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时间:2014-09-29 10:19:37      阅读:369      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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" -------------------- Copyright Header Begin ---------------------------------
" Descripation : Facilitates vim settings 
" Version      : 2.0
" Author       : RollStone,jealdean@outlook.com
" Copyright    : RollStone (2007-2014).
" -------------------- Copyright Header End -----------------------------------
" Overview for maintainers :
" The file is divided into following sections. You may add yours or update these
" if/when you choose to enhance this setting file.
" + General Settings
" + Tips(just need to how use these functions)
" + Autocmds
" + Mappings
"{{{ ---------------- General Settings Begin ---------------------------------
"MC: My Contaction
abbr mc RollStone,jealdean@outlook.com

let g:mapleader=;
let g:leader=;

"Just more like vim,less vi
set nocompatible

set nobackup

set autochdir
set autoread
set autowrite

set complete+=k
set completeopt=longest,menu

set fileencodings=utf-8,gbk,gb18030,chinese

set autoindent
set smartindent
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set formatoptions+=mM
set cinoptions=:0,l1,t0,g0

set showmatch
set hlsearch
set smartcase
set ignorecase
set incsearch

set title
set showcmd
set laststatus=2
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w,%{&ff},Type:%y,[ASCII:\%03.3b,HEX:0x\%02.2B][%l,%v][Total:%L][Rate:%p%%]\ %*%=\ %{strftime(\"%d-%m-%y\ %H:%M\")}
set wildmenu

set ruler
set number
set cursorline
"set cursorcolumn
"highlight cursorline ctermbg=lightgray
"highlight cursorcolumn ctermbg=lightgray

set nowrap
set nowrapscan

set backspace=indent,eol,start
set wildignore=*.bak,*.o,*.e,*~
set browsedir=current
set sessionoptions-=curdir
set ttimeoutlen=150
set vb t_vb=

"some common gates
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
"}}} ---------------- General Settings End -----------------------------------

"{{{ ---------------- Tips Begin ---------------------------------------------
"notice: n just be in normal mode
"tip1. match ()/{}/[]
"n: % (first chang into normal mode,and press shift + 5)

"tip2. find the manual content
"n: K (first chang into normal mode,and press shift + K)
"}}} ---------------- Tips End -----------------------------------------------

"{{{ ---------------- Autocmds Begin -----------------------------------------
if has("autocmd")
"when modifies vimrc or .vimrc reload it
au! BufWritePost [ _.]vimrc source ~/.vimrc

"auto chdir to curdir
au BufEnter * :lchdir %:p:h

"change to the lastest cursor position
au BufReadPost * if line("‘\"") > 0 && line("‘\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif 
endif " has (autocmd)"
"}}} ---------------- Autocmds End -------------------------------------------

"{{{ ---------------- Mappings Begin -----------------------------------------
"display line number or not
nnoremap <leader> sn :set nu!<cr>

"F1 - overrule Linux F1
map <silent> <F1> <esc>:exec "help ".expand("<cword>")<cr>

"F2 - call file explorer Ex
map  <silent> <F2>        :Explorer
imap <silent> <F2>   <esc>:Explorer

"F3 - write file without confirmation
map  <silent> <F2>        :write<cr>
imap <silent> <F2>   <esc>:write<cr>

"F4 - remove trail white-space
map  <silent> <F2>        :%s/[ \t\r]\+$//g<cr>
imap <silent> <F2>   <esc>:%s/[ \t\r]\+$//g<cr>

"F5-F8 :quickfix :open/close error windows,display prev/next error
map  <silent> <F5>        :copen<cr>
map  <silent> <F6>        :cclose<cr>
map  <silent> <F7>        :cp<cr>
map  <silent> <F8>        :cn<cr>
imap <silent> <F5>   <esc>:copen<cr>
imap <silent> <F6>   <esc>:cclose<cr>
imap <silent> <F7>   <esc>:cp<cr>
imap <silent> <F8>   <esc>:cn<cr>

"autocomplete parenthesis, brackets and braces
inoremap ( ()<Left>
inoremap [ []<Left>
inoremap { {}<Left>
vnoremap ( s()<Esc>P<Right>%
vnoremap [ s[]<Esc>P<Right>%
vnoremap { s{}<Esc>P<Right>%

"autocomplete quotes (select mode)
xnoremap    s‘‘<Esc>P<Right>
xnoremap  "  s""<Esc>P<Right>
xnoremap  `  s``<Esc>P<Right>

"Open includes files in a new split window
set path=.,include,../include,/usr/include,/usr/local/include
nmap gf <c-w><c-f>

"{{User defines functions and its‘ map

"Format C/CPP codes,and return current line
function! UDFormatCppCode()
    let s:backupCurLine=line(.)
    exec "normal! gg=G <cr>"
    exec ":".s:backupCurLine
nmap fmt :call UDFormatCppCode()<cr>
imap fmt <esc>:call UDFormatCppCode()<cr>o
"}}} ---------------- Mappings End -------------------------------------------



标签:des   style   blog   color   io   os   ar   for   文件   


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