标签:一句话 proxy 0.12 ring pem restore log 电话 简化
5.原型模式 对象池?浅拷贝公用。
void Start() { // 孙悟空 原型 MonkeyKingPrototype prototypeMonkeyKing = new ConcretePrototype("223k"); // 变一个 MonkeyKingPrototype cloneMonkeyKing = prototypeMonkeyKing.Clone() as ConcretePrototype; print("Cloned1:\t" + cloneMonkeyKing.Id); // 变两个 MonkeyKingPrototype cloneMonkeyKing2 = prototypeMonkeyKing.Clone() as ConcretePrototype; print("Cloned2:\t" + cloneMonkeyKing2.Id); } public abstract class MonkeyKingPrototype { public string Id { get; set; } public MonkeyKingPrototype(string id) { this.Id = id; } // 克隆方法,即孙大圣说“变” public abstract MonkeyKingPrototype Clone(); } /// <summary> /// 创建具体原型 /// </summary> public class ConcretePrototype : MonkeyKingPrototype { public ConcretePrototype(string id) : base(id) { } /// <summary> /// 浅拷贝 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override MonkeyKingPrototype Clone() { // 调用MemberwiseClone方法实现的是浅拷贝,另外还有深拷贝 return (MonkeyKingPrototype)this.MemberwiseClone(); } }
public class RemoteControl { private TV implementor; public TV Implementor { get { return implementor; } set { implementor = value; } } public virtual void On() { implementor.On(); } public virtual void Off() { implementor.Off(); } public virtual void SetChannel() { implementor.tuneChannel(); } } public abstract class TV { public abstract void On(); public abstract void Off(); public abstract void tuneChannel(); } public class ChangHong : TV { public override void On() { Debug.Log("长虹牌电视机已经打开了"); } public override void Off() { Debug.Log("长虹牌电视机已经关掉了"); } public override void tuneChannel() { Debug.Log("长虹牌电视机换频道"); } } public class ConcreteRemote : RemoteControl { public override void SetChannel() { base.SetChannel(); } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { RemoteControl remoteControl = new ConcreteRemote(); remoteControl.Implementor = new ChangHong(); remoteControl.On(); remoteControl.SetChannel(); remoteControl.Off(); } }
8.装饰者模式 我们可以使用装饰者模式来动态地给一个对象添加额外的职责。
public abstract class Phone { public abstract void Print(); } /// <summary> /// 苹果手机,即装饰着模式中的具体组件类 /// </summary> public class ApplePhone : Phone { /// <summary> /// 重写基类方法 /// </summary> public override void Print() { Debug.Log("开始执行具体的对象——苹果手机"); } } /// <summary> /// 装饰抽象类,要让装饰完全取代抽象组件,所以必须继承自Photo /// </summary> public abstract class Decorator : Phone { private Phone phone; public Decorator(Phone p) { this.phone = p; } public override void Print() { if (phone != null) { phone.Print(); } } } /// <summary> /// 贴膜,即具体装饰者 /// </summary> public class Sticker : Decorator { public Sticker(Phone p) : base(p) { } public override void Print() { base.Print(); // 添加新的行为 AddSticker(); } /// <summary> /// 新的行为方法 /// </summary> public void AddSticker() { Debug.Log("现在苹果手机有贴膜了"); } } /// <summary> /// 手机挂件 /// </summary> public class Accessories : Decorator { public Accessories(Phone p) : base(p) { } public override void Print() { base.Print(); // 添加新的行为 AddAccessories(); } /// <summary> /// 新的行为方法 /// </summary> public void AddAccessories() { Debug.Log("现在苹果手机有漂亮的挂件了"); } }
10.外观模式 然而外观模式与适配器模式不同的是:适配器模式是将一个对象包装起来以改变其接口,而外观是将一群对象 ”包装“起来以简化其接口。它们的意图是不一样的,适配器是将接口转换为不同接口,而外观模式是提供一个统一的接口来简化接口。
public abstract class Person { public abstract void BuyProduct(); } public class RealBuyPerson : Person { public override void BuyProduct() { Debug.Log("帮我买一个苹果3"); } } public class Friend : Person { RealBuyPerson realSubject; public override void BuyProduct() { if (realSubject == null) { realSubject = new RealBuyPerson(); } this.PreBuyProduct(); realSubject.BuyProduct(); this.PostBuyProduct(); } public void PreBuyProduct() { Debug.Log("我怕弄糊涂,需要一张清单。"); } public void PostBuyProduct() { Debug.Log("买完了,要分类给别人"); } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Person proxy = new Friend(); proxy.BuyProduct(); } }
12. 模板方法模式
