标签:问题 enc 二叉树 定义 比较 信息 null 大小 效率
2018-06-16 18:53:36
序列化 (Serialization)将对象的状态信息转换为可以存储或传输的形式的过程。反序列化顾名思义就是通过信息流对对象进行重建的过程。
public class SerializeandDeserializeTree { // Encodes a tree to a single string. public String serialize(TreeNode root) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); preOrder(root, sb); return sb.toString(); } private void preOrder(TreeNode root, StringBuffer stringBuffer) { if (root == null) { stringBuffer.append("00000"); } else { byte[] bytes = intToByte(root.val); stringBuffer.append(‘1‘).append((char) bytes[0]).append((char) bytes[1]).append((char) bytes[2]).append((char) bytes[3]); preOrder(root.left, stringBuffer); preOrder(root.right, stringBuffer); } } private byte[] intToByte(int val) { return new byte[]{ (byte) (val >> 24), (byte) (val >> 16), (byte) (val >> 8), (byte) val }; } // Decodes your encoded data to tree. public TreeNode deserialize(String data) { return helper(data.toCharArray(), new int[]{0}); } private TreeNode helper(char[] data, int[] pos) { if (pos[0] >= data.length) return null; if (data[pos[0]] == ‘0‘) { pos[0] += 5; return null; } int val = (data[pos[0] + 1]) << 24 & 0xff000000 | (data[pos[0] + 2]) << 16 & 0x00ff0000 | (data[pos[0] + 3]) << 8 & 0x0000ff00 | (data[pos[0] + 4]) << 0 & 0x000000ff; pos[0] += 5; TreeNode root = new TreeNode(val); root.left = helper(data, pos); root.right = helper(data, pos); return root; } }
二、 二叉搜索树的序列化和反序列化
public class SerializeandDeserializeBST { // Encodes a tree to a single string. public String serialize(TreeNode root) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); preOrder(root, sb); return sb.toString(); } byte[] intToByte(int val) { return new byte[]{ (byte)(val >> 24), (byte)(val >> 16), (byte)(val >> 8), (byte)val }; } void preOrder(TreeNode root, StringBuffer sb) { if (root != null) { byte[] tmp = intToByte(root.val); sb.append((char) tmp[0]).append((char) tmp[1]).append((char) tmp[2]).append((char) tmp[3]); preOrder(root.left, sb); preOrder(root.right, sb); } } // Decodes your encoded data to tree. public TreeNode deserialize(String data) { return helper(data.toCharArray(), new int[]{0}, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private TreeNode helper(char[] data, int[] pos, int low, int high) { if(pos[0] >= data.length) return null; int val = data[pos[0] + 0] << 24 & (0xff000000) | data[pos[0] + 1] << 16 & (0x00ff0000) | data[pos[0] + 2] << 8 & (0x0000ff00) | data[pos[0] + 3] << 0 & (0x000000ff); if(val < low || val > high) return null; TreeNode root = new TreeNode(val); pos[0] += 4; root.left = helper(data, pos, low, val); root.right = helper(data, pos, val, high); return root; } int byteToInt(byte[] bytes) { return bytes[0] & (0xff000000) | bytes[1] & (0x00ff0000) | bytes[2] & (0x0000ff00) | bytes[3] & (0x000000ff); } }
标签:问题 enc 二叉树 定义 比较 信息 null 大小 效率