标签:blog io os sp 2014 c on log r
分析:数学题,分治。s + s+1 + ... + n = n*(n+1)/2 - s*(s-1)/2 = (n+s)*(n-s+1)/2。
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; long long sum(long long s, long long n) { return (n-s+1LL)*(n+s)/2LL; } long long bs(int S, long long D) { long long mid,l = 1LL,r = 100000000LL; while (l < r) { mid = l+(r-l)/2LL; if (sum(S, mid) >= D) r = mid; else l = mid+1LL; } return r; } int main() { long long s,D; while (cin >> s >> D) cout << bs(s, D) << endl; return 0; }
UVa 10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms
标签:blog io os sp 2014 c on log r