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Daily record-July

时间:2018-07-05 10:16:10      阅读:144      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:ike   cell   fit   time   catch   done   span   app   工作   

1. Nonsense! 胡说八道!
2. Who Cares! 谁管你呀!
3. It‘s on me.我来付。
4. It‘s a deal. 一言为定。
5. I‘ve done my best. 我已尽力了。
6. Who cares about some stupid vacation? 谁在乎什么愚蠢的度假。
7. Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources. 耗尽世界的自然资源毋庸置疑是愚蠢的经济行为。
8. Let‘s dine out this evening. it‘s on me. 让我们出去吃饭吧,今天我请客。
9. It‘s a deal then? you‘ll pay me two thousand pounds for the car. 那么,就这样决定了?你要付我2000英镑的汽车钱。
10. Winning is great but if I‘ve done my best, I accept whatever the outcome. 赢,固然好,但如果我已经尽了全力,无论结果怎样我都能接受。

1. Don‘t be so modest. 别这么谦虚。
2. Don‘t give up.别放弃。
3. I can‘t afford it.我买不起。
4. Whatever.随你怎么说吧。
5. It won‘t happen again.下不为例。
6. Don‘t be so modest! I‘m sure you are excellent.不要这样谦虚!我肯定你很优秀。
7. Don‘t give up! keep smile! I‘m to be with you! 不要轻言放弃,保持微笑,有我和你在一起!
8. It‘s too expensive. I can‘t afford it. 太贵了,买不起。
9. Do whatever you like. 你喜欢做什么就做什么。
10. It won‘t happen again. I can promise you that. 我向你发誓,这事再也不会发生了。

1. Don‘t push me.别逼我。
2. Who knows!天晓得!
3. It is urgent.有急事。
4. Easy does it.慢慢来,小点声。
5. God works.上帝的安排。
6. Don‘t push me when I‘m tired or I will get angry. 在我累的时候别惹我,不然我会生气的。
7. Who knows most says least. 懂得最多的人,说得最少。
8. It is urgent that I should have this money without delay. 我急于要这笔钱,不能拖迟。
9. Easy does it! Your dad is sleeping on the sofa. 轻声点,你爸爸在沙发上睡着了。
10. God works on his time table. 上帝有他工作的时间表。

1. The walls have ears!隔墙有耳!
2. Don‘t mention it. 没关系,别客气。
3. Nice talking to you!很高兴和你聊天!
4. Don‘t let me down. 别让我失望。
5. You always forget your wallet. 你总是忘带钱包。
6. I always catch this bus. 我总是搭乘这辆公交。
7. I told you that I have a bad memory. 我跟你说了我记性不好了。
8. Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前请洗手。
9. Please wash your hands with soap. 打打肥皂。
10. This bus goes all the way to the zoo, right? 这辆公交车一路开到动物园,对吗?

1. A plan to have a picnic. 计划去野餐。
2. Her dad got a job in California. 她爸爸在加利福尼亚找了份工作。
3. That sounds like a good plan. So just cheer up! 这是个好主意。所以开心一点吧
4. Then Cindy will be joining us. Where is she? 那辛蒂会跟我们一起去的。她在哪儿呢?
5. Do you ever wake up at night feeling short of breath? 你晚上醒来感觉不舒服吗?
6. It’s harder to breathe in. 很难吸气
7. I‘ve got a problem with my vacuum cleaner. 我的吸尘器有一个问题。
8. I‘m not sure. Do you have some good introduce. 我还拿不定,你有什么好的介绍。
9. Good evening, miss. What can I do for you? 晚上好,小姐。需要我为你做什么?
10. Well.This fits me perfectly. 这个非常适合我了。

Daily record-July

标签:ike   cell   fit   time   catch   done   span   app   工作   


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