标签:通过 eating stp sse cond imp this public 手动
@(135- Block Chain| 区块链)
如何减少gas 消耗?
遍历数组 traverse array——> 映射 Mapping
Hash table
Key - Value
types of Key in solidity
(bool,int ,address,string)
当key 不存在,value = type‘s default // 不会抛出异常
function checkEmployee(address employeeId) returns(uint salary,uint lastPayday){ //quary the information of employees
//name the returned parameter 命名参数返回
"0": "uint256: salary 1000000000000000000",
"1": "uint256: lastPayday 1530411588"
// return (employee.salary,employee.lastPayday);
salary = employee.salary;
lastPayday = employee.lastPayday;
private 对继承类不可见
contract Parent{
function someFunc() returns (uint);
contract Child is Parent{
function someFunc() returns (uint){
return 1;
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
interface Parent{
function someFunc() returns (uint);
contract Child is Parent{
function someFunc() returns (uint){
return 1;
contract Base2{
function func1(){}
contract Final is Base1,Base2 {
contract test{
Final f = new Final();
f.func1();//Base2 的function1被调用(从后往前,由于先继承base1,再继承base2)
contract foundation{
function func1{
//do stuff
contract Base1 is foundation{
function func1(){
contract Base2 is foundation{
function func1(){
contract Final is Base1,Base2{
Final f = new Final();
pragma solidity ^0.4.0
contract Parent {
uint public a=2;
modifier someModifier(){
a = 1;
function parentFunc2(uint value) someModifer public returns(uint){
a = value;
//下划线等效加入一句 modify a=1;
return a;
contract Test {
uint8 public a = 0;
function set(){
a -= 100;
a: uint8: 156
contract Test {
uint8 public a = 0;
function set(){
uint c = a - 100;
a = c;
import ‘./SafeMath.sol‘; //local file,download from github
contract Test {
using SafeMath for uint8;
uint8 public a = 0;
function set(){
a = a.sub(100);
//a = SafeMath.sub(a,100);
pragma solidity ^0.4.14;
import './SafeMath.sol';
import './Ownable.sol'; //Github - Zppelin-solidity
contract Payroll{
using SafeMath for uint;
struct Employee{
address id;
uint salary;
uint lastPayday;
// uint constant payDuration = 30 days;
uint constant payDuration = 10 seconds;//for test:10 seconds
uint totalSalary;
address owner;
mapping(address => Employee)public employees;
// function Payroll(){//construction function
// owner = msg.sender; // in ownable.sol
// }
// modifier onlyOwner{ //in Ownable.sol
// require(msg.sender == owner);
// _; //represent the function been modified, 除了return之外的语句
// }
modifier employeeExist(address employeeId){
var employee = employees[employeeId];
assert(employee.id != 0x0);//confirm that exist
function _partialPaid(Employee employee) private{
uint payment = employee.salary * (now - employee.lastPayday) /payDuration;//if exist , calculate payment注意整除
function addEmployee(address employeeId,uint salary)onlyOwner{
// require(msg.sender == owner);//whether is onwner
var employee = employees[employeeId];//var - any type
assert(employee.id == 0x0);//confirm that exist
totalSalary += salary *1 ether;
employees[employeeId] = Employee(employeeId,salary* 1 ether,now);
function removeEmployee(address employeeId)onlyOwner employeeExist(employeeId){
// require(msg.sender == owner);//whether is onwner
// var (employee,index) = _findEmloyee(employeeId);
var employee = employees[employeeId];
totalSalary -=employees[employeeId].salary;
delete employees[employeeId];//left with a blank in the array,wasteful
function updateEmployee(address employeeId,uint salary)onlyOwner employeeExist(employeeId){
//require(msg.sender == owner);
//Equivalently 等效
// if (msg.sender != owner){//avoid employee cheating
// revert();
// }
var employee = employees[employeeId];
totalSalary -= employees[employeeId].salary;
employees[employeeId].salary = salary *1 ether;
totalSalary += employees[employeeId].salary;
employees[employeeId].lastPayday = now;
function addFund() payable returns(uint){
return this.balance;//address.balance
function calculateRunway()returns(uint)
{ //how many times left to pay
return this.balance / totalSalary;
function hasEnoughFund() returns(bool){
// return this.balance >=salary;
//return this.calculateRunway() > 0; //this方法 使用的gas 较多,不推荐
return calculateRunway() > 0; //vm jump 操作,使用gas较少,推荐
function checkEmployee(address employeeId) returns(uint salary,uint lastPayday){ //quary the information of employees
//name the returned parameter 命名参数返回
var employee = employees[employeeId];
// return (employee.salary,employee.lastPayday);
salary = employee.salary;
lastPayday = employee.lastPayday;
function getPaid() employeeExist(msg.sender){
var employee = employees[msg.sender];
//assert(employee.id != 0x0);//confirm that exist
uint nextPayday = employee.lastPayday + payDuration;
assert(nextPayday < now);
// if( nextPayday > now){
// revert();
//throw or revert
//throw: 所有的gas 均会被消耗殆尽
// }
employees[msg.sender].lastPayday = nextPayday;//原则:先修改内部变量,再给钱——》之后会讲,安全问题
标签:通过 eating stp sse cond imp this public 手动