标签:host ica null sele ons structure inf 14. into
Navicat MySQL Data Transfer
Source Server : localhost
Source Server Version : 50617
Source Host : localhost:3306
Source Database : ceshi
Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50617
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 2018-06-07 09:04:53
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `orders`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `orders` (
`Work_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`supp_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`Order_id` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`money` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`Work_id`,`supp_id`),
KEY `supp_id` (`supp_id`),
CONSTRAINT `orders_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`Work_id`) REFERENCES `worker` (`Work_id`),
CONSTRAINT `orders_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`supp_id`) REFERENCES `supply` (`supp_id`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of orders
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES (‘e1‘, ‘s4‘, ‘or73‘, ‘1000000.00‘);
INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES (‘e3‘, ‘s7‘, ‘or67‘, ‘5000000.00‘);
INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES (‘e6‘, ‘‘, ‘or77‘, ‘6000000.00‘);
INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES (‘e7‘, ‘s4‘, ‘or76‘, ‘8000000.00‘);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `supply`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `supply` (
`supp_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`supp_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`supp_area` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`supp_id`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of supply
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `supply` VALUES (‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘);
INSERT INTO `supply` VALUES (‘s3‘, ‘振华电子厂‘, ‘西安‘);
INSERT INTO `supply` VALUES (‘s4‘, ‘华通电子公司‘, ‘北京‘);
INSERT INTO `supply` VALUES (‘s6‘, ‘607厂‘, ‘郑州‘);
INSERT INTO `supply` VALUES (‘s7‘, ‘爱华电子厂‘, ‘北京‘);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `warehouse`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `warehouse` (
`Ware_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`city` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`area` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`Ware_id`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of warehouse
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `warehouse` VALUES (‘wh1‘, ‘北京‘, ‘370‘);
INSERT INTO `warehouse` VALUES (‘wh2‘, ‘上海‘, ‘500‘);
INSERT INTO `warehouse` VALUES (‘wh3‘, ‘广州‘, ‘200‘);
INSERT INTO `warehouse` VALUES (‘wh4‘, ‘武汉‘, ‘400‘);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `worker`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `worker` (
`Work_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`Ware_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`wages` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`Work_id`),
KEY `Ware_id` (`Ware_id`),
CONSTRAINT `worker_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`Ware_id`) REFERENCES `warehouse` (`Ware_id`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of worker
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `worker` VALUES (‘e1‘, ‘wh2‘, ‘1220‘);
INSERT INTO `worker` VALUES (‘e3‘, ‘wh1‘, ‘1210‘);
INSERT INTO `worker` VALUES (‘e4‘, ‘wh2‘, ‘1250‘);
INSERT INTO `worker` VALUES (‘e6‘, ‘wh3‘, ‘1230‘);
INSERT INTO `worker` VALUES (‘e7‘, ‘wh1‘, ‘1250‘);
select 工资 from 职工表;
select *from 仓库表;
select 职工号 from 职工表 where 工资>‘1230‘;
select 仓库号, 职工号 from 职工表 where 工资>‘1210‘;
select 职工号 from 职工表 where 仓库号 not like ‘wh3‘ and 工资<‘1250‘
select 城市,职工号 from 仓库表 join 职工表 on 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号 where 工资>‘1230‘
select 城市,职工号 from 仓库表 join 职工表 on 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号 where 面积>‘400‘
select 城市 from 仓库表 where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 工资=‘1250‘)
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号 in( select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 1210< all(select 工资 from 职工表 where 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号))
select 职工号 from 职工表 where 工资 = (select 工资 from 职工表 where 职工号=‘e4‘) and 职工号 !=‘e4‘
select*from 仓库表 join 职工表 on 职工表.仓库号=仓库表.仓库号 where 工资 between 1220 and 1240
select *from 订购单表 a join 职工表 b on a.职工号=b.职工号 and 供应商号=any(select 供应商号 from 供应商表)
select * from 供应商表 where 地址 !=‘北京‘
SELECT *from 职工表 order by 工资 asc
select *from 职工表 order by 仓库号 asc , 工资 asc
select 地址,COUNT(*) from 供应商表 group by 地址
select COUNT(地址) from 供应商表
select SUM(工资) from 职工表
select SUM(工资) from 职工表 where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from 仓库表 where 城市 in(‘北京‘,‘上海‘))
select AVG(面积) from 仓库表 where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 工资>‘1210‘)
select max(工资) from 职工表 where 仓库号 like ‘wh2‘
select AVG(工资) from 职工表 group by 仓库号
select AVG(工资) from 职工表 group by 仓库号 having COUNT(仓库号)>=2
select *from 订购单表 where 供应商号 is null
select *from 订购单表 where 供应商号 is not null
select *from 供应商表
alter table 订购单表 add 订购金额 varchar(max);
select MAX(订购金额) from 订购单表 group by 职工号
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号 not in (select 仓库号 from 职工表)
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号
in (select 仓库号 from 职工表 group by 职工号 having COUNT(职工号)>=1)
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号
in(select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 职工号
in (select 职工号 from 职工表 where 工资
>(select MIN(工资) from 职工表 where 仓库号 like ‘wh1‘)))
select distinct 仓库号 from 职工表 where 工资>=any(select 工资 from 职工表 where 仓库号=‘wh1‘) and 仓库号!=‘wh1‘
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号
in(select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 职工号
in (select 职工号 from 职工表 where 工资
>=(select MAX(工资) from 职工表 where 仓库号 like ‘wh1‘)))
select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 工资>= all(select 工资 from 职工表 where 仓库号=‘wh1‘) and 仓库号!=‘wh1‘
Select 工资 from 工资表;
Select * from warehouse
Select 职工号 from worker where 工资 > 1230;
Select 仓库号 from worker where 工资 > 1210;
Select 职工号 from worker where (仓库号=‘wh1’ or 仓库号=‘wh2’)and 工资 < 1250;
select 城市,职工号 from 仓库表 join 职工表 on 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号 where 工资>‘1230‘
select 城市,职工号 from 仓库表 join 职工表 on 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号 where 面积>‘400‘;
Select 城市 from warehouse where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from worker where 工资 = 1250 );
select * from 仓库表 where 仓库号 in( select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 1210< all(select 工资 from 职工表 where 仓库表.仓库号=职工表.仓库号))
Select 职工号 from worker where 工资 = (selet 工资 from worker where 职工号 = ‘e4’);
Select * from worker where 工资 between 1220 and 1240;
Select * from supply where 供应商 = ‘%公司’;
Select * from supply where 地址 != 北京;
Select * from worker order by 工资 asc;
select *from 职工表 order by 仓库号 asc , 工资 asc
Select count(地址) from supply
Select sum(工资)from worker;
Select sun(工资) from worker where 仓库号 = (select 仓库号 from warehouse where 城市=‘上海’ and 城市 = ‘北京’);
select AVG(面积) from 仓库表 where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from 职工表 where 工资>‘1210‘)
Select max(工资) from worker where 仓库号 =’wh2’ ;
Select avg(工资) from worker group by 仓库号;
Select avg(工资) from worker group by 仓库号 having count(*)>= 2;
Secect * from order where 供货商号 = null;
select * from 订购单表 where 供应商号 is not null
Select * from supply;
Alrter table 订购单表 add 订购金额 varchar(max)
select MAX(订购金额) from 订购单表 group by 职工号
select *from 仓库表 where 仓库号 not in (select 仓库号 from 职工表)
Select * from warehouse where 仓库号 = (select 仓库号 from worker group by 仓库号 having count(仓库号)>= 1);
Select 仓库号 from worker where工资 > any (select 工资 from worker where 仓库号 = ‘wh1’);
Select 仓库号 from worker where工资 >= all (select 工资 from worker where 仓库号 = ‘wh1’);
标签:host ica null sele ons structure inf 14. into