标签:import RoCE 提高 数据分析 处理 ## 成本 ted 产生
2002年,研究者提出了SMOTE(Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique)方法来替代标准的随机过抽样方法,可以一定程度克服随机过抽样带来的过拟合问题,提高分类器的泛化能力。SMOTE方法通过在少类别样本的近邻中应用插值法创造新的少类别样本,而不再是简单的复制或赋予权重。
#============================== SMOTE算法伪代码 ===============================#
Algorithm 1 SMOTE algorithm
1: function SMOTE(T, N, k)
Input: T; N; k # T:Number of minority class examples
# N:Amount of oversampling
# K:Number of nearest neighbors
Output: (N/100) * T # synthetic minority class samples
Variables: Sample[][] # array for original minority class samples;
newindex # keeps a count of number of synthetic samples generated, initialized to 0;
Synthetic[][] # array for synthetic samples
2: if N < 100 then
3: Randomize the T minority class samples
4: T = (N/100)*T
5: N = 100
6: end if
7: N = (int)N/100 # The amount of SMOTE is assumed to be in integral multiples of 100.
8: for i = 1 to T do
9: Compute k nearest neighbors for i, and save the indices in the nnarray
10: POPULATE(N, i, nnarray)
11: end for
12: end function
Algorithm 2 Function to generate synthetic samples
1: function POPULATE(N, i, nnarray)
Input: N; i; nnarray # N:instances to create
# i:original sample index
# nnarray:array of nearest neighbors
Output: N new synthetic samples in Synthetic array
2: while N != 0 do
3: nn = random(1,k)
4: for attr = 1 to numattrs do # numattrs:Number of attributes
5: Compute: dif = Sample[nnarray[nn]][attr] ? Sample[i][attr]
6: Compute: gap = random(0, 1)
7: Synthetic[newindex][attr] = Sample[i][attr] + gap * dif
8: end for
9: newindex + +
10: N ? ?
11: end while
12: end function
####### python3.6 ########
import random
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
def smote_sampling(samples, N=100, K=5):
n_samples, n_attrs = samples.shape
if N<100:
n_samples = int(N/100*n_samples)
indx = random.sample(range(len(samples)), n_samples)
samples = samples[indx]
N = 100
N = int(N/100)
synthetic = np.zeros((n_samples * N, n_attrs))
newindex = 0
for i in range(n_samples):
for j in range(N):
nn = random.randint(1, K)
dif = samples[nnarray[nn]]- samples[i]
gap = random.random()
synthetic[newindex] = samples[i] + gap * dif
newindex += 1
return synthetic
python 中有封装好的SMOTE方法,在实践中可以直接调用该方法,具体参数可以查看官方文档。简单应用举例:
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from collections import Counter
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
# 生成数据集
X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, class_sep=2,
weights=[0.1, 0.9], n_informative=3,
n_redundant=1, flip_y=0,
n_features=20, n_clusters_per_class=1,
n_samples=1000, random_state=9)
# 类别比例
# SMOTE合成新数据
sm = SMOTE(ratio={0: 900}, random_state=1)
X_res, y_res = sm.fit_sample(X, y)
# 新数据类别比例
标签:import RoCE 提高 数据分析 处理 ## 成本 ted 产生