public abstract class Vegetabel { public void CookVegetabel() { this.pourOil(); this.HeatOil(); this.pourVegetable(); this.stir_fry(); } // 第一步倒油 public void pourOil() { Console.WriteLine("倒油"); } // 把油烧热 public void HeatOil() { Console.WriteLine("把油烧热"); } // 油热了之后倒蔬菜下去,具体哪种蔬菜由子类决定 public abstract void pourVegetable(); // 开发翻炒蔬菜 public void stir_fry() { Console.WriteLine("翻炒"); } } public class Spinach : Vegetabel { public override void pourVegetable() { Debug.Log("倒进锅中"); } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { } }
// 教官,负责调用命令对象执行请求 public class Invoke { public Command _command; public Invoke(Command command) { this._command = command; } public void ExecuteCommand() { _command.Action(); } } // 命令抽象类 public abstract class Command { // 命令应该知道接收者是谁,所以有Receiver这个成员变量 protected Receiver _receiver; public Command(Receiver receiver) { this._receiver = receiver; } // 命令执行方法 public abstract void Action(); } // public class ConcreteCommand :Command { public ConcreteCommand(Receiver receiver) : base(receiver) { } public override void Action() { // 调用接收的方法,因为执行命令的是学生 _receiver.Run1000Meters(); } } // 命令接收者——学生 public class Receiver { public void Run1000Meters() { Console.WriteLine("跑1000米"); } } // 院领导 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // 初始化Receiver、Invoke和Command Receiver r = new Receiver(); Command c = new ConcreteCommand(r); Invoke i = new Invoke(c); // 院领导发出命令 i.ExecuteCommand(); } }
// 抽象聚合类 public interface IListCollection { Iterator GetIterator(); } // 迭代器抽象类 public interface Iterator { bool MoveNext(); object GetCurrent(); void Next(); void Reset(); } // 具体聚合类 public class ConcreteList : IListCollection { int[] collection; public ConcreteList() { collection = new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 8 }; } public Iterator GetIterator() { return new ConcreteIterator(this); } public int Length { get { return collection.Length; } } public int GetElement(int index) { return collection[index]; } } // 具体迭代器类 public class ConcreteIterator : Iterator { // 迭代器要集合对象进行遍历操作,自然就需要引用集合对象 private ConcreteList _list; private int _index; public ConcreteIterator(ConcreteList list) { _list = list; _index = 0; } public bool MoveNext() { if (_index < _list.Length) { return true; } return false; } public object GetCurrent() { return _list.GetElement(_index); } public void Reset() { _index = 0; } public void Next() { if (_index < _list.Length) { _index++; } } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Iterator iterator; IListCollection list = new ConcreteList(); iterator = list.GetIterator(); while (iterator.MoveNext()) { int i = (int)iterator.GetCurrent(); Debug.Log(i.ToString()); iterator.Next(); } } }
17.中介模式 现实生活中,中介者的存在是不可缺少的,如果没有了中介者,我们就不能与远方的朋友进行交流了。而在软件设计领域,为什么要使用中介者模式呢?如果不使用中介者模式的话,各个同事对象将会相互进行引用,如果每个对象都与多个对象进行交互时,将会形成如下图所示的网状结构。
// 抽象牌友类 public abstract class AbstractCardPartner { public int MoneyCount { get; set; } public AbstractCardPartner() { MoneyCount = 0; } public abstract void ChangeCount(int Count, AbstractMediator mediator); } // 牌友A类 public class ParterA : AbstractCardPartner { // 依赖与抽象中介者对象 public override void ChangeCount(int Count, AbstractMediator mediator) { mediator.AWin(Count); } } // 牌友B类 public class ParterB : AbstractCardPartner { // 依赖与抽象中介者对象 public override void ChangeCount(int Count, AbstractMediator mediator) { mediator.BWin(Count); } } // 抽象中介者类 public abstract class AbstractMediator { protected AbstractCardPartner A; protected AbstractCardPartner B; public AbstractMediator(AbstractCardPartner a, AbstractCardPartner b) { A = a; B = b; } public abstract void AWin(int count); public abstract void BWin(int count); } // 具体中介者类 public class MediatorPater : AbstractMediator { public MediatorPater(AbstractCardPartner a, AbstractCardPartner b) : base(a, b) { } public override void AWin(int count) { A.MoneyCount += count; B.MoneyCount -= count; } public override void BWin(int count) { B.MoneyCount += count; A.MoneyCount -= count; } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { AbstractCardPartner A = new ParterA(); AbstractCardPartner B = new ParterB(); // 初始钱 A.MoneyCount = 20; B.MoneyCount = 20; AbstractMediator mediator = new MediatorPater(A, B); // A赢了 A.ChangeCount(5, mediator); Debug.Log("A 现在的钱是:{0}" + A.MoneyCount);// 应该是25 Debug.Log("B 现在的钱是:{0}" + B.MoneyCount); // 应该是15 } }
