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Error RZ3007: Targeted tag name cannot be null or whitespace

时间:2018-06-13 15:05:35      阅读:357      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:otn   error   clear   spro   tag   tar   mpi   get   ace   

Step 1: Disable precompile 

updating below property in csproj file:


Apart from this, Razor pages will be updated live.


特别是 WebHost.csproj


Step2: clear cache 

This method worked for me:

  • delete obj and bin folders
  • run dotnet restore
  • run dotnet build



It looks as if your project references are incorrect. You can reproduce what I‘m seeing by doing the following:

    1. At the command line run dotnet nuget locals all -c
    2. At the command line run dotnet restore
    3. At the command line run dotnet build



最后: dotnet publish -r linux-x64

Error RZ3007: Targeted tag name cannot be null or whitespace

标签:otn   error   clear   spro   tag   tar   mpi   get   ace   


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