标签:each nta fir second object with for array return
class Node(vName: String, vAge: Int) { // Entity class var name: String = vName var age: Int = vAge } object TestGenerator { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { test() } def test(): Unit = { // This test case is to find out the max age node from each node‘s list // First, define the node 1,2,3 val node1 = new Node("name-1", 1) val node2 = new Node("name-2", 2) val node3 = new Node("name-3", 3) // Second, def some List containing nodes val list1: List[Node] = List(node1, node2, node3) val list2: List[Node] = List(node1) val list3: List[Node] = List(node1, node2) val list4: List[Node] = List() val list5: List[Node] = Nil val list6: List[Node] = null // ==== Test Case 1 ==== // In this test, the generator excluded the Nil and List() and null, and take the "node" out of headOption" which is Option[Node] // The returns are collected into node as Node val allList: Seq[List[Node]] = Seq(list1, list2, list3, list4, list5, list6) val result1 = for { list: List[Node] <- allList // The type List[Node] is necessary for this situation, it can help to filter out list6 (null) node <- list.sortWith(_.age > _.age).headOption } yield node for (r <- result1) { println(r.name) } println("======================================================") // ***************************************************************************** // ==== Test Case 2 ==== // In this test, use get() function to get back the list instead of Seq[List[Node]] def get(i: Int): List[Node] = { i match { case 1 => list1; case 2 => list2; case 3 => list3; case 4 => list4; case 5 => list5; case 6 => list6; } } // Define the array to contain the test lists // List 1-5 will be used for this test, but list6 (null) cannot be handled in this approach val arr = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // list6 (null) cannot be handled thus only 1-5 here val result2 = for { i <- arr node <- get(i).sortWith(_.age > _.age).headOption } yield node for (r <- result2) { println(r.name) } } }
Scala 中 for 循环 和 generator 的使用例子
标签:each nta fir second object with for array return