18.状态模式 状态和行为,状态的改变引起行为的改变。下面利用观察者模式和状态者模式来完善中介者模式?(高深啊)
19.策略者模式 策略模式是对算法的包装,是把使用算法的责任和算法本身分割开,委派给不同的对象负责。策略模式通常把一系列的算法包装到一系列的策略类里面。用一句话慨括策略模式就是——“将每个算法封装到不同的策略类中,使得它们可以互换”
// 所得税计算策略 public interface ITaxStragety { double CalculateTax(double income); } // 个人所得税 public class PersonalTaxStrategy : ITaxStragety { public double CalculateTax(double income) { return income * 0.12; } } // 企业所得税 public class EnterpriseTaxStrategy : ITaxStragety { public double CalculateTax(double income) { return (income - 3500) > 0 ? (income - 3500) * 0.045 : 0.0; } } public class InterestOperation { private ITaxStragety m_strategy; public InterestOperation(ITaxStragety strategy) { this.m_strategy = strategy; } public double GetTax(double income) { return m_strategy.CalculateTax(income); } } public class mytes : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // 个人所得税方式 InterestOperation operation = new InterestOperation(new PersonalTaxStrategy()); Console.WriteLine("个人支付的税为:{0}", operation.GetTax(5000.00)); // 企业所得税 operation = new InterestOperation(new EnterpriseTaxStrategy()); Console.WriteLine("企业支付的税为:{0}", operation.GetTax(50000.00)); } }
我们就需要多重if-else语句来进行判断,但当加入一个新的条件范围时,我们又不得不去修改原来设计的方法来再添加一个条件判断,这样的设计显然违背了“开-闭”原则。这时候,可以采用责任链模式来解决这样的问题 开闭原装有很多啊?
namespace ChainofResponsibility { // 采购请求 public class PurchaseRequest { // 金额 public double Amount { get; set; } // 产品名字 public string ProductName { get; set; } public PurchaseRequest(double amount, string productName) { Amount = amount; ProductName = productName; } } // 审批人,Handler public abstract class Approver { public Approver NextApprover { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Approver(string name) { this.Name = name; } public abstract void ProcessRequest(PurchaseRequest request); } // ConcreteHandler public class Manager : Approver { public Manager(string name) : base(name) { } public override void ProcessRequest(PurchaseRequest request) { if (request.Amount < 10000.0) { Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1} approved the request of purshing {2}", this, Name, request.ProductName); } else if (NextApprover != null) { NextApprover.ProcessRequest(request); } } } // ConcreteHandler,副总 public class VicePresident : Approver { public VicePresident(string name) : base(name) { } public override void ProcessRequest(PurchaseRequest request) { if (request.Amount < 25000.0) { Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1} approved the request of purshing {2}", this, Name, request.ProductName); } else if (NextApprover != null) { NextApprover.ProcessRequest(request); } } } // ConcreteHandler,总经理 public class President :Approver { public President(string name) : base(name) { } public override void ProcessRequest(PurchaseRequest request) { if (request.Amount < 100000.0) { Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1} approved the request of purshing {2}", this, Name, request.ProductName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Request需要组织一个会议讨论"); } } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { PurchaseRequest requestTelphone = new PurchaseRequest(4000.0, "Telphone"); PurchaseRequest requestSoftware = new PurchaseRequest(10000.0, "Visual Studio"); PurchaseRequest requestComputers = new PurchaseRequest(40000.0, "Computers"); Approver manager = new Manager("LearningHard"); Approver Vp = new VicePresident("Tony"); Approver Pre = new President("BossTom"); // 设置责任链 manager.NextApprover = Vp; Vp.NextApprover = Pre; // 处理请求 manager.ProcessRequest(requestTelphone); manager.ProcessRequest(requestSoftware); manager.ProcessRequest(requestComputers); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
