标签:clear inf https dom source yml example des oob
I use English to complete my writing, if you find it terrible, you can refer this post.
Welcome to my personal website, in this hello world page, I will briefly show you how I create this website with the help of Github and Hexo . And you can also create you own, just follow me.
Get a Github account .
Create a new repository named “you_username”.github.io, for example, my according reposity’s name is “songwonderful.github.io”.
Install Git and config it, you can refer this blog .
Download Node.js and install it. But you may find the download speed is too low, download it here, which is uploaded by myself without changes.
Verify you installation. Open a console and run node -v
to verift the installation of node. Run npm -v
to verify the installation of npm.
Create a new foloder and name it as “Blog”.
Install Hexo. Open a console and change path to your newly created folder. Then install hexo and init you blog.
The following code is for you to reference
bash # Change "C:\Users\song\Blog" to your own path cd C:\Users\song\Blog # Install Hexo npm install -g hexo-cli # Init your blog hexo init blog # It create a new folder named "blog" under current path. Enter this new folder cd blog npm install
Config your site. Modify the _config.yml file. The following content should be changed.
# Site
title: JustSong #your site‘s title
subtitle: Better and Best #your site‘s subtitle
author: JustSong #your name
language: en
type: git
repo: https://github.com/songwonderful/songwonderful.github.io.git #your own repo here
branch: master
Run npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
I am nott very clear ablou the fuction of this command
ba hexo g hexo d
After all this done, you should can visit by this url : your_github_username.github.io
Buy a domain name and config it like this:
Remind that: domain name like XXX.xyz is very cheap.
Create a file named “CNAME” on blog/source , edit its content as “you_domain_name”. Save it.
Run those commands to update your site’s config infomation.
bas hexo clean hexo g hexo d
Some basic commands.
ba # Create a new artical. hexo n "new artical" # Now you can edit it on X:\***\Blog\blog\source\_posts # Generate static files. hexo g # Deploy hexo d
You use Markdown to write you posts. Here is a reference
Congratulation. That’s all.
## Reference
标签:clear inf https dom source yml example des oob