标签:des blog http io os ar java for sp
Message message = messageBean.getMessageCreator().createMessage(session); producer.send(message);
public void send(Message message) throws JMSException { this.send(this.getDestination(), message, this.defaultDeliveryMode, this.defaultPriority, this.defaultTimeToLive); } public void send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, AsyncCallback onComplete) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if (destination == null) { if (info.getDestination() == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A destination must be specified."); } throw new InvalidDestinationException("Don't understand null destinations"); } ActiveMQDestination dest; if (destination.equals(info.getDestination())) { dest = (ActiveMQDestination)destination; } else if (info.getDestination() == null) { dest = ActiveMQDestination.transform(destination); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This producer can only send messages to: " + this.info.getDestination().getPhysicalName()); } if (dest == null) { throw new JMSException("No destination specified"); } if (transformer != null) { Message transformedMessage = transformer.producerTransform(session, this, message); if (transformedMessage != null) { message = transformedMessage; } } if (producerWindow != null) { try { producerWindow.waitForSpace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new JMSException("Send aborted due to thread interrupt."); } } this.session.send(this, dest, message, deliveryMode, priority, timeToLive, producerWindow, sendTimeout, onComplete); stats.onMessage(); }
protected void send(ActiveMQMessageProducer producer, ActiveMQDestination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, MemoryUsage producerWindow, int sendTimeout, AsyncCallback onComplete) throws JMSException { checkClosed(); if (destination.isTemporary() && connection.isDeleted(destination)) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: " + destination); } synchronized (sendMutex) { // tell the Broker we are about to start a new transaction doStartTransaction(); TransactionId txid = transactionContext.getTransactionId(); long sequenceNumber = producer.getMessageSequence(); //Set the "JMS" header fields on the original message, see 1.1 spec section 3.4.11 message.setJMSDeliveryMode(deliveryMode); long expiration = 0L; if (!producer.getDisableMessageTimestamp()) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); message.setJMSTimestamp(timeStamp); if (timeToLive > 0) { expiration = timeToLive + timeStamp; } } message.setJMSExpiration(expiration); message.setJMSPriority(priority); message.setJMSRedelivered(false); // transform to our own message format here ActiveMQMessage msg = ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformMessage(message, connection); // Set the message id. if (msg == message) { msg.setMessageId(new MessageId(producer.getProducerInfo().getProducerId(), sequenceNumber)); } else { msg.setMessageId(new MessageId(producer.getProducerInfo().getProducerId(), sequenceNumber)); message.setJMSMessageID(msg.getMessageId().toString()); } //clear the brokerPath in case we are re-sending this message msg.setBrokerPath(null); // destination format is provider specific so only set on transformed message msg.setJMSDestination(destination); msg.setTransactionId(txid); if (connection.isCopyMessageOnSend()) { msg = (ActiveMQMessage)msg.copy(); } msg.setConnection(connection); msg.onSend(); msg.setProducerId(msg.getMessageId().getProducerId()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(getSessionId() + " sending message: " + msg); } if (onComplete==null && sendTimeout <= 0 && !msg.isResponseRequired() && !connection.isAlwaysSyncSend() && (!msg.isPersistent() || connection.isUseAsyncSend() || txid != null)) { this.connection.asyncSendPacket(msg); if (producerWindow != null) { // Since we defer lots of the marshaling till we hit the // wire, this might not // provide and accurate size. We may change over to doing // more aggressive marshaling, // to get more accurate sizes.. this is more important once // users start using producer window // flow control. int size = msg.getSize(); producerWindow.increaseUsage(size); } } else { if (sendTimeout > 0 && onComplete==null) { this.connection.syncSendPacket(msg,sendTimeout); }else { this.connection.syncSendPacket(msg, onComplete); } } } }
public Response syncSendPacket(Command command) throws JMSException { if (isClosed()) { throw new ConnectionClosedException(); } else { try { Response response = (Response)this.transport.request(command); if (response.isException()) { ExceptionResponse er = (ExceptionResponse)response; if (er.getException() instanceof JMSException) { throw (JMSException)er.getException(); } else { if (isClosed()||closing.get()) { LOG.debug("Received an exception but connection is closing"); } JMSException jmsEx = null; try { jmsEx = JMSExceptionSupport.create(er.getException()); } catch(Throwable e) { LOG.error("Caught an exception trying to create a JMSException for " +er.getException(),e); } //dispose of transport for security exceptions if (er.getException() instanceof SecurityException && command instanceof ConnectionInfo){ Transport t = this.transport; if (null != t){ ServiceSupport.dispose(t); } } if (jmsEx !=null) { throw jmsEx; } } } return response; } catch (IOException e) { throw JMSExceptionSupport.create(e); } } } public Response syncSendPacket(Command command) throws JMSException { if (isClosed()) { throw new ConnectionClosedException(); } else { try { Response response = (Response)this.transport.request(command); if (response.isException()) { ExceptionResponse er = (ExceptionResponse)response; if (er.getException() instanceof JMSException) { throw (JMSException)er.getException(); } else { if (isClosed()||closing.get()) { LOG.debug("Received an exception but connection is closing"); } JMSException jmsEx = null; try { jmsEx = JMSExceptionSupport.create(er.getException()); } catch(Throwable e) { LOG.error("Caught an exception trying to create a JMSException for " +er.getException(),e); } //dispose of transport for security exceptions if (er.getException() instanceof SecurityException && command instanceof ConnectionInfo){ Transport t = this.transport; if (null != t){ ServiceSupport.dispose(t); } } if (jmsEx !=null) { throw jmsEx; } } } return response; } catch (IOException e) { throw JMSExceptionSupport.create(e); } } }
public Object request(Object command) throws IOException { FutureResponse response = asyncRequest(command, null); return response.getResult(); } public FutureResponse asyncRequest(Object o, ResponseCallback responseCallback) throws IOException { Command command = (Command) o; command.setCommandId(sequenceGenerator.getNextSequenceId()); command.setResponseRequired(true); FutureResponse future = new FutureResponse(responseCallback); IOException priorError = null; synchronized (requestMap) { priorError = this.error; if (priorError == null) { requestMap.put(new Integer(command.getCommandId()), future); } } if (priorError != null) { future.set(new ExceptionResponse(priorError)); throw priorError; } next.oneway(command); return future; }
@Override public void oneway(Object command) throws IOException { writeLock.lock(); try { next.oneway(command); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
public void oneway(Object o) throws IOException { // To prevent the inactivity monitor from sending a message while we // are performing a send we take a read lock. The inactivity monitor // sends its Heart-beat commands under a write lock. This means that // the MutexTransport is still responsible for synchronizing sends this.sendLock.readLock().lock(); inSend.set(true); try { doOnewaySend(o); } finally { commandSent.set(true); inSend.set(false); this.sendLock.readLock().unlock(); } } private void doOnewaySend(Object command) throws IOException { if( failed.get() ) { throw new InactivityIOException("Cannot send, channel has already failed: "+next.getRemoteAddress()); } if (command.getClass() == WireFormatInfo.class) { synchronized (this) { processOutboundWireFormatInfo((WireFormatInfo) command); } } next.oneway(command); }
public void oneway(Object command) throws IOException { checkStarted(); wireFormat.marshal(command, dataOut); dataOut.flush(); } public synchronized void marshal(Object o, DataOutput dataOut) throws IOException { if (cacheEnabled) { runMarshallCacheEvictionSweep(); } int size = 1; if (o != null) { DataStructure c = (DataStructure)o; byte type = c.getDataStructureType(); DataStreamMarshaller dsm = (DataStreamMarshaller)dataMarshallers[type & 0xFF]; if (dsm == null) { throw new IOException("Unknown data type: " + type); } if (tightEncodingEnabled) { BooleanStream bs = new BooleanStream(); size += dsm.tightMarshal1(this, c, bs); size += bs.marshalledSize(); if (!sizePrefixDisabled) { dataOut.writeInt(size); } dataOut.writeByte(type); bs.marshal(dataOut); dsm.tightMarshal2(this, c, dataOut, bs); } else { DataOutput looseOut = dataOut; if (!sizePrefixDisabled) { bytesOut.restart(); looseOut = bytesOut; } looseOut.writeByte(type); dsm.looseMarshal(this, c, looseOut); if (!sizePrefixDisabled) { ByteSequence sequence = bytesOut.toByteSequence(); dataOut.writeInt(sequence.getLength()); dataOut.write(sequence.getData(), sequence.getOffset(), sequence.getLength()); } } } else { if (!sizePrefixDisabled) { dataOut.writeInt(size); } dataOut.writeByte(NULL_TYPE); } } public final void writeInt(int v) throws IOException { out.write((v >>> 24) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 16) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 8) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 0) & 0xFF); incCount(4); }
标签:des blog http io os ar java for sp