访问者模式是封装一些施加于某种数据结构之上的操作。一旦这些操作需要修改的话,接受这个操作的数据结构则可以保存不变。访问者模式适用于数据结构相对稳定的系统, 它把数据结构和作用于数据结构之上的操作之间的耦合度降低,使得操作集合可以相对自由地改变。
namespace VistorPattern { // 抽象元素角色 public abstract class Element { public abstract void Accept(IVistor vistor); public abstract void Print(); } // 具体元素A public class ElementA :Element { public override void Accept(IVistor vistor) { // 调用访问者visit方法 vistor.Visit(this); } public override void Print() { Console.WriteLine("我是元素A"); } } // 具体元素B public class ElementB :Element { public override void Accept(IVistor vistor) { vistor.Visit(this); } public override void Print() { Console.WriteLine("我是元素B"); } } // 抽象访问者 public interface IVistor { void Visit(ElementA a); void Visit(ElementB b); } // 具体访问者 public class ConcreteVistor :IVistor { // visit方法而是再去调用元素的Accept方法 public void Visit(ElementA a) { a.Print(); } public void Visit(ElementB b) { b.Print(); } } // 对象结构 public class ObjectStructure { private ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); public ArrayList Elements { get { return elements; } } public ObjectStructure() { Random ran = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int ranNum = ran.Next(10); if (ranNum > 5) { elements.Add(new ElementA()); } else { elements.Add(new ElementB()); } } } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ObjectStructure objectStructure = new ObjectStructure(); foreach (Element e in objectStructure.Elements) { // 每个元素接受访问者访问 e.Accept(new ConcreteVistor()); } Console.Read(); } } }
// 联系人 public class ContactPerson { public string Name { get; set; } public string MobileNum { get; set; } } // 发起人 public class MobileOwner { // 发起人需要保存的内部状态 public List<ContactPerson> ContactPersons { get; set; } public MobileOwner(List<ContactPerson> persons) { ContactPersons = persons; } // 创建备忘录,将当期要保存的联系人列表导入到备忘录中 public ContactMemento CreateMemento() { // 这里也应该传递深拷贝,new List方式传递的是浅拷贝, // 因为ContactPerson类中都是string类型,所以这里new list方式对ContactPerson对象执行了深拷贝 // 如果ContactPerson包括非string的引用类型就会有问题,所以这里也应该用序列化传递深拷贝 return new ContactMemento(new List<ContactPerson>(this.ContactPersons)); } // 将备忘录中的数据备份导入到联系人列表中 public void RestoreMemento(ContactMemento memento) { // 下面这种方式是错误的,因为这样传递的是引用, // 则删除一次可以恢复,但恢复之后再删除的话就恢复不了. // 所以应该传递contactPersonBack的深拷贝,深拷贝可以使用序列化来完成 this.ContactPersons = memento.contactPersonBack; } public void Show() { Console.WriteLine("联系人列表中有{0}个人,他们是:", ContactPersons.Count); foreach (ContactPerson p in ContactPersons) { Console.WriteLine("姓名: {0} 号码为: {1}", p.Name, p.MobileNum); } } } // 备忘录 public class ContactMemento { // 保存发起人的内部状态 public List<ContactPerson> contactPersonBack; public ContactMemento(List<ContactPerson> persons) { contactPersonBack = persons; } } // 管理角色 public class Caretaker { public ContactMemento ContactM { get; set; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<ContactPerson> persons = new List<ContactPerson>() { new ContactPerson() { Name= "Learning Hard", MobileNum = "123445"}, new ContactPerson() { Name = "Tony", MobileNum = "234565"}, new ContactPerson() { Name = "Jock", MobileNum = "231455"} }; MobileOwner mobileOwner = new MobileOwner(persons); mobileOwner.Show(); // 创建备忘录并保存备忘录对象 Caretaker caretaker = new Caretaker(); caretaker.ContactM = mobileOwner.CreateMemento(); // 更改发起人联系人列表 Console.WriteLine("----移除最后一个联系人--------"); mobileOwner.ContactPersons.RemoveAt(2); mobileOwner.Show(); // 恢复到原始状态 Console.WriteLine("-------恢复联系人列表------"); mobileOwner.RestoreMemento(caretaker.ContactM); mobileOwner.Show(); Console.Read(); } }
标签:一句话 proxy 0.12 ring pem restore log 电话 简化