passwordx):name(namex),password(passwordx){ id=++CurrentID; } void user::changenumber() { int i=0; string m,n; while(true) { cout<<"输入旧密码:"<<endl; cin>>m; if(m==password) { cin>>n; password=n; cout<<"new password:"<<password<<endl; break; } else { cout<<"error!please try again!"<<endl; i++; if(i<3) continue; else { cout<<"please try later!"<<endl; break; } } } } void user::print() { cout<<"id:"<<id<<endl; cout<<"name:"<<name<<endl; cout<<"password:"<<password<<endl; } void user::showcurrentID() { cout<<CurrentID <<endl; cout<<"id:"<<id<<endl; cout<<"name:"<<name<<endl; cout<<"password:"<<password<<endl; } int user::CurrentID=999;
#include<iostream> #include"user.h" #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { user u1("zzy","5201314"); u1.print(); u1.changenumber(); u1.showcurrentID(); return 0; }
#ifndef BOOK_H #define BOOK_H #include <string> using std::string; class Book { public: Book(string isbnX, string titleX, float priceX); //构造函数 void print(); // 打印图书信息 private: string isbn; string title; float price; }; #endif
#include "book.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; Book::Book(string isbnX, string titleX, float priceX):isbn(isbnX),title(titleX),price(priceX){ }// 构造函数 void Book::print() { cout<<"isbn:" <<isbn<<endl; cout<<"title:"<<title<<endl; cout<<"price:"<<price<<endl; }// 打印图书信息 // 补足程序 // ...
#include "book.h" #include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { vector<Book>mybooks;// 定义一个vector<Book>类对象 string isbn, title; float price; while(true) { if(cin>>isbn>>title>>price) { if(isbn=="0"&&title=="0"&&price==0) break; else { Book book(isbn,title,price); mybooks.push_back(book); } } } for(int i=0;i<mybooks.size();i++) mybooks[i].print(); // 录入图书信息,构造图书对象,并添加到前面定义的vector<Book>类对象中 // 循环录入,直到按下Ctrl+Z时为止 (也可以自行定义录入结束方式) return 0; }
这一题和第一个exc3差不多都是考察vector的相对来还是很简单,但是对循环的停止我还是做的比较僵硬,也未能满足老师所说的按control +z的要求 所以恳请各位大佬们给予改进
标签:The 通过 实现 子函数 分享图片 rand 代码 ctr 引用