标签:1.0 tom row char group scanf nal return red
Formation is very important when taking a group photo. Given the rules of forming K rows with N people as the following:
Now given the information of a group of people, you are supposed to write a program to output their formation.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each test case, the first line contains two positive integers N (<=10000), the total number of people, and K (<=10), the total number of rows. Then N lines follow, each gives the name of a person (no more than 8 English letters without space) and his/her height (an integer in [30, 300]).
Output Specification:
For each case, print the formation -- that is, print the names of people in K lines. The names must be separated by exactly one space, but there must be no extra space at the end of each line. Note: since you are facing the group, people in the rear rows must be printed above the people in the front rows.
Sample Input:
10 3
Tom 188
Mike 170
Eva 168
Tim 160
Joe 190
Ann 168
Bob 175
Nick 186
Amy 160
John 159
Sample Output:
Bob Tom Joe Nick Ann Mike Eva Tim Amy John
题目大意:给出一些人的身高信息,把他们排成k行, 后一行的人都比前一行的人高, 每一样呈三角形形状排列
思路:对所有人对身高进行降序排序,对于每一行先输出右边的人,再输出中间的人,再输出左边的人,右边是身高依次升高, 左边身高依次降低;
2.人数为偶数:右边人的序号是mid+m-2*i-1, i是从第一个人从右往左开始计数
第一次提交的时候,没有分奇偶导致有两个点没能通过,后面经过修改分了奇偶,但是只在前r-1行分了奇偶, 没有在最后一行分奇偶; 所以说在程序调试的时候,应该有这样的思维,在相同的结构中一部分进行了修改,对于的部分也应该进行修改
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<vector> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<cstring> 5 using namespace std; 6 struct node{ 7 char name[10]; 8 int h; 9 }; 10 11 bool cmp(node a, node b){ 12 if(a.h != b.h) return a.h>b.h; 13 return strcmp(a.name, b.name)<0; 14 } 15 int main(){ 16 int n, row, i, j; 17 cin>>n>>row; 18 vector<node> v(n); 19 for(i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%s %d", v[i].name, &v[i].h); 20 sort(v.begin(), v.end(), cmp); 21 int m = (int)(1.0*n/row + 0.5), last=n-m*(row-1) ; 22 int mid=0, r=(last-1)-(last-1)/2, l=(last-1)/2; 23 for(i=0; i<r; i++){ 24 if(last%2==0) printf("%s ", v[last-1-2*i].name); 25 else printf("%s ", v[last-2-2*i].name); 26 } 27 printf("%s", v[mid].name); 28 for(i=0; i<l; i++) printf(" %s", v[2*i+2].name); 29 r=(m-1)-(m-1)/2; l=(m-1)/2; 30 cout<<endl; 31 for(i=1; i<row; i++){ 32 mid = last+(i-1)*m; 33 for(j=0; j<r; j++){ 34 if(m%2!=0)printf("%s ", v[mid+m-2-2*j].name); 35 else printf("%s ", v[mid+m-1-2*j].name); 36 } 37 printf("%s", v[mid].name); 38 for(j=0; j<l; j++)printf(" %s", v[mid+2*j+2].name); 39 cout<<endl; 40 } 41 return 0; 42 }
标签:1.0 tom row char group scanf nal return red