标签:ubuntu max sse 国外 路径 中间 number \n lines
EOS主网已经上线,但是市面上还没有特别好用的钱包,所以只能自己动手丰衣足食了,在编译运行EOS代码的时候遇到不少的问题,这边记录一下。 使用Ubuntu 16.04在本地编译是没有遇到什么问题的,基本上一条命令就编译过去了,但是由于大部分的EOS节点都在国外,所以同步区块特别慢,所以还是买了一个美国的ECS,我购买是阿里云硅谷的服务器,github同步的时候十几M一秒,在国内是不敢想象的。
如果是在本地的ubuntu 16.04编译的话,基本上3条命令就可以编译出来了,跟着官方文档,没有出现什么意外
apt update apt upgrade之后运行上面3条命令,基本没有遇到问题。都能直接过。我主要记录一下在阿里云的服务器上编译的问题。购买的是阿里云的ubuntu 16.04版本服务器,首先一个是云服务器只有2G内存,40G硬盘,编译的时候报错内存和硬盘不够,修改eosio_build_ubuntu.sh文件
vi scripts/eosio_build_ubuntu.sh |
# if [ "${MEM_MEG}" -lt 7000 ]; then |
# printf "\\tYour system must have 7 or more Gigabytes of physical memory installed.\\n" |
# printf "\\tExiting now.\\n" |
# if [ "${DISK_AVAIL%.*}" -lt "${DISK_MIN}" ]; then |
# printf "\\tYou must have at least %sGB of available storage to install EOSIO.\\n" "${DISK_MIN}" |
# printf "\\tExiting now.\\n" |
make: the ‘-j‘ option requires a positive integer argument |
Usage: make [options] [target] ... |
-b, -m Ignored for compatibility. |
-B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. |
Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything. |
-d Print lots of debugging information. |
--debug[=FLAGS] Print various types of debugging information. |
-e, --environment-overrides |
Environment variables override makefiles. |
--eval=STRING Evaluate STRING as a makefile statement. |
-f FILE , --file= FILE , --makefile= FILE |
-h, --help Print this message and exit . |
-i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors from recipes. |
-I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY |
Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. |
-j [N], --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. |
-k, --keep-going Keep going when some targets can‘t be made. |
-l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] |
Don‘t start multiple jobs unless load is below N. |
-L, --check-symlink-times Use the latest mtime between symlinks and target. |
-n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon |
Don‘t actually run any recipe; just print them. |
-o FILE , --old-file= FILE , --assume-old= FILE |
Consider FILE to be very old and don‘t remake it. |
-O[TYPE], --output-sync[=TYPE] |
Synchronize output of parallel jobs by TYPE. |
-p, --print-data-base Print make‘s internal database. |
-q, --question Run no recipe; exit status says if up to date. |
-r, --no-builtin-rules Disable the built-in implicit rules. |
-R, --no-builtin-variables Disable the built-in variable settings. |
-s, --silent, --quiet Don‘t echo recipes. |
-S, --no-keep-going, --stop |
-t, --touch Touch targets instead of remaking them. |
--trace Print tracing information. |
-v, --version Print the version number of make and exit . |
-w, --print-directory Print the current directory. |
--no-print-directory Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly. |
-W FILE , --what- if = FILE , -- new -file= FILE , --assume- new = FILE |
Consider FILE to be infinitely new . |
--warn-undefined-variables Warn when an undefined variable is referenced. |
This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu |
Report bugs to <bug-make@gnu.org> |
Error compiling LLVM and clang with EXPERIMENTAL WASM support.1 |
我试了一下,从mongo-c-driver 到llvm全部出错,这个应该是make的问题?好吧,看来脚本没法搞了,就自己手动一个一个编译。运行./eosio_build.sh的时候哪个出错,就在tmp目录下根据下面这个文本教程做就可以了。 只是有一个问题,mongo-cxx-driver驱动不能使用教程的最新版。
把git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver.git –branch releases/stable –depth 1
换成git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver.git –branch releases/v3.2 –depth 1
最新版本的mongo-cxx-driver驱动依赖高版本的 libbson 库,我们换成3.2就可以了,不然编译会失败。
从mongo-c-driver mongo-cxx-driver 到secp256k1-zkp到 llvm我都是手动编译的,另外根据那个教程在编译llvm的时候也有问题,因为EOS的检测路径改了,在script/eosio_build_ubuntu.sh目录下面看到有这个命令
printf "\\n\\tChecking for LLVM with WASM support.\\n" |
if [ ! -d "${HOME}/opt/wasm/bin" ]; then |
# Build LLVM and clang with WASM support: |
printf "\\tInstalling LLVM with WASM\\n" |
printf "\\n\\tUnable to cd into directory %s.\\n" "${TEMP_DIR}" |
printf "\\n\\tExiting now.\\n" |
if ! mkdir "${TEMP_DIR}/llvm-compiler" 2>/dev/null |
检测的是home目录下的文件,所以根据上面的教程在llvm cmake的时候需要改动一下,将
安装目录改到了home目录下面才能被EOS的eosio_build_ubuntu.sh检测到。我日,搞到这里才发现之前为什么make会失败,之前的make失败是因为本地ubuntu 的shell都有这个变量${JOBS}在阿里云的机器上没有所以失败才会产生之前的make失败。。。惨痛的教训,用vi打开eosio_build_ubuntu.sh输入以下命令
:0, $s/make -j”${JOBS}”/make -j2/g
这条命令的意思是把所有的make -j”${JOBS}”替换成make -j2因为我买的阿里云服务器是双核的,你可以根据具体情况自己修改。这样就可以像本地一样直接编译了。不过还好,也算是手工搞了一遍,把EOS依赖库都熟悉了一遍,不过搞了几天,这个代价有点大。趟了一路的雷!!!
EOSIO 1.0.7 编译配置运行
标签:ubuntu max sse 国外 路径 中间 number \n lines