标签:一点 def oid 检测 操作 注意 动态 cpp eve
systemC的时序逻辑建模#include "base.h" #ifndef STREAMCHECK #define STREAMCHECK const int size = 3 ; SC_MODULE(streamcheck){ sc_in<bool >stream_in , clk ; sc_out<bool> check ; sc_signal<sc_uint<size> > reg ; void move(); void getcheck(); SC_CTOR(streamcheck){ reg = 0 ; SC_METHOD(move); sensitive_pos<<clk; // sequential logic , triggered by the clk !!! sc_METHOD(check); sensitive<<reg ; // combinational logic , determine by the reg . // Hold one thing ! the sc_signal is equal to the reg type in the verilog hdl . } }; #endif
#include "streamcheck.h" void streamcheck::move(){ sc_uint<size> reg_temp = reg.read(); reg_temp = (reg_temp>>1,stream_in.read()); reg = reg_temp ; } void streamcheck::getcheck(){ sc_uint<size> temp = reg.read(); check = temp[0] & temp[1] & temp[2] ; // when checked the instream all are "1" , get the check port 1 !!! }
标签:一点 def oid 检测 操作 注意 动态 cpp eve