标签:ORC har under ssi sub tree contains minus ISE
You are given a tree consisting of nn vertices. A number is written on each vertex; the number on vertex ii is equal to aiai.
Let‘s denote the function g(x,y)g(x,y) as the greatest common divisor of the numbers written on the vertices belonging to the simple path from vertex xx to vertex yy(including these two vertices).
For every integer from 11 to 2⋅1052⋅105 you have to count the number of pairs (x,y)(x,y) (1≤x≤y≤n)(1≤x≤y≤n) such that g(x,y)g(x,y) is equal to this number.
The first line contains one integer nn — the number of vertices (1≤n≤2⋅105)(1≤n≤2⋅105).
The second line contains nn integers a1a1, a2a2, ..., anan (1≤ai≤2⋅105)(1≤ai≤2⋅105) — the numbers written on vertices.
Then n−1n−1 lines follow, each containing two integers xx and yy (1≤x,y≤n,x≠y)(1≤x,y≤n,x≠y)denoting an edge connecting vertex xx with vertex yy. It is guaranteed that these edges form a tree.
For every integer ii from 11 to 2⋅1052⋅105 do the following: if there is no pair (x,y)(x,y) such that x≤yx≤y and g(x,y)=ig(x,y)=i, don‘t output anything. Otherwise output two integers: iiand the number of aforementioned pairs. You have to consider the values of ii in ascending order.
See the examples for better understanding.
1 2 3
1 2
2 3
1 4
2 1
3 1
1 2 4 8 16 32
1 6
6 3
3 4
4 2
6 5
1 6
2 5
4 6
8 1
16 2
32 1
9 16 144 6
1 3
2 3
4 3
1 1
2 1
3 1
6 2
9 2
16 2
144 1
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; const int maxn=200010; const int inf=0x7FFFFFFF; int Laxt[maxn],Next[maxn<<1],To[maxn<<1],cnt,N,sn; int a[maxn],sz[maxn],son[maxn],vis[maxn],root; ll ans[maxn]; map<int,int>mp,tp; map<int,int>::iterator it1,it2; inline void read(int &x) { x=0; char c=getchar(); while(c>‘9‘||c<‘0‘) c=getchar(); while(c<=‘9‘&&c>=‘0‘) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+c-‘0‘,c=getchar(); } void add(int u,int v){ Next[++cnt]=Laxt[u]; Laxt[u]=cnt; To[cnt]=v; } void getroot(int u,int fa) //找重心 { sz[u]=1; son[u]=0; for(int i=Laxt[u];i;i=Next[i]){ if(To[i]!=fa&&!vis[To[i]]){ getroot(To[i],u); sz[u]+=sz[To[i]]; son[u]=max(son[u],sz[To[i]]); } } son[u]=max(son[u],sn-son[u]); if(root==0||son[root]>son[u]) root=u; } void getans(int u,int fa,int num) //对于当前链产生的新GCD { tp[num]++; for(int i=Laxt[u];i;i=Next[i]){ if(!vis[To[i]]&&To[i]!=fa){ getans(To[i],u,__gcd(num,a[To[i]])); } } } void solve(int u) //解决以u为根的子问题 { mp.clear(); mp[a[u]]++; ans[a[u]]++; for(int i=Laxt[u];i;i=Next[i]) if(!vis[To[i]]) { tp.clear(); getans(To[i],u,__gcd(a[u],a[To[i]])); for(it1=mp.begin();it1!=mp.end();it1++) for(it2=tp.begin();it2!=tp.end();it2++){ int g=__gcd((*it1).first,(*it2).first); ans[g]+=(ll)(*it1).second*(*it2).second; } for(it2=tp.begin();it2!=tp.end();it2++) mp[(*it2).first]+=(*it2).second; } } void dfs(int u) //分治 { vis[u]=1; solve(u); for(int i=Laxt[u];i;i=Next[i]){ if(vis[To[i]]) continue; root=0; sn=sz[To[i]]; getroot(To[i],0); dfs(root); } } int main() { read(N); int u,v,Max=0; for(int i=1;i<=N;i++) read(a[i]),Max=max(Max,a[i]); for(int i=1;i<N;i++) { read(u);read(v); add(u,v); add(v,u); } root=0; sn=N; getroot(1,0); dfs(root); for(int i=1;i<=Max;i++) if(ans[i]) printf("%d %I64d\n",i,ans[i]); return 0; }
CodeForces990G:GCD Counting(树分治+GCD)
标签:ORC har under ssi sub tree contains minus